World theatre day in the "literary Fund". The results of trades on March 25
Large catalog sold almost half. Total revenues exceeded 13 million rubles
Thematic auction of the collection in recent years become a rarity. In an attempt to reach the largest possible audience the maximum that can afford most of the auction houses, — themed g-string under the teams directory. Fortunately, the "Antiquarium" by-прежнему collect fairly extensive (enough for the whole catalogue) and a decent standard (to attract audience) collection of works on a particular interesting topic.
on March 25 in the walls of the auction house was the big 50-й auction "Russian enamel" on the world theatre day. The auction was held in two sessions. Lots 105 first session was given to painting, graphics and decorative-прикладного art. In the rare book collection of the second session organizers have included lots 328 — books on theatre and fine art, autographs, posters, photos, documents, programs and a variety of rare books.
the Directory is played for 2.5 hours, in which fit and the auction of passion, and a small, three minutes break between sessions and then often return to the unsold lots at the request of the Internet-участников. With the hammer in new hands went 47,9 % (208 of 433) lots. Total revenue amounted to 13.2 million rubles, i.e. slightly more than half of the mean estimate of the directory.
the First session of bidding was surprised, in addition to worthy collection of works by Alexander Benois and avant-garde theatre charts the beginning of XX century the hands of Gregory Pozhidaeva, Valentina Khodasevich, Fyodor Fedorovsky, etc., unusual disproportion of bidders in the hall and on the Internet: about 3 to one in favor of the hall. While personally present in the hall decided more than twenty people, in real time over the course of the auction observed (and occasionally participated) in just eight people.
For half an hour that it took leading Helen mountain, at the first session of trading, the new owners left 44 lot (almost 42 % of the catalog) for a total amount of almost 5 million rubles, 63.5% of the average total estimate of the lots of the first session. And now the fun — activity participants: 25 lots left on the phone, another 14 pieces (mainly drawings) sold on absentee rates, 4 times successfully in the auction participated online-игроки, and one lot — cartoon Vladimir Galba to the Kirill Lavrov (lot 90) — for 4.2 thousand rubles, with absentee start in 3 thousand bought party in the hall.
Almost 20% of the total revenue of the first session, the organizers brought the sale of one of the undisputed top-лотов auction — graphic sketch of the scenery for the Comedy of K. Goldoni "Servant of two masters" called "Servant and master", created by Alexander Benois in 1920 (lot 15). With the launch of 750 thousand rubles absentee rate for the possession of the figure struggled from three candidates by phone. Moving steps and a half step, the strongest of them broke the resistance of the opponents bet of 925 thousand rubles and received the coveted sketch.
Benois, Alexander Nikolayevich (1870-1960) a Servant and master. Design for a Comedy of K. Goldoni "Servant of two masters." 1920
Paper, pencil, ink, pen, brush, watercolor, white. 35 × 53,5
the literary Fund. 25 Mar 2017. Lot 15
Estimate: 700 000-750 000.
sale Price: 925, 000.
litfund.ruLENTULOV Aristarchus Vasilyevich (1882-1943) Sister Marina and Nenila (daughterNightingale-разбойника. Sketch costumes for the play "Il'ya Muromets". 1939
Paper, pencil, watercolor. 42,5 x 30,5
the literary Fund. 25 Mar 2017. Lot 52
Estimate: 100 000-110 000 rubles.
sale Price: 320 000 RUB.
the Second cost item of the first session left to start and almost two times cheaper sketch Benoit: watercolor sketch scenery for the Opera "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky (1949) the work of Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (lot 68) was sold for 450 thousand rubles.
But for the sketch of the costumes of the daughters of the Nightingale-разбойника for the play "Il'ya Muromets" (1939) Aristarchus Lentulov (lot 52) between the absentee bidder and the Internet and multiple phones turned serious struggle, which began with 100 thousand rubles by correspondence rate and ended with a hammer price of 320 thousand rubles, that figure went to one of the participants on the phone.
the Remaining several tens of lots sold in the range from 4.2 to 280 thousand rubles without-либо significant upgrades relative to the start. With one exception. The particular enthusiasm at the telephone, absentee and Internet-покупателей caused a couple of portraits of Shostakovich (lots 88 and 89). So friendly cartoon Nikolai Sokolov, a black felt-tip pen on paper, "the Composer Shostakovich" (lot 88) were included in the catalogue with an estimate of 20-22 thousand rubles, started immediately with a 50 thousand rubles by correspondence rate was sold to an absentee buyer for 80 thousand rubles. Following "Portrait of D. Shostakovich" (1972) created by Tahir Salahov red ink on paper (lot 89, the start of 55 thousand rubles by correspondence rate), went on the phone and that is more expensive — 120 thousand rubles, 4 times higher than the estimate.
rare book session the jubilee auction "Russian enamel" (especially the second part) of the Internet showed a lot more interest. At peak times, draw the second part of the catalogue for auction online have seen more than forty people. 25 participants gathered to the beginning of the second session of the auction in the hall. Of the 329 lots of the new owners found 161 (49% of total) a total of 8.2 million rubles, or 48 % of the average "book" estimate. And most of the purchased — 68 lots took the Internet-игроки. But the other category of bidders purchase divided almost evenly: 30 lots went into the hall, 31 — on the phone and 32 times won the absentee rate.
Rare book session the organizers of the auction was divided into two parts — "Books on theatre and the visual arts..." and "Rare books...".
the First part — "Books on theatre and fine art, autographs, posters..." of the 113 lots particularly outstanding results are not shown. It's hard to say why: whether because bargain began half an hour earlier than designated in the catalog 20:00, or (and most likely) the second part of the catalogue was so good it drew all possible attention to himself. Still collections quite difficult. Anyway, of the 113 lots in the first part of the new hands went a little less than 40 % — 38 lots for a total of almost 850 thousand rubles (just over 10 % of all portrait sales). The best results showed two autographs of Boris Pasternak addressed to the actor Sergei Balashov,— inskript on the flyleaf of the publication of Shakespeare's "hamlet, Prince of Denmark" (translated by Boris Pasternak), 1947 (lot 77) and the open letter dated December 5, 1954 (lot 85). Both lots, with starts in the 80 and 90 thousand rubles,was sold for 130 thousand rubles each online-покупателю and the party on the phone respectively.
the highest numbers of the entire evening was shown in the drawing of lots for the second part of the second session of the auction, called "Rare books, autographs, photographs and postcards" and is characterized by traditionally "literary Fund" flawless selection of lots of the Museum. This time in the composition of the catalogue was especially distinguished collection of decrees and documents of Russian rulers and members of the Imperial family, and several sets of prints and illustrated several albums, like the edition of "Scenes from Russian folk life" Ignatius Sadovskogo.
As one would expect, all of our autographs of emperors and empresses from Catherine the great to Elizaveta Petrovna (lots 116, 117, 120, 122, 133) went from 100%-ным success and bargaining with 3-5 steps for each lot at prices ranging from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.
a Record hammer price not only this part of the catalog, but the whole evening made up of lot 145, consisting of two luxurious illustrated album of tray travel in Russia, Anatoly Demidov in 1837 and 1839, departed the phone to start for 2 million rubles.
Two albums of travel in Russia, Anatoly Demidov in 1837 and 1839
the literary Fund. 25 Mar 2017. Lot 145
Estimate: 1 800 000-2, 000, 000.
sale Price: 2, 000, 000.
Source:[From the collection of S. Lifar, with his autograph] Wegrowski, J. S. Scenes from Russian folk life / drawn from nature I. S. Sekowski, the text is written V. N. Savinov. SPb.: Type. I. Pesona, [1852]. 1 L. front., 1 L. internat., , 47 L. text, L. 20 tono-лит. 31 × 40 cm
the literary Fund. 25 Mar 2017. Lot 146
Estimate: 950 000-1, 000, 000.
sale Price: 1, 000, 000.
followed by another lot-миллионник. Illustrated edition of "Scenes from Russian folk life" I. S. Sadovskogo from the collection of Sergei Lifar (lot 146) were sold exactly 1 million, according to the start, on the phone.
the top Three among not theatrical buildings closes the book, considered by experts among the monuments of national significance, having historical-культурной, scientific, and certainly a collector's value — is one of 32 known copies of "the Apostle", released in the Vilna printing house of Lamonica about 1592. The lot was sold on the phone at a starting price of 450 thousand rubles.
perhaps the organizers expect from the jubilee, the 50-го in the history of the auction house some more, but by today's Moscow standards, and given the thematic focus of the main auction of the collection (which is always risky), the past auctions have shown very good, much above average result.
next time "Cabinet" plans to risk very soon: on April 12 in the walls of the auction house will host the next thematic sale devoted to, as you may have guessed, the Day of cosmonautics.
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