Art Investment

Top 10 artists by auction turnover of money

Perhaps the time of transfer record and recall, which relate their achievements in the past year

Vladimir Bogdanov

count art market, assess its size, growth rate and all that - indeed non-trivial task. I doubt that even the most powerful agencies are able to collect an objective picture of the art world. For example, information about a large part of the market, namely, the sales gallery, closed in any country. It is not even say what the ratio of galleries and auctions divide the world art market. But the auction market is quite transparent. The logic purchasing preferences is difficult to calculate, but everything else is quite feasible.

stats auction market, structured reports Art Market Trends, published annually by In early April, has become available is a version of the outcome of 2007. According to the report, last year's prices at the auction market has grown by 18%, turnover also increased by 43.8% and reached 9.2 billion dollars. If in 2006 it was sold at auction 810 lots more million dollars, the 2007-m of these lots were already 1 254. Liquidity problems caused by U.S. mortgage crisis had not led to a drop in the art market. On the contrary: the crisis began to grow in August, the fall it became clear that the problems are very serious, however, the end of the year has been extremely successful auctions.

Traditionally interesting place the annual report on achievements of the world market for art is the top artists on the annual volume of auction sales. It should be noted that the ranking is on the box office, made only at auction, that is taken into account public figures, without taking into account the results of unpublished gallery deals. Because of the limit simplicity of this method is formally the rating is not a direct indication of either the global significance of the artist (on the basis of a year ahead of Konstantin Korovin Vincent Van Gogh) or high-yield investment in his work (fashion and fast-growing Demian Hurst is not included in the top ten). And is not even evidence of development and size of the market works. Generally speaking, it is enough that this year on the market by coincidence a picture of El Greco (even if only for ten years), and result in several million, the sale will allow the Spanish artist to take a fairly high ranking in the line. That is, all traffic will do a job. The result is, but whether in this case at all to say about the market? But in order to place adjacent to, say, a significant Russian artist of the post-war with the correct amount of millions, to be held, for example, the 30 successful auction sales of his works. It works better. And this is a totally different result. It is already possible to speak about the market liquidity of work choices - all that is high in the context of investment. In short, a place in the rating is not dogma, you have to imagine his nature, although the number of sales and their structure.

For the sake of justice must be said that the examples of achieving high status in the list of results alone, a record sales - it's so rare. So that even a simplified classification allows at least indirect conclusions. Most of the names it is not accidental: the work of these artists are usually in demand, steadily increasing in price. A separate creations of the masters of themselves form a huge market: for example, in the past year, the auction market of one of Andy Warhol was only 420 million dollars. Is this you can not draw any conclusions?

Total record in the list of auction turnover of money includes 500 artists, among whom, by the way, and many Russians. With respect to the first tens, then from it for many years had stopped to wait for trick. Used, the first in the ranking alone ten years in succession - by Picasso, a company that habitually were American abstract expressionist. Sometimes, of course, as with the Modigliani last year that the top ten after schitanyh, but the phenomenal amount of sales broke an unexpected artist. But on the whole structure was established. But the 2007-s is given in all respects unusual.

sensation is not even that Picasso, with its 319 million dollars turnover auction succeeded in the first place of Andy Warhol (420 million dollars) - it just may be regarded as a technical rotation. Interestingly another. In the top again, as in the early 1990's, returned impressionist and post-burst plus artists of contemporary art and «foreign Sixties». Total fees of top tens in 2007 exceeded 1.8 billion USD, which is one and a half times more than the year before. Plank is in the top ten rose from 59 million in 2006 to 86 million dollars. One only inflation that does not explain - there is fantastic growth in demand for liquid art.

Perhaps the time of transfer record and recall, which relate their achievements in the past year.

№ 1. Andy Warhol. 422 million dollars (the 2006 auction turnover was 199.5 million dollars)

In 2007, the entire leadership of the 74 pop-art only to the auctions were sold more expensive than a million dollars. In the ten years of observations price index of the artist rose to 450%. Last year, Warhol has updated a record price for his life. Famous «Orange Marilyn» for 15.75 million dollars (for a while, even a portrait of Monroe led the list of most expensive paintings in the world) in 2007 shifted «Green automobile accident I», sold in May at Christie's for 64 million dollars 1 (this is after estimeyta 25-35 million dollars) Actually, Warhol pleased Owners of works overwhelmingly. The case of actor Hugh Grant and is destined to become an investment proverbs. In 2001, the «blue-eyed Mickey» bought another uorhollovskuyu «Liz» 1963 for 3.25 million dollars. And in 2007, it resold the at Christie's for 21 million dollars - nearly 6.5 times more expensive. True, there are doubts that Hugh Grant was able to fully enjoy the investment bonus. Before the sale was reported that «Liz» will be sold at auction for a new mode of guaranteed minimum prices. If the prevailing bid fails, then the auction is obliged to redeem the work of the agreed price. If it will exceed expectations, the seller share excess profits from the auction. If so, Grant has had to share the good, because such a high result was a complete surprise against the backdrop of the fact that in 2005 almost exactly the same «Liz», from the same series was sold at Sotheby's for 11.25 million dollars .

PABLO PIKASSO. Woman in Turkish attire (Zhaklin)

Pablo Picasso. A woman in Turkish attire (Jacqueline), 1955. Oil on canvas. 115,8 x 89,2. Estimeyt: on request. Sale price: U.S. $ 27.5 million Christie's. 06.11.07. Lot number 73

№ 2. Pablo Picasso. 319 million dollars

«Boy with a pipe» does not happen every year. In the 2007-m top of the Picasso painting has become a «Woman in Turkish attire (Jacqueline)«, sold «only» for 27.5 million dollars. (Recall, a masterpiece of a pink period, «Boy with a pipe» in 1905 is still the most expensive of the auction with the result of 93 million dollars, or 104 million dollars in view of the commission.) In retaliation for the painting in 2007, Picasso found a record in another form plastic art. His bronze composition «Dora MAARIV», sold in November at Sotheby's for 26 million dollars, has become the most expensive sculpture in the world. Within the last year, 45 works by Picasso broke the million mark. In that, his name moved to the second position in the ranking, do not blame the fickleness of fashion. Demand for high Picasso as ever, and prices are increasing almost indecent - simply a masterpiece bids appear in an insufficient number: legacy katalontsa not rubber.

№ 3. Francis Bacon. 244.5 million dollars

In 2006, the complex English expressionist auction turnover of 41 million dollars in labor went into the top 20. And in 2007, the price of a single record of the whole of last year blocked the traffic. This, of course, on the «subject with Pope Innocent X» - specific copyright rethinking the famous portrait of Velazquez, sold 15 May 2007 at Sotheby's for 47 million dollars. But in the same year, the Sotneby's was a «battle with bulls» (1969) for 41 million dollars. But two masterpieces already given 88 million dollars - that's the explanation. The past year has generally been remarkably harvest for buyers Bacon: total 13 works were sold, of which 7 - exceptional quality, more expensive than $ 10 million. Even quantify this unusually high. Previously it was normal when the bid was exhibited from two to five of the artist. But as soon as prices began to зашкаливать, holders rushed to work to use a favorable environment and to sell their treasures.

 Mark Rothko. White Center ( yellow, pink and pale lilac to dark pink)

Mark Rothko . White Center (Yellow, pink and pale lilac to dark pink). 1950. Oil on canvas. 205,8 x 141. Estimeyt: on request. Sale price: 65 [72.8] million Sotheby's. 15.05.07. Lot number 31

№ 4. Mark Rothko. 206.6 million dollars

Artwork «White Center» born in the Russian Empire, now one of the principal figures in postwar American art was the main price sensation last year. Pulsating color fields, written in 1950, were sold for 65 [72.84] million dollars. This is the main figure for the world market in 2007. And, of course, the main figure for Russian art ( «White Center» Rothko confidently heads the rating of Russian artists). For us, the same is not the main figure in the year and years to five or ten more. In the mid-term break record Rothko, and then only in theory, capable of reaching next Kandinsky, Yavlensky, Soutine, Malevich. Only it is necessary to come to bid their work-class and flow canvases Rothko while stopped. So the scenario is, frankly, in Hollywood is not realistic.

№ 5. Claude Monet. 164,9 million dollars

Maybe it was not the main impressionist. But certainly one of the warm rays of glory. Even known that the rays are pink, rassvetnye highlighted track on the water ryabi. In 1874, to be fair to say not the best painting by Claude Monet «Impression. Sunrise »(1872-1873), exposed at the exhibition« Anonymous Society of Artists ... », it was destined to go down in history. «Impreson» of the title picture - fr. impression - inspired by a French journalist to invent a story about the exhibition the term «impressionist», then distributed to one of the most significant creative trends in European painting. There is evidence that, for «Impression» to a modest exhibition of Monet sought thousand francs - an amount for the time fairly low. Now it is a canvas can be purchased expensive 100 million dollars, so who would allow him to f. Interestingly, when all its merits, the famous impressionist does not guarantee a place in a dozen (like the rest of his colleagues on the shop). For example, in 2006 on turnover of the auction he was only 14 in the ranking. Impressionists, favorites of collectors, set records at auctions multimillion until 1990, then a few passed. Ten years - fifteen continued lull. But in the past two years, interest in the artists, which gave rise to the modern art, not something that came back, and has grown dramatically. As in the best of times. One example - the late «Waterloo Bridge» (1904) by Claude Monet sold during the summer of 2007 at Christie's American collector for 31.7 million dollars and 17 years ago the previous owner paid for the Monet that is 10 times cheaper. Investor to be congratulated. The most expensive painting Monet as last year was the work of «Water lilies» (1904), sold for 16.5 million pounds, or approximately one million dollars (so!) Expensive «Waterloo Bridge». In general, in the past year, 27 paintings by Monet sold more million dollars. Today, all sound self-confident view that the impressionist still let not the most profitable, but one of the most reliable options for investing.

ANRI MATISS. Odaliska, blue gamma

Henri Matisse. odalisque, blue gamma. 1937. Oil on canvas. 60,3 x 49,5. Estimeyt: 15-20 million Sale price: 30 [33.6] million Christie's. 06.11.08. Lot number 24

№ 6. Henri Matisse. 114,1 million dollars

In October 2007, at the Christie's painting Matisse «odalisque, blue gamma» was sold for fiction to create innovative fovista 30 million dollars, at $ 10 million above estimeyta. Collector Sergei Shchukin, and the wife of the artist Lidia Delektorskaya ensuring that Matisse was one of the most famous and beloved «wild» in Russia. The growth of prices for the work of Matisse was particularly noticeable in the past year. The role of attention on the part of Russian collectors in this process should not be overestimated, but probably did not already.

№ 7. Jean-Michel Basque. 101,5 million dollars

Works by famous graffiti-Reiter Warhol circle, working with the nickname «Seymo», has not yet stand on 20 and 30 million dollars. Three years ago, even three million dollars for a canvas was an event for the market Baskov. It is now 5-8 million have become quite ordinary result. But even at such prices 101.5 million turnover - it is definitely performance of the market, a large number of successful transactions and price increases. Painter, replaced the wall in Brooklyn on the canvas in spacious studios, not for the first time is in the top ten by turnover. 2007 was a particularly successful one for the collectors of works by black Reiter. In May 2007, his painting «Untitled» (1981) set a price record for the artist. When estimeyte 6-8 million it was sold for 13 million dollars. A natural result of the transaction confirmed the following: the fall of 2007 picture Baskov «electrocution» was sold for 10.5 million dollars. According to, for ten years, growth in the price index of creativity Baskov was 480%. The figure is quite revealing, as well as the quality of the Basque more homogeneous than most other artists. Jean-Michel Basque died from overdoses in 28 years, and during his fruitful work in fact was quite short.

 Fernand Leger. Figure contrasting forms. (Composition II)

Fernand Leger. Figure contrasting forms. (Composition II). 1913. Beige paper, gouache. 62,5 x 47,3. Sale price: 4.2 [4.74] million Christie's. 06.11.07. Lot number 41

Fernand Leger. Factories

Fernand Leger. Breweries. 1918. Oil on canvas. 69 x 53,5. Estimeyt: 5-7 million Sale price: 12.75 [14.3] million Sotheby's. 08.05.07. Lot number 30

№ 8. Fernand Leger. 92.2 million dollars

High quality of work exhibited at the auction helped tens habitue and this time take its place in line. Turnover Leger - is another example of how seemingly total figure to objectively characterize the market works the artist. It is clear that the masterpieces of Lezha can cost 7 million dollars, but most of his works (and quite a lot of turnover in the auction) belong to a much more affordable price ranges. The same expressive graphics Frenchman is still available, not only a millionaire, but investors and middle-budget (big leaf may cost, such as 300-400 thousand dollars). However, last year's schedule is Leger noted in the class mikrosensatsy. Contrasting black and white gouache kubisticheskogo period «Figure contrasting shapes (Composition II)«, 1913, Christie's auction sold for 4.2 million dollars. Of the record deals with the painting became the primary sales of the «factories» (1918) at Sotheby's May with the result of 12.75 million dollars.

№ 9. Marc Chagall. 88.6 million dollars

turnover of pieces in the Marc Chagall yields, perhaps only Picasso. Another point is that both artists the majority of these works - run this schedule, although it is not important.

Turnover of money Chagall, and Picasso, each year is in the top ten. The most hands-free step in the sale last year was the picture of «The Great Circus» (1956). In May 2007, at Sotheby's huge canvas was sold for 12.25 million dollars. Another million and a quarter - and could fall this absolute record price for creativity Shagal set back in 1990. Then the meter painting «Jubilee» (1923) was sold at Sotheby's for 13.5 million dollars. In ranking the most expensive works of Russian artists Chagall took place 6 to this picture.

№ 10. Paul Cezanne. 86.5 million dollars

Chief post, the father of modern art, the evaluation of Picasso, the artist has made a breakthrough in the development of art, including an enormous influence on Russian avant-garde of 1910-ies. Not without reason, leaves the album Paul Cézanne, time and again meet a pine tree, and portraits of Peter Konchalovsky, the lush still lifes by Ilya Mashkov. Cover signature hand - and doubts, so everything seems.

Cezanne - one of the most expensive artists in general. His still-life «drape, kuvshinchik and kompotnitsa» (1893-1894), sold at Sotheby's in 1999 for 55 [60.5] million dollars, took 8 th line in the rating of the most expensive paintings of the world. Unfortunately, the masterpieces of Cezanne rarely come onto the market. Actually, because of the lack of decent offers the artist is often not included in the top ten by turnover: nothing to wrap. Last year was perhaps a little more yield, and immediately display the results. The most expensive work of last year was still life in 1877 «Kompotnitsa and a plate with a biscuit». Things recognizable by engaging, albeit small. And the result of becoming: on November Christie's - 11,25 million dollars. The high premium for the name are found increasingly, but perhaps not the case.

That's all in a dozen places ran out. I wonder how much it will cost the ticket the next time? If art-feast on a background of plague the financial crisis will continue with the same magnitude (as justification for a prediction of yet), you'll see here, you will need to have 120 million turnover, and not 86 million, which escaped with «sezannist number 1».

So, two of our - Rothko and Chagall - entered the top 10. For more interest, you can list the names of Russian artists who entered the top 500. It is clear that this information is already somewhat obsolete, as in 2008, these millions of records set Sixties (same Kabakov and Bulatov), but these figures are not yet included in the set. But without them, by rating, you can indirectly judge the proximity of our artists with their the first names (see table).

Russian artists in the top 500 on the auction turnover in 2007 2

The place in the ranking


Auction turnover in 2007, $ million


Alexei Yavlensky



Haim Soutine



Natalia Goncharova



Wassily Kandinsky



Konstantin Somov



Ivan Aivazovsky



Alexander Yakovlev



Konstantin Korovin



Sergei Poliakov



Konstantin Makovsky



Alexei Kharlamov



Nicholas Roerich



Boris Grigoriev



Arshil Hills



Nicholas de Steel



Mikhail Larionov



Andrew Lanskoe



Mikhail Nesterov



Erik Bulatov



Isaac Levitan



Lyubov Popova



Ivan Pohitonov



Ilya Kabakov



Yuri Annenkov



Petr Konchalovsky



Boris Anisfeld



Aristarchus Lentulov



Vasily Vereshchagin



Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky



Maria Vasileva



Petr Konchalovsky



Alexander Arkhipenko



Boris Kustodiev



Zynaida Serebryakova



Vasily Shuhaev



Vasily Polenov



Leopold Syurvazh



David Burliuk


Sources: , , , ,

1 Here and below the price in the text and captions for illustrations are given without regard to commission the auction house Buyer's Premium. Where it is known, in brackets indicate the total price paid by the buyer. Return

2 According to the , 276 th place is occupied by Konchalovsky Piotr Petrovich (1876-1956). However, 406 th place accorded Konchalovskij Petr (1876-1956). To sum up the results, the PP Konchalovsky should occupy in the ranking of 170 th place with a circulation of 7.8 million dollars. Return

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