10 reasons to buy contemporary art
ARTinvestment.RU leads at least 10 reasons to buy Russian Contemporary Art
C in terms of antique lobby, investments in "aktualschikov" - this is not an investment, and the lottery, frivolous, risky step. And must respond to competitors. However, the information background also leads to similar conclusions. What impression might get a distrustful person? It is right that too much in the field of contemporary art is held on the scandal, that contemporary artists - is not reflectors imbedded in a creator, and some media figures, the market keeps on contemporary public relations and advertising, that the typical buyers of contemporary art - is any a pretentious rich people who are unlikely to sense in the context, but try to keep up with fashion.
Needless to say, that impression is largely false? Those who stubbornly insists that "there were people in our time, not that the current tribe ..." persuade useless. Biting bits do not explain that today's classic some 30 years ago, just as was the actual art. Will not spend time on it.
risks of investing in modern art are well known and objective. Chief among them - is a high probability of errors of choice (not all artists will remain in the history of art) and the absence of statistics of auction sales (price rise voluntarism galleries, there is no understanding of how much work must be the actual artist). But the premium for these risks can be impressive. Compilers of collections of investment is certainly something to think about.
For them, and not only, ARTinvestment.RU leads at least 10 reasons to buy contemporary Russian art:
- Affordable Price . Price range of works of modern art begins with 1-5 thousand USD masterpieces can cost from 10,000 euros. For example, photographs by Alexander Gronsky a series of "Frontiers," which were nominated for Kandinsky Prize , sold for 1000 euros, compact objects Ani acorn (nominee "Innovation" , Kandinsky Prize, etc.) at the last fair Art Moscow cost from € 1000. In any other market segment can acquire the best works by artists of the first row of 10-15 thousand euros.
- able to acquire better things in the exhibitions . Where else in the segment of the buyer can come to the vernissage and buy on the opening day from the wall a better job? For example, buy something from the cover of the catalog or the thing with the posters. But buying the best - is one of the sure-fire investment strategies. To "0.10", "Jack of Diamonds", "Blue Rose" or the Paris Salon of independent "without a time machine does not converge, and the exhibition Batynkov , , Kawarga , Tovasieva - please.
- Wide range, you can carefully select and plan without the hassle of buying . One of the main problems for collectors and investors working with the classics - is lack of quality supply. Demand for the masterpieces there, but rarely sell them. If something extraordinary occurs, it has to buy something at auction or otherwise against the nerve and uneconomic manner. In the segment of Contemporary Art until calmer life: the competition of buyers is much lower, you can choose, without haste and to bargain. In the West, by the way, the work of successful artists collectors recorded in the "waiting list". Someday we will be. But not now.
Anatoly Osmolovsky Bread. 2009
Wood, paint. 150x90
Phillips de Pury. 23.04.2010
Estimate: 60-80 thousand pounds
Result: 46.85 thousand pounds sterlingDmitry Kawarga
diffused formation. 2009
Photography, diasek. 97,5 x220
Phillips de Pury. 30.06.2010
Estimate: 8-10 thousand pounds
Result: 9.375 thousand pounds sterling
- possibility of direct communication with the author of . Collectors and connoisseurs know that communication with the thinking painter, this - this exquisite intellectual pleasure. In addition, a person is knowledgeable, visionary experience of personal contact can make their impression on the potential of the artist. This helps to verify the accuracy of making a choice.
- negligible risks of purchasing counterfeit works . Vital fakes, of course, also happen (under the Sixties "zalipuh" exists - only the way). But in contemporary art, this infection is not common. Overseas unless Hirst forged. And in our latitudes is scarcely found. That's the number of copies can cheat, but it's small stuff. For authenticity in contemporary art collectors and investors just can not worry. Yes, even you can further protect themselves and the heirs, having issued the purchase confirming the authenticity of the documents in person from the artist or his gallery.
- chance purchase of "lottery ticket" - works with fantastic potential for price growth . According to Russian contemporary art auction adequate statistics are not accumulated, so will have to rely on the statistics of the western "aktualschikov. According to artprice.com, $ 100 invested in the work of Damien Hirst in 1998, the year 2008 turned into 1378 dollars. Now, after the crisis, the indicator fell to $ 460, but that's another story. And, for example, $ 100 invested in the creation Jean-Michel Basquiat in 2003, now turned into $ 430 (before the crisis, it was 737 dollars). But Russian art is able to "shoot" even stronger. In particular, since 2003, antique artists abroad and post-war Russian unofficial art surged in the 20-40 times. So much misunderstood and contemporary art in the near future, the ability to surprise investors.
Paul Pepperstein No title
C exhibition« Riders on the storm ». 2004
Watercolor on paper. 58x76, 5
Bonhams. 26.11.2007
Estimate: 2-3 thousand pounds
Result: 1,8 thousand pounds sterlingPaul Pepperstein For the blue handkerchief. 2004
Paper, see ie, 54 x 75
Christie's. 08.12.2009
Estimate: 3-4 thousand euros
Result: 11.25 thousand euros
- prestige of ownership . Gathering of Contemporary Art and the status of a collector - it is also a definite positioning themselves in society. It is one thing - a successful entrepreneur, has risen to trade something there, the president of something there, or the chairman of the Board of Directors out there somewhere ... It's quite another thing when a glossy magazine in the caption under the photo indicate the status - "collector". It is not boring, there's something to talk about. This is to some extent, important for our latitude "Ponte". Owner Meeting of contemporary art sends a signal: I'm in the topic, I'm good, I'm not open-minded and receptive to the new.
- pleasure of "infotainment" Contemporary Art . Relevance - is the pulse of time, with his characteristic energy and pronounced aggressiveness. Communicating with the works of modern art can give to the owner, perhaps, missing him a thrill. In general, contemporary art best fits the current high tempo of life and are often in tune with him. In addition, the purchase of any artwork (including modern), and sets a vector of education - an incentive to deal with what you have at home. No wonder they say: to understand a work of art, one must buy it.
- to realize their potential visionary . At the collector, capable not just follow the trend, but anticipate it, have a chance to go down in history as a visionary with a first class meeting. In contrast, those who bet on proven options for buying a Picasso and Kandinsky.
- ability to make history here and now . It sounds pathetic, and in tune with nine points. But here we are talking here about anything. When collectors and investors choose safe topics (any first or second names with two decades of statistics of auction sales), we must understand that this has been done by someone else story. Relatively speaking, the Picasso collectors already earn as a franchise buyers make a successful business. That is, in terms of a model invented by someone else. In high-risk case with modern art, without any guarantees, there is a chance to make their own discoveries, boost the value of the artist. Vollard know everything, unlike many recent buyers of Cezanne. Also remember Rumneva and Kostaki. Collectors, zealots, the discoverers of talent and artists of their circle with part of the story.
among buyers of art "here and now have another advantage, though not fit into the system rational motivations. The buyer of contemporary art, he will work on it or not, in any case makes a good and meaningful work. He gives an important signal to the artist - the marginalized, the man who does not live only for ourselves. And there can be different. Kandinsky to Picasso did not need either our understanding or our money or our signals, nor to our attention. Your hard struggle they have already done. Is not it better if its endorsement of and support to address the one who today is seeking to think over the destiny, the future of over meanings, formalizes the space of ideas and experiences? In short, doing what we do, vain, forever is not enough time.