Interview with the President of the Belgian Fair BRAFA Harold T'Kintom de Rodenbeke
19-27 January 2013 in Belgium will be the 58th Fair of antiques and art objects BRAFA
President of the Belgian Fair BRAFA
Harold T'Kint de Rodenbeke
Photo by Vladimir Bogdanov, AI
19-27 January 2013 in Belgium will be the 58th Fair of antiques and art objects BRAFA ( Brussels Antiques and Fine Arts Fair - Fair Brussels Antiques and Fine Arts ). Fair, founded the Belgian Association of Antiquaries, does not aspire to strict specialization. In contrast to the TEFAF and Art Basel, organizers BRAFA watch to keep it as eclectic and versatile. Fair addressed to a wide circle of collectors - as fans of the old masters, Impressionists and the Paris school, and connoisseurs of art from Africa and Oceania, archeology, ceramics, used books. About the peculiarities of the Belgian Fair ARTinvestment. RU questioned her new president Harold T'Kint a de Rodenbeke.
ARTinvestment.RU: How would you briefly describe the key features of BRAFA? Who will participate?
Harold T'Kint de Rodenbeke: 90 percent of the participants - it is the European galleries. The peculiarity of BRAFA determine three things: quality, hospitality and diversity. It offers a wide range of works of art: from archeology to contemporary art. In particular, this year we will pay attention to this niche as autographs.
AI: How is participation in the galleries BRAFA?
H. R.: The average standard stand costs about 30 euros. But the price can vary between 25-50 thousand.
AI: Is it hard to be among the participants? How strict selection?
X. P.: I'll tell you an example, this year we had 60 new applicants, and we took them only 10. The key criteria is the level of potential participants, the quality of items that he exposes. It is important that it be at least not less than the existing ones. The second selection criterion - Introduction of participants of a certain segment of the market, to keep the balance and no distortions.
AI: And on BRAFA now has galleries representing Russian artists and Russian artists abroad?
X. P.: Yes, of course. In particular, my gallery will present works Serge Polyakov . Will Lansky . I remember that last year I sold a Russian collector job Survage .
AI: How to solve the problem with BRAFA fakes? We in the antique shops of the problem deals with the advisory council, but as it delivered in Brussels?
X. P.: On BRAFA authenticity is very responsible. In our Advisory Board is made up of about 100 independent experts from around the world - a few people for each of the arts. Thus, all subjects exhibited galleries, has watched several specialists. Two days before the vernissage of the exhibition is closed and no one but the experts are not allowed access to it. At this time, all the items that are questionable are removed at the direction of experts from exposure and locked in a separate room. Judge puts the red dot, and the subject removes the transport company. In addition to authentication, the experts highlight the level of restoration and quality items. If they believe a thing strongly zarestavrirovannoy or weak and uninteresting for potential buyers, it can also be removed from exposure. True, the latter is extremely rare: antique feel good level subjects required for participation.
AI: Gallery owner can not challenge the expert's opinion?
X. P.: Antique dealer can appeal and get one item on the stand if to provide convincing evidence of its authenticity. But to avoid such disputes, the rules show each participant previously signed its agreement with the existing procedure for the selection of experts.
AI: By the way, you need liability insurance for experts
X. P.: No. There Belgian Chamber of Experts, they have professional indemnity insurance. In addition, all experts Fair BRAFA insured separately. In general, experts are not required to be insured, this initiative is BRAFA.
AI: BRAFA - big fair? How many exhibitors will be this year?
X. P.: This year BRAFA involved 128 galleries. Last year, for two weeks the fair was visited by over 42 thousand people. BRAFA authorities understand the importance for the city and provide it with all kinds of assistance: support is provided in the fair governor of Brussels.
AI: How is an antique market in Europe due to the financial crisis
X. P.: In the market there is a significant amount of money to spend, and due to the instability of the financial markets, people prefer to invest in art. Collectors from the crisis-stricken Greece and Spain have in the past was not much. The main buyers - collectors UK, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Holland. In the last two years I have sold and Russian clients, and I know of colleagues who have been successfully selling Russian decor items.
AI: The fair is organized in the second half of January. What is the weather at this time in Brussels?
X. P.: Mercurial. There may be days when the sun shines brightly and you can walk down the street wearing a jacket. Maybe the rain and strong wind. And during the day the weather can change dramatically. But the cold at this time should not be. More likely to be near zero.
AI: You say that the fair is visited by over 40 thousand. Was it difficult at this time to take a hotel in Brussels?
XP: without problems. In particular, BRAFA have a contract with a five-star hotel Hotel Le Plaza, which is located less than a kilometer from the venue of the fair. It is possible to reserve a room for 120 euros per night. In general, Brussels accustomed to large flow of visitors, there are no problems with the hotel. Also convenient that January has a low tourist season, and hotels are full. In the interest of visitors BRAFA we try to conclude special agreements with hotels and airlines. Details of discounts is on the Russian site . In addition, visitors BRAFA we have prepared a guide with recommendations what else to do in Brussels than fair - this is a city of museums.
AI: How many days are needed to qualitatively acquainted with the exposition fair?
X. P.: Ideally, you get two days for half a day or spend one full day of the fair. In my opinion, the best first half of the day is fair, and in the second half - to go to one of the best opera houses in the La Monnaie, or one of the many museums (Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Magritte Museum, etc.). Guests of Brussels is a unique opportunity to see masterpieces of Art Nouveau architecture. From the capital of Belgium, you can plan a trip to Bruges, Antwerp, where there is great museums of old masters. That and, of course, in our country awesome catering - delicious and affordable food. After all, we eat with a Parisian quality and quantity of Russian.
The questions Vladimir Bogdanov and Konstantin Babulin, AI
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