Art Investment

9 simple things you should know before you go to the Studio of the artist

A visit to the artist's Studio — event with the potential to change life as the owner of the Studio and its guest. Not fully a business meeting, but it is definitely not an ordinary friendly visit. The observance of several simple rules will help not to get trapped in this situation

One of the most attractive features of the primary art market — the opportunity to become the first owner of the artwork, to witness the birth of a legend, a masterpiece before it will affect thousands of eyes human eye. This — is one of the reasons of the popularity of exhibitions-ярмарок of modern art. However, a special pleasure — to see the work even before its official release, right on the birthplace, in the workshop.

Portal Artsy have compiled a list of the basic rules of visiting the Studio of the artist. Some of your comments and we publish it.

the first Rule: don't touch anything without permission of the owner.

No matter you are gallery, Museum or workshop, to touch the hands of works of art, unless is a direct wish of the author or owner, always a bad idea. Yes, more free and relaxed atmosphere of the workshop and the ease with which the artist sometimes applies to his works, may be a little confusing, but do not forget that for the author and for the viewer rules for the treatment works is still different.

the second Rule: don't try to step over the head of the gallery and buy a work from the artist directly. This puts the artist and the gallery owner in a difficult ethical situation and threatens the future reputation of the collector. The exceptions are "free agents" — artists selling their work independently. They will be happy to direct suggestion.

And this leads us to rule number three: before the visit to the shop spend at least the minimum homework: look for information about the artist on the Internet or ask around mutual friends. It is important to know whom you are dealing with. This facilitates communication and helps to avoid many awkward situations.

speaking of awkward situations, rule four: do not attempt to explain the artist and his art. Yeah, after reading what-то number of art history articles sometimes it's hard to resist their own interpretation of what he saw. However, try to refrain from categorical statements. Questions, compliments and immediate reaction to what they saw are always welcome.

Rule five: be honest and free to Express their opinions. The artist, like any author, it is always important honest feedback about their work. Constructive criticism or comments can often help to see new horizons and directions of development of creativity. The principle of "to speak only compliments or say nothing" can be left for other events.

Despite all the freedom and honesty of expression, try to follow the sixth rule: be respectful. What is respect? At least try to come and come in time, if you agreed about a meeting: for an artist this exciting event to which it is prepared, be aware of personal boundaries and that is still almost a business meeting.

As a consequence, rule seven: try to dress appropriately, despite the informality of the meeting. This, of course, not visit to the theatre, but almost a visit to an exhibition or Museum. Although to dress too formally is not: it is still a workshop of the working space where you can easily see the wet paint and all different signs of creative disorder.

the Eighth rule: come back. Practice shows thatthe most productive are frequent meetings with the artist, when the artist and admirer of formed a strong relationship and mutual understanding.

And — nine: a visit to the Studio to nothing obliges, but the artist will be pleased if you will come not with empty hands. Depending on the preferences of the owner of the Studio it could be that-нибудь tea, a bouquet or a bottle of good wine.

Important: if you are interested in art, do not limit yourself only exhibitions, talk with artists and come to visit them.


What to read on the topic on AI:
the Purchase directly from the artist: "for" and "against".

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