Art Investment

Monthly auction "Russian enamel" in art. A brief summary

On pre-Easter auction, April 15, sold a total of 11.8 million rubles. With the hammer went 52% of 525 lots

Again it was Saturday, and again collectors and art-дилеры gathered in a cozy hall of the auction house "Russian enamel" to bargain and root for lots of the monthly auction of Russian and Western European art. Collection full hall not hurt nor dug up for trenches, the Boulevard ring, no preparation for the Passover, nor invitingly Sunny weather. The number of people in the room remained approximately the same during almost the whole of the auction. People came and went, but even four hundred lots could count over 20 people spectators and active participants. One of the participants came closer to the end of the auction, start to ask yours truly about the fate of one or another already passed a lot (apparently hoping for post-auction purchase). But over and over again was that interested her a lot already purchased, and often several times more expensive start. After another such of her issue and my disappointing response, the lady with a sigh of regret said, "And even though-то not sold?" Yes, of course, many items were left without a buyer. But the most welcome things went to those who were in the room or the time to bet by phone and online; the others kept up only at the finish.

From General observations, let us turn to statistics. Of the 525 lots went under the hammer 272 (52 %). Total revenue made up 11.85 million RUB., which is 35% of the average total estimate of the auction. The participants in the hall bought lot 64, phone buyers got 98 lots, absentee rates went 35 lots, and finally 75 lots bought over the Internet.

is the highest cumulative percentage for the money may explain the relatively modest performance of the section of fine arts, which constituted almost half of the catalog (250 lots from 525). Here it was sold 98 lots (39 %). Revenue section amounted to 3.7 million RUB — only 16 % of the total estimate. This stems from several unsold top-лотов seven-figure score.

No buyer were "Portrait of General-лейтенанта, Senator A. I. Myasoedova" brush of a leading Russian portraitist of the mid-nineteenth century, Sergei Konstantinovich Zaryanko. The hand of the master at work, of course, is felt, but the rating 3.53–3.6 million RUB was, to put it mildly, overstated. Only selling work Zaryanko for comparable money took place in Geneva in 2013, but there is over $56 thousand was sold the portrait is still very young (without the usual beard) the future Emperor Alexander III. At the auction on 15 April for $62-64 thousand offered to purchase a portrait of the hoary party of the Napoleonic wars] and the Senator whose name it is unlikely that-то tell the layman on the history of the nineteenth century.

Strengthened the compilation of the directory, but negatively impacted the sales statistics three graphic works by artists of the first row — Nikolai Feshin and Kuzma Petrov-Водкина. In 2-2. 1 mln. in one lot was offered two fairly large pechinski charcoal drawing — "Nude" and "Female head. Hands." Both works are published in monographs on the chart Feshin, but that's how they should be evaluated in the realities of today's domestic art-рынка — the big question. Approximately $18 thousand for the drawing wanted a deliverer, but in fact the last (2016) result graphs Feshin — is $7.5 thousand for a good portrait of similar format, and that it was inNew-Йорке, the auction Shapiro.

For drawing Petrov-Водкина (namely, a pencil portrait of the artist's wife Maria Fedorovna Petrova-Водкиной) also wanted to get a 1-1,1 mln. Here, the rating was closer to the truth (in the end of 2016, another figure of Petrov-Водкина was sold for 800 thousand rubles. in Moscow auction). But the picture of the Museum values its customer, alas, not found.

As well, in that case, demand in the visual tab, if not Feshin with Petrov-Водкиным? For example, lithography of I. I. Shishkin. All four went under the hammer at 22-24 thousand RUB apiece in the evaluation of 15-17 thousand rbl. For each lithography traded a few phone and online-участников.

was a Lot in auction-selection of paintings on a religious theme. So, two works with the title "Preaching of Christ on Genisaretsky lake" (both — n/x) was sold for 36 and 70 thousand RUB thousand RUB, respectively. And a copy of a painting by S. D. Miloradovich "Black Cathedral. The Solovetsky monastery uprising against novobachaty books in 1666", made by an unknown artist in the late nineteenth century, found a new owner among online-игроков for 100 thousand rubles.

240 thousand rubles, the participants evaluated the work of the Ukrainian landscape painter S. I. Vasilkovsky "On the river Donets, Kharkiv" (estimate 202-222 thousand rubles). Lots went to telephone to the player. Further, telephone and Internet-игрок have argued for a genre picture "Two at the piano" (1902) pupil of V. E. Makovsky — D. N. Polozova: in the result the lot has increased in price from 142 to 240 thousand rubles.

a good excess left floral still lifes Aria Axelrod (two phones and a hall raised a lot in price from 10 to 75 thousand roubles) and Porphyria (three phones and Internet were traded from 60 to 130 thousand rubles).

Snatched illustration by artist-графика I. A. Timofeev (1905-1994) to "the Adventures of Baron Munchausen" and "Cinderella". The struggle for the drawings was among several participants in the room and the Internet. In the end, the sets of 10 and 7 of the drawings to the "Munchausen" was sold in the room for 46 and 30 thousand rbl. accordingly in the evaluation of each of 15-17 thousand.

To beginning of section decorative-прикладного art has been traditional shift change of collectors in the audience were new faces, and the bidding went to bouchee. In a string of icons of the 28 lots purchased 16 almost 2 million rubles (88 % of the valuation of Thong). Icon "our lady of Tenderness Yakhromskiy" the beginning of the XIX century wastop-лотом string. It was argued by several participants in the hall, Internet, phones. In the end, with 125-165 thousand RUB lot jumped to 525 thousand RUB won phone the player. Another top-лотом became the priestly pectoral cross, made at the Moscow factory of Ivan Alexeev in 1894. This piece of jewelry made of silver inlaid with emerald, a green beryl, and jewelry with inlays of glass were arguing about players in the hall, by phone and online. But the most persistent was the Internet-участник has made a final bid of 480 thousand rubles (estimate was 235-250 thousand rubles).

Extensive string of silverware (from 74 lots) was sold at 63% for the lots (purchased 47 lots) and 65% of the money (proceeds of 1.95 million RUB compared to almost RUB 3 million estimate). What-то extraordinary price spikes in the string of silver did not happen. All just very well and consistently sold. For example, over 220 thousand rubles by correspondence rate purchase silver mug, 1863, Riga made by master Alexander Cordes in Saint-Петербурге (est 180-225 thousand rubles). In addition, over 160 thousand rubles by correspondence rate was sold a silver vase "Bogatyrskaya Zastava" Moscow masters Mikhail Tarasov 1908-1917. (est 118-135 thousand RUB).

Fourth, but not least was the string of jewelry. By the way, if you make a request to the search engine Google according to "Russian enamel", the first popular will request the "Russian enamel jewelry". So-то. This time a string of jewelry was 32 lots, of which bought 19 (59 %) for a total amount of 1.86 million RUB (79% of the average total estimate). Traded a lot of phones in the hall, via the Internet. Almost every lot left to fight, and often the most persistent were participants in the hall. For example, from 41 to 81 thousand RUB thousand RUB argued for a set of gold rings and earrings with turquoise (won by hall). A chic brooch-подвеска art Nouveau "Dragonfly" in the fight two full-time players has risen more than 7 times: the lot was awarded to the winner, over 300 thousand rubles at the start of 40 thousand. Finally, top-лотом jewelry Thong and by the way, the whole auction was a with pendant (a special kind of necklaces, which became popular in the "roaring 1920-х") with a pearl and sapphire pendant (wizard-монограммист "АΘ", 1908-1917). Three participants in the hall arguing for this exquisite decoration from 450 to 900 thousand rubles.

After a very small Thong glass (went 9 of 14 lots for 303 thousand rubles) came into its ownporcelain and to say that he ruled by the doom collectors virtually unchallenged. To the beginning section of China profits more buyers, the total number in the hall reached 23-25. Sold out almost all —, 70 of the 94 lots (75 %) for a total of 1.65 million RUB (88 % of the mean estimate). Biscuit dishes, dishes, plates, teacups, sugar bowls, milk jugs — almost all were sold. As for small porcelain figurines, she basically got online-игрокам. Moreover, according to the auctioneer Sergei, left porcelain figurines is not in one hand, and to different buyers. The most memorable porcelain bust of the stage Director V. E. Meyerhold, made at the Lomonosov porcelain factory in 1930-х years model Kukryniksy. During this exhibition hall was traded from the part-time rate, but the latter was still higher: the hammer price was 160 thousand rubles at the start of 60 thousand.

In anticipation of the holiday of Light Easter auction house including a selection of 16 lots of porcelain Easter eggs. Of them bought a 14 for a total of over 350 thousand. the Most expensive was the Easter egg with flaming glaze, made in the Imperial porcelain factory in the late XIX — the beginning of the XX century. Bought phone player 60 thousand. (score 35-55 thousand RUB)

the Final section of the bronze sculptures, table lamps, ivory and other nice things brought another 350 thousand rubles in the Treasury of the auction house. Exceeded the estimate by more than half, panel "a dream come true" 1966: the Mstera agitec bought for 70 thousand rubles estimé 20-30 thousand rubles.

Diverse and rich turned next auction of Russian and Western European art at the "Russian enamel." It only remains to wish the organizers to maintain the same good rate of reference in future auctions of antique paper next Saturday, April 22, and of course, adequate assessments and sales growth (and the one with the other directly interconnected) in the segment of fine art.

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