Art Investment

Investment ideas on the art market. Thought number 2. Investments in the work of Oleg Tselkova

At ARTinvestment.RU published another story cycle, which deals with investment ideas - for options for collecting and investing in the market of art. The publication focuses on the work of Oleg Tselkova

Tselkov Why? The artistic value. Polarity of audience ratings, as elsewhere, is well seen in the response to the creativity Oleg Nikolayevich Tselkova (b. 1934) Some sincerely shocked the courage and energy «mutant», the second was not understood the success of these ohalnyh birth. Either way, either edak. It does not matter which of these audiences more. Naturally we assume that viewers who feel uncomfortable in the presence of many works Tselkova, still the majority. Also have the right. Let. Perfectly understandable. Much more important that there is no indeterminate relationship type «rather like it, than no» or «a little bit like, but ...». But everything else - the new fee, fee for the talent, the perseverance to approve an unusual topic for your patience and tolerance to criticism. And fees for success, finally.

In career terms is rather a portrait balovnya destiny. Judge for yourself: a man is not against the political system to belyaevsky Bulldozer plener not go out in Manezh with Khrushchev not to argue, revealing articles on the west not to publish - a word, not a dissident, dissent, except in the works, not posted. Nevertheless, the progressive gathering was his. He was popular, and in general is always a welcome guest at the sitting of intellectuals. But as an artist was, and is Moden: in Tushino it drove customers himself a poet Yevtushenko. Yes, rare exhibition of progressive physicists to finish to close in the first 15 minutes vernisage - is really the time and postrashnee things happen. There was no money, period, but then he changed the relative phase of commercial success, when the price of a painting, even at a discount to its much higher than the monthly salary of Soviet engineers. And with the recognition of informal and has not needed special preferences to the system.

But the most important artist of luck - in another. Already in 1961 Tselkov found its backbone topic - face-mask-masks. Others are looking for for decades, experimenting, find (if found) to forty years, and even at the end of life. A further thirty Tselkovu was not, and - found. Almost dreamed. Lucky? Of course, luck. But luck is also needed to curb. Another would cover over time, rushed to the experiment, «divided» would be valuable and less valuable periods. A Tselkov - no. Artist out a vision, but rather the worldly grasp the idea utsepitsya «masks» and more fundamentally changes nothing. For half a century ranged parts (add axes, knives, forks, chairs, butterflies, cats and other pins, nails and rope), much has changed and evolved over the palette, the size grew dramatically (museum work Tselkova have a gigantic size, a few meters). But the main «face-mask» remained unchanged. The result - an absolute visibility, a large market of comparable quality and the lack of very much pronounced «periodnosti» (ie the single division on a valuable and low periods, although collectors have noted that the most powerful work Tselkov created in the 1970's - 1980's). All this together creates a predictable investment and serious business front - a wide field for the imagination of collectors and to the work of art dealers.

Literary anecdote

Once Tselkov lived in Moscow and is in poverty. Yevtushenko has led to the Arthur Miller. Miller liked the work Tselkova. Miller said:

- I want to buy it here. Name the price.

Tselkov echidna screw up one's eyes and logged off long tirade:

- When you're sewing your pants, you pay twenty rubles per meter of gabardine. This, incidentally, not gabardine.

Miller politely said:

- I realize this full report.

Then he repeated:

- Then tell them the same price.

- Three hundred and - screamed Tselkov.

- Three hundred and why? Rubles?

Yevtushenko back for guest nervously and silently articulate: «U.S.! U.S.! »

- RUB? - Peresprosil Miller.

- Yes I do not kopeks - angrily responded Tselkov.

Miller pay, and with restraint to say, out. Yevtushenko called Tselkova idiot ...

Since then Tselkov act reasonably. He took the picture. Measured by its parameters. Multiply the width to height. Calculates thus area. And the firm has announced a price:

- The dollar per square centimeter!

Sergei Dovlatov. «Solo on Underwood»

- There is demand bike, rastirazhirovannaya Dovlatov and Kabakov - how do you sell pictures of centimeters.

- This is not a legend. Later I moved to the counting of its work on a square centimeter. I have not bought all the paintings, but I still had to write and something to live. Buyers were very little, and I already knew what part I can buy. Since I wrote the big picture, who do not hope to sell, you should have little cost is expensive. After all, can no longer be worth a million, a little three-penny. Maybe this is also a masterpiece. How do I determine a good job or bad? Then I thought to sell in size. Dovlatov coined dollar per square centimeter, in fact, was the ruble.

«How much does it cost?» - Asked. I say: «now». Took centimeter and measured at a hundred or two hundred rubles. Once I arrived Victor Louis, a famous agent of the KGB, which were the manuscript, and asked how much it costs. I answered: «Two hundred and forty-five rubles». - «Well, I'll give you two hundred». - «Two hundred and forty-five rubles». - «Well, well - cut forty-five». I thought: «Well, bitch, what gadenysh!» And so it did not buy anything. I have had never been but have heard that he had a big collection, fountains in the country faces.

B. Alekseev. «Tselkov - you are a genius!». The price of square centimeters of Painting //

Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 22 October 2004

- How did you get here?

- I was lured Lobanov. I bought him a picture of snobbery. Something white ... with ears ... Like squid ... Called «Vector silence» ... Among them are talented artists?

- Yes. For example, Tselkov.

- This is who? In jeans?

- Tselkov - which it did not come.

Sergei Dovlatov. «Reserve»

There is another nuance, which is not so much to creativity as to the prevailing realities of life. If the right to speak, by the «Pont». Pictures Tselkova well saved - enough to see them at least once to the question of authorship does not arise. To recognize Tselkova You do not need to be frequent visitors to museums. In addition, it is well known that his picture of the artist as the first of several rather expensive. In short, Tselkov - it is noticeable, it is prestigious, it is a status. In case you can easily please their owner's knowledge, and the guests did not show a sign of the sin of his success. Tselkov appropriate and in the office, and at the reception, and in the apartment and country house. Of course, in each case, you need to find the correct story, but more on that below.

Investment Risks. In terms of the investment risks of the Tselkova too find. The risk of forgery is minimal, if anyone, and the risk, what that argument. To begin with, with all the seeming simplicity of the composite picture Tselkova not too easy to forge. This is a long painstaking work, with lots of details, transitions, which easily give someone else's hand. Finally, color, background color - the most difficult material to forgers. Secondly, to confirm the authorship and the artist can be - thank goodness, Tselkov live-sound. And yet, this artist has a book in which most of the 1960's, he writes the settings of his pictures and record the name of their first customers. This methodical record of our spontaneous Sixties led unit. And the thing that opens the way to systematize the full heritage, not only to create a catalog of reasons, but also to put a reliable barrier to «malfunction».

In terms of it turns out that the real investment risk when dealing with things Oleg Tselkova only two. The first danger - much overpay for a job well done. The second danger - to buy something relatively weak, which means less liquidity.

True, both cases expressly say, not lethal. On digesting inflated prices will go well, longer, and the poor thing would be resold to longer and harder.

In addition, their investment risk is attributed soon the inevitable decline in the number of high-quality works available in the market. In an interview Tselkov let out: «I have quite a lot of pictures on his hands. Western museums they do not rush, the same picture I do not give, and offer to buy. A "buy" and "Gift" - are very different things. But give me uninteresting, since in Europe, my art is not so clear as in Russia ». But it did four years ago, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. It is still strong and significant works appear in major auctions. Collectors can even choose on the principle of «the best - the enemy of the good». But this situation did not last long. Maybe another year, one and a half. And then - an acute shortage, as has already happened with other «non» artists of the first row.

Investment potential and prognosis ARTinvestment.RU. If I had to exchange a list of «blue chips» for Russian postwar art, the Tselkov perhaps the only one who unequivocally could still lead a roster of . From a market point of view of the work Tselkova have everything you need: a bright recognizable style, wide range and the relative mass (of which there is a choice), a successful auction history, a clear career path (there is no suspicion of imitation «promotion »).

In fact, «blue chips» usually do not grow rapidly, there is no lag undervalued - that is really fail for the relative reliability. That is, push possible, but without the drama. For creativity Oleg Tselkova ARTinvestment.RU a normal price «career» characteristic of works of recognized artists - 20-25 per cent per annum. And to the best of things and Masterpieces - more than 50 percent a year.

Oleg Tselkov on rozhah

- How is it then that there was a myth that Tselkov an amazing grotesque reflect Soviet reality?

- And from there Gogolya: «On the mirror Nechay blame, the number erysipelas Criva». That's all. Gogol is not going to somehow there is something grotesque reflect - he wrote, as he put God in the soul. And that is deducted in the audience - her problem. Those who think that person is evil or groteskovym has every right to do so. Especially if you buy me a picture and hang at home, here on the same rope.

- I know you are tired of the question of how there was 44 years ago, your character - the mask, the face, muzzle, mug, as you call it. But want to know: for all that time, as it with your help gun piercing and cutting items that you have about us because he knew?

- Did you read «Lolita» Nabokov? What is the plot? As a mature man romance with his 12-year-old stepdaughter? Yes or hell! This novel about the strangeness of love. And on the eternal truth of love, what would it say about her foreign. Love is always in breach of any existing order, yes? Therefore, it is in a sense, a crime? And why is it disruptive? This is not a legal issue. Legal matters of interest only to lawyers, but it concerns all of us ...

I am in one interview said that, when I suddenly was this mug, it became clear: the person is not a specific person, but mankind in general, as a whole. So I, myself not knowing that, by chance styanul mask with all at once. I will not be «disrupt masks», and I saw no «bad» or «good», but something more genuine, SUBCUTANEOUS. And the fact that each of us under the skin, pulls together all of us. I can not have a specific claim to any person, but I have more than a specific claim to the mass of people who denigrate each other, tortured, sent into eternity. These claims, I have the right to possess and to the past and the present, and future ... Here are some such answer.

M. Pozdnyaev. Oleg Tselkov. «I accidentally tore off the mask of humanity» //

Novye Izvestia. 29 October 2004

On the whole, is recognize that Tselkov - it is very convenient for the artist beginning investors. We need to seriously try to like it very much irreversibly naportachit investment in his work relative to investment risks, we have estimated a version of «discarded money» in this case, it is difficult to imagine even hypothetically. Another point is that even the average working Tselkova is not cheap: the account is in the tens of thousands. A better and far are in the range of 200-450 thousand dollars. And this is perhaps the main problem for novice investors. But still it is not yet a million. However, in the medium term to ensure all are - and will be a million. And maybe even sooner than we think.

We also expect that within a year the market will greatly cleaned circulating volume of work is top quality. They osyadut in assemblies, there is a deficit that would inevitably noticeable price jump. In short, those who plan to incorporate work Tselkova in the collection and investment assembly is hurry.

Tips investors. What are the selection criteria can be recommended? To work, it was easier to resell, you'll need to stick to a neutral topic (so that the mask was not completely terrible, and no other storylines «crime»). Plus is a preference for bright colors - especially good at Tselkova gradients of blue and purple, however, less purple interior, it is usually difficult to «write» the premises. Another look at the size. Not purchased for the museum and sold to the museum, so is the preferred size of meter to meter, meter twenty or fifty-meter (if space allows, although the latter is already too much). Anything larger would be more difficult to sell. «Granulate», of course, also do not need it, Tselkov artist not a chamber, and not «Dutchman», hence the modest size of the visually exciting lose. Of course, you need to pay attention to the year of establishment. Better to have been the seventies-eighties (remember that expertise collectors consider this period the most powerful) ... But really really depend on the period is not, remember that quality is preferable to creating a good year. Finally, not to make mistakes, the standard advice: Keep an eye on indicators of investment risk for Tselkova site ARTinvestment.RU, the view of the Expert Council are aware.

What books and articles to read?

Vladimir Bogdanov

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