Results of XXXIII Antique Salon. Moscow drift
It is high time to stop hoping for a sudden sharp improved external environment and learn to work in new conditions of discomfort
From about 2009 up antique shops we used to comment on reservations. And with the advances. They say, yes, now the result is not very good, but there are encouraging trends. There is always something missing. It seems that you need quite a bit, and things will go back. Not enough different each time. So, on before last members sinned by lack of advertising. And on past, XXXII, salon idée fix was the lack of political stability. Say, now all ustakanilos - elections, the Duma, Putin rallies - the long-awaited stability to many antique dealers. After that, customers will calm down and start buying.
Now we can say that it was an illusion. The election results have not led to an increase in demand in the antique market. How could not they stop , strengthening the crisis in the small and medium business, and emigration of wealthy people, among whom were many collectors. "Stability" has not helped. As aptly noted one participant offline AI, the rise can be expected when people believe in the future, and are keen on the prospect of a successful investment experience. When consideration of perspectives - "shale revolution", the collapse of energy prices and the "second wave" of the crisis, the clientele sit tight on money and clamped on the new concerns. That, in general, and confirmed XXXIII Antique Salon.
Fundamental his impressions to report to you in the form of questions and answers.
How can describe the results: sales and business activity?
have someone better, someone worse. Unambiguous result, as always, it is impossible to formulate. But the galleries that would say that the current salon for them better than the last, almost none. Visitors, the overall assessment was lower than before. But the qualifications of the public above. In recent days, members of the Salon fixed "point" sales. That is rare. But many noted that managed to interest potential new clients, and these links will work out a couple of months after the closing of the cabin. In short, there is a delayed effect - it can never be discounted.
What's new in the demand of the public?
Here an interesting thing we were told. Some gallery owners have noticed that the part of the young audience has increased the demand for "native language", that is, the Russian classics, reproductions of which were duplicated in school textbooks. Is the demand went in the second round? Unexpected and interesting. How strong is the trend will still be checked. But something is already there.
Among other trends noted - the interest groups of the Caucasian and Central Asian buyers to profile historical topics. Painting with jigits, national landscapes - everything. We see people all the bad - pritsenivayutsya.
Was it something interesting for investors?
Justice prices - is a separate question, leave it aside. But the material was good. Of the three allocated ARTinvestment.RU promising investment destinations in the cabin there were two: the Russian art of the first half of the XX century (including , DEINEKO , etc.), and the Russian diaspora. In the second segment of the gallery owner even managed to acquaint the public with the names before the little known Russian buyers (for example, the works of Mary Lagorio in "Elysium"). But the Sixties (third-term investment direction) almost was not. So sorry. It turns out that this line of de facto dropped today from the main fair format. Nonconformists were too young for the Antique Salon and too old for the same Art Moscow.
quality better offers on the current salon?
interesting work in this time was a lot. And the feeling that the quality of interior things weaker than the last, if not - just look at the current top list of experts Board . Another thing is that this time felt more neighborhood painting with DPI and heaps of jewelry. Overall, this gave rise to a feeling that the "third floor" gradually climbs to the second.
as felt in this segment PDI Salon?
Here the situation - kind of like a buckwheat. After the success of DPI and jewelry in past salons offer in this segment increased. As before, near these stands were increased congestion of the public. Surefire sign of interest. Did this higher sales? To our knowledge, has not resulted. Sales have been, but on the whole rather worse than in previous salons.
What prices were XXXIII Antique Salon?
Most of the results of our research - photos and prices - published in the photo essay ARTinvestment.RU Forum . What is allowed to photograph and where not to hide prices.
How can today to assess the attitude of the public to the Salon?
Unfortunately, the Antique Salon today, not one of the most important cultural events or to the inhabitants of Moscow, much less population. And it is wrong. Because in fact, it is certainly is. Russian antique market for no other possibility showmanship, always on the salon to make all the best that is in the gallery. Preparation for the Salon starts several months, galleries are holding special rare paintings to the Salon. Respectively, and the potential buyers of antiques also have the unique opportunity to see the best of everything in one place. Makes it easier for both the purely physical plane (no need to go through the galleries) and in principle (in real life the best that there is in the gallery, often hanging on the wall, and hidden away in the vaults for a serious customer).
There is another point. Relation to antique shops both media and ordinary people today - not as a solid business, but as a coterie zhiruyuschey to say: everything is either expensive or not true. Again, this is not the case. First, not all expensive, is in a different wallet and taste, and secondly, it is not zhiruyuschaya get-together, and the gathering of professionals who are happy to share their unique knowledge. Antique shop - a place where the history of the past and not in the abstract where the achievements of our culture is not only a museum piece, and the products that can be purchased.
Why cultural event, which is being watched Russia not only antique, but most of the neighbors is so stealthily?
Alas, not only because the little advertising. First, little attention of city authorities, not to mention the federal. Why not at the opening of the first persons of the city, the country? Where officials of ministries? Where is the camera? They are not personally interested in, well, let's say. But there are things purely pragmatic: any first-person action increases the focus of media attention and people to the event. The examples are not far to seek: European leaders are often present at the opening of major exhibitions of his country. And if we do not promote their activities, then who?
But in this case it is not only about promoting a particular business project and the national art market (which really would not prevent new pulse), but also the promotion of the achievements of the national culture of Russia.
word, today the situation is such that involuntarily drawn to the slogans. Ahead - a lot of work. It is high time to stop hoping for a sudden sharp improved external environment and learn to work in new, uncomfortable conditions. Improve - good. And no - and with the handle.
Vladimir Bogdanov, AI
Babulin Constantine, AI
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