Artist of the week: Sergei Bordachev
Member of the "bulldozer" exhibition in Belyaevo in 1974 Bordachev was not among those who joined the "conspirators". But he, like several of his colleagues feel the need to come to the wasteland with the picture in his hands. To freely show at least one thing
I Write and feel that he, too, quietly picked up a virus "bulldozer" explanation. That's really more than 40 years have passed, and artists and witnesses all understand: who called who refused at the last moment, and who, on the contrary, did not call, but they were. The jealousy of the historical moment is understandable. Over time it became clear that the exhibition in Belyaevo, mediocre crumpled Brezhnev blockheads, became the most uncompromising and dangerous on the possible consequences in the postwar history of non-conformism. Clumsy and senseless state violence against artists deservedly turned bold "plein air" on 15 September 1974 in a symbol of creative resistance. In fact, all the artists that came then to a vacant lot, was included in the history of nonconformist art is the fact of participation. And they were invited or uninvited — is not so important. Let me remind you that, in addition to Bordacheva, uninvited among the volunteers that day were Edward Zelenin and Valery Gerlovin (colleague Bordacheva in exhibitions since 1969, which even Leonid Bazhanov was in charge), and Mikhail Odnoralov and Fedorov-Рошаль etc.
If you open the directory "Other art", it appears that Bordachev generally rare artist who was lucky enough to participate historical informal exhibitions 1970-х years. After Belyaevo (15 September 1974) the paintings of Sergey Bordachev was presented at the exhibition in Izmailovo (29 September 1974), and in the pavilion "Culture House" on VDNH (20 September 1975). After that, his work has been on many "appartment" spring 1976-го (home of Vladimir Sychev, etc.). Bordachev participated in the first and subsequent exhibitions of the painting section in the city Committee schedules on the little Georgia, 28 January 1977-го. There he later exhibited as part of the gorkomovskoy group "21" (with his friend Zverev, etc.). Since the late 1970-х work Bordacheva traveled to Europe and America in the "Museum of contemporary Russian art in exile" Alexander Glezer, participated in many foreign exhibitions of unofficial Soviet art. Service record is the envy of.
Bordachev many different styles of his abstractions, his series often not similar. This is the difficulty. With it does not work the option "one time I saw — is now always will be able to distinguish". Can only be a great nastranost. Only if you know Berdichevskii cycles on the memory. Yes, it has its own laws: the commitment of abstraction, expressed experimentalism with recognizable influences. And passion for "relaxed" geometry, rectangle, circle and triangle. But universal stylistic formula, the viewer is unlikely to detect. However the artist it also has the right, why not?
painterly abstraction Sergey Bordachev usually not very severe, tend to be more decorative. It is believed that part of his experiments was an attempt to revive geometric abstraction. The essence, add the pieces of biomorfny. Not very clear, but should see, and immediately understand what it's about. In fact, some cycles Bordacheva 1970-х years is very good. And for example to go far don't need — view the song 1979 the auction, which we're having now. When the case pay attention to his reliefs. There, in addition to the plan, drew the attention of high technique. Not surprising, given that Bordachev since the late 1960-х worked for several years at the works of decorative applied art.
Bordachev came to art quite late. And like many, with no formal art education. He began painting only at age 18. I read that it was influenced by Anatoly Zverev. That's more like a legend. But Zverev and they really talked a lot in the late 1970-х together were exhibited in the city and were friends until the end of life. But that was then. And then, in 1966 behind Bordacheva was just completed vocational school and the specialty mechanic — even some fancy "universities" for "unofficial" artist. However, the sixties are not uncommon. Self-taught was, if you remember, Vladimir Yashke, and Vladlen Gavrilchik, and Leonid Borisov, Gleb Bogomolov, partly Vladimir Nemukhin, Igor Voroshilov, now living Katya Medvedev, and even a lot of people.
Today the work Bordacheva included in many important collection of nonconformist art, Museum and private. For memory, there are in the collection of Norton Dodge (Zimmerly Museum in the US), the collection of Leonid Talochkin (moved to the New Tretyakov gallery), in the collection of Mikhail Alshibai, Alexander Kronik and many others.
With the market more difficult. Public information about the auction sales of works Bordacheva accumulated is still insufficient to judge the prices across periods. The artist's works were exhibited more than once, but the sales recorded were not many. Price records were set ten years ago — as at all at the peak of the market. Things relevant to forecasts of the prices since then have been few and far between. More-менее surely now we can say that the demand for good graphics Bordacheva at auctions were closed in the price range of around $ 30 000. The benchmark for good art, rather, around 60 000. But it's more intuitive. Attached to nothing. In particular, things such a high level like we have now exhibited, previously on the open market do not offer.
Less than a month, June 18, 2018, Sergei Mikhailovich Bordachev turns 70. Artists once the youngest group of 21 municipal Committee on Small Georgian one by one begin to celebrate the anniversaries.,,,
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