Art Investment

Universal talent Lions Kropiwnicki

Translation of articles about the life and work of famous nonconformists Lions Evgenyevich Kropiwnicki, published in the magazine Passport, opens Field of operation «Stories about the artists»

When 1 December, 1962 Nikita Khrushchev came to the famous avant-garde exhibition in Manezh and called to participate in the artists «abstraktsistami», he did not know what actually was not among them none of this follower of abstraction. For example, one of the pioneers of abstract art in the Soviet Union Leo Kropiwnicki to participate in the «Manege» exhibition refused, believing that this would be tantamount to Support tradition of socialist realism, and would call into question his creative independence.

During the Great Patriotic War, the artist was seriously injured and spent a year in the hospital. He made nine operations. Kropiwnicki After the war, continued his studies at the Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts. But there he was able to spend a very short time: in 1946 the artist was arrested. He and ten of his classmates were accused of «preparation of the assassination of Stalin» and sentenced to ten years the camps.

There is a self-created Kropiwnicki in the gulag. The artist painted his crayons on the sheet of paper the size of a postcard and sent to parents. When the jailer saw the letter, he ordered Kropiwnicki do more self-portrait «optimistic» - and the artist pririsoval tie. Guard approved such an unusual decision, finding that the tie is actually attached to the picture of optimism, and allowed to send a letter.

When Kropiwnicki finally returned home in 1956, he saw that vengeance is already thaw. The creative life rages not only in Moscow but also in the town Dolgoprudny, where his parents live, is also well-known artists. In Dolgoprudny father Lev Eugene Kropiwnicki surrounded himself with liberal painters and poets. Moskovskie nonconformists began to assemble in the barracks at Lianozovo where they can freely communicate and create. Later, this group of artists became known as «Lianozovsky group».

Very soon Kropiwnicki was one of the most remarkable figures of the Moscow art world. Thanks to its innovative nefigurativnym songs, he earned fame father Soviet abstract painting. Later Kropiwnicki remembered that abstract paintings were a way «clean» the horrors of the Gulag, who chased him after release. Kropiwnicki created not only an abstract painting, but also graphics, illustrations, paintings in the style of mystical expressionism.

In order to portray ugly world of Stalin's camps, needed to invent an entirely new pictorial language. None of the existing language has not been able to cope with this task. The question of realism is not even standing. In mid-1960's palette Kropiwnicki was strong and concise. Each of his paintings can be described as expressive Symphony pictorial asceticism. In his works dominated by gray, with its subtle harmony, and a variety of shades from white to black. In pictures Kropiwnicki nightmares and adjoining chimera with skepticism, irony and wit. The artist is constantly brought to their characters work. Huge thoughtful cat, bychi head, scarabs, nuns and various fantastic creatures from the beak of his paintings appeared on the laws of space and time. Each canvas was Hoveyan spirituality, each depicted the human soul, the soul without the tops and bottom, beyond gravity.

At one of the canvases Kropiwnicki ( «Two bull») are depicted bychi head with a phallic horns and unusually intelligent «expressions of individuals». Interpret this picture as an image of dark sensuality, all-conquering force of animal eroticism and triumph over the corporeal nature of man oppressed soul.

But according to «laws» Soviet absurdity canvas Kropiwnicki not perceived as an image of the relationship between body and spirit. A party functionary saw «Two bykah» something more «tangible», as an allegory of blind passion. In his view, the main theme of the painting was not an abstract force, driving all the world's processes, and exposure of individuals and their everyday needs. Kropiwnicki was accused of «karikaturizme» and libel on the communist party.

Workshop Kropiwnicki, located in the house 18 on the Old Basmannyj Street was the venue of numerous representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Kropiwnicki was known as an excellent host. He was fond of astrology and horoscopes often for his friends. The artist entertained guests by playing the guitar, performing ballads and poems deklamiruya own compositions. In his poetry dealt with the same themes as in painting and graphics. When he starts talking about eternity, his listeners forget their everyday worries. For the table, which has always been a lot of delicious food, guests Kropiwnicki discussed everything - from medieval architecture to African rituals of preparation technology of cigars to the secrets of the knights-tamplierov. Visiting Kropiwnicki people can feel the freedom - civic, artistic, spiritual. Musty Soviet stereotypes remain outside the threshold of his shop.

But the war and for a long stay in the camps did not pass without leaving a trace on the health Kropiwnicki. 26 May 1994, the 71-year-old artist died. When life Leo Kropiwnicki was a classic, after death, he became a legend of Russian recusancy. Nonconformist, he was more «aesthetics», as «political», and, unlike many, has never sought to portray in detail the Soviet squalor of life.

Most Kropiwnicki works are in foreign museums and private collections. In addition, an impressive number of his works are kept in the collection of his wife, Galina, and daughter Natalia. In 2004, the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean shaft held a memorial exhibition Kropiwnicki, which display works from the museum collection, as well as paintings from the artist's family.

Terjemahan Yulia Maximova

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