Artist of the week: Artur Fonvizin
An outstanding draftsman, virtuoso "wet watercolor", "bonobouitoolbar" the first convocation, and later persecuted in the USSR "formalist" — Arthur Fonvizin became the inspiration for a whole galaxy of young artists-нонконформистов
FONVIZIN, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) portrait of a girl, Karaganda
watercolor on Paper. 68,7 × 50
Sothebys. 09.06.2010
sale Price: $16 342
artinvestment.ruFONVIZIN, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) wildflowers. 1957
, watercolour on Paper. 51×32.8 million
AI Auction. 18.04.2014
selling Price: 400 000 RUB ($120 11)
"We have repeatedly heard that Fonvizin — child, and, allegedly, the child in him makes him a great artist. From my point of view, this is the most harmful, formalistic. We understand the beauty of children's creativity. But if you don't put it on the highest level of adult intelligence, we will get the work done, in other words, irresponsible creativity. For me, the axiom that Arthur V. — master and not the child that must be led by the hand to wear a bib and to teach basic truths. But when it doesn't come from reality, and, frankly, creates a brilliant cascade of colorful fabrications, this formalistic Fonvizin. Formalism — this is the base of idealistic thinking in art. And I throw Arthur Vladimirovich reproach. You with a beautiful talent, don't have themes. Take your “Circus”! Solid shimmer! Exception — sisters Koch. The physical structure of these athletes did not give you blurred. Turned out beautiful strong girl. Where in your work of Soviet holidays? But our holidays just created for your opportunities: how brightly twisted tape, the huge Soviet crowd, floating down the street, — now ready for the topic of your watercolors...."
I Think, what is it? Hell "she" or grotesque the script for the newsreel "Wick"? No, my friends. It's more than that. In fact, the yard — the midst of repression. A quote is given on the transcript of the speech of comrade Beskin on the discussion of the artist A. V. Fonvizin is OUT of the office for the arts on March 11, 1937. It's not just words, by the time for the artist it was even worse. Shortly before these events in the newspaper "Pravda" published a scathing article critique Kamenova about the exhibition Fonvizin to Pushkin (this was in 1936). The artist (who recently had a son) received the label "formalist", once deprived of orders in publishing and virtually all sources of meager income.
However there is no longer the bread the question was, but actually about life and death. And you got a contrive! Have all agreed to work for the revolution, and all the bristle. Draw, as expected, Soviet holidays, and workers, but not an eyesore because of sincere and selfless fighters of the ideological front.
Looking ahead, I will say that in 1937, almost done. Fonvizin "only" deprived of a livelihood. But it is not shot at Butovo as, for example, Alexander Drevin, who ironically in the same speech to the Department Fonvizina set the example of merciless literary critics of the comrade Osip Martynovich Beskin.
Cost, by the way, not for the last time. When all was revealed Fonvizina the misfortunes fate has repeatedly saved it from the last line. Baiting the "Truth" in 1937, — is only one episode. In 1942, Fonvizin was sent as unreliable German with his wife, 5-летним child and a sick mother-in-law to Kazakhstan. InKaraganda, in the winter, sorokogradusnuyu frosts. The family had to send more then, just to die. But who is-то called from Moscow, Fonvizin managed to settle down on the outskirts of the city. And there really are good people and helped — wood, food. Mother-in-law did not survive, but the others stood and waited for the call to Moscow. And again it happened, you might say, a miracle. Solicit colleagues, wrote a collective letter, a reputable architect Vesnin took place. And the miracle happened: the "good" to return from exile Fonvizin gave herself ruthless "Crimean witch" Rosalia Zemlyachka. The one which is in the early 1920-х drowned the Peninsula in blood. And suddenly, knowing the origin of this "dissent", why-то and took pity hunted "background".
In General, German, formalist, ideological enemy — any other even ten times would be shot. Fonvizin and survived. Not heroics, but socialist realism is not bowed, he remained true to himself. Paid for it with hopeless poverty until old age, until death. For the first time, Fonvizin moved from the communal on the Kirov, 19, in a separate apartment, which might-человечески to work in 1952 when he was 70-й year. And before that, all was a dark room overlooking a brick wall.
But Fonvizin lived almost 90 years. And finally all-таки waited and exhibitions, and relative recognition, and opportunities for work, and longed for peace.
In our days Fonvizin associated with some-то seclusion, introversion, "quiet art," belonging to a conditional group of the notorious "three f": Fonvizin, Tabor, Falk. And with a great creative heritage. In the last 15 years of his life, he quietly worked at home and made many hundreds, if not thousands, of drawings. It was called shy, bashful, adrift, and guarded like an angel-хранителем. But worth reading a biography of Fonvizin, and much does not fit with this image. Sometimes you wonder just what the hell were carried out in still waters.
Bundesstaat Fonvizin began back in high school: he told me that intentionally "dropped" to the charges (the wife writes that in fifth grade he came to the Director and said that he was leaving). And then our "demure" with a crash have expelled from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (which he did in 1901). Not for grades but for a fight after the illegal exhibition. Fonvizin had a fight with a student by sudeikina (thus, a future colleague on the "Blue rose"). According to the memoirs of Artur Vladimirovich, his friend Mikhail Larionov "smuggling" staged a show of their work without permission they hung their paintings and drawings in one of the halls. See gathered many students and their Sudeikin you say, "Kind of stuff I would have written in one night". Fonvizin in response embedded, for which he was expelled. And Larionov too.
had to go out to pasture. And while Larionov earned fame and money, arranged the exhibition (which did not forget to put the work of friend and formerclassmate), he Fonvizin rushed to Germany. Lived in stamps sent to parents (they contain up to thirty years), and in the meantime went under the Munich studios, changing teachers, spend money on reproductions of velázquez and his wife-мулатку. Two marriages, family drama.
Much like a wallflower?
In the works of Fonvizin in fact also showed himself a man not timid. Judge for yourself. The current master of the "Jack of diamonds" and "Blue rose" suddenly at 47 years of the painter suddenly transforms into a convinced schedule. Each Larionov initially tried to reason with him: "Arthur, you seem crazy. Watercolor — is a self-indulgence. What are you going to live?" But that in any. And was an outstanding watercolourist. In spite of everything. But that's not all. In 1937-м Fonvizina again give a clear message, but rather threaten: "Repent, brother, and let-ка switch on socialist realism". Fonvizin again like deaf ears. What he did not understand the possible consequences, I do not believe. Authorities have not openly opposed, but to adapt quickly and to set socialisti too. And in those days only to stay true to yourself, have required considerable courage.
FONVIZIN, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) Rider in the arena
watercolor on Paper. 44,5 × 32,5
AI Auction. 19.05.2017
selling Price: 275 000 rubles ($4 785)
artinvestment.ruFONVIZIN, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) still life. 1949
, watercolour on Paper. 36,3 × 31,8
AI Auction. 22.05.2015
selling Price: 475, 000 ($9 500)
Fonvizin from his youth had a reputation as an artist of destiny, not quite of this world. Friends and biographers loved to recount the mystical history of the emergence of his talent. Fonvizin (von Wiesen-Визин) was the son of lesoustroitel German origin (early work he signed Wiesen, without the "von"). He spent his childhood in the wilderness. Communication of the child was low, and he grew up with special needs. Boy did not say, almost seven years, was very closed in itself. But, according to legend, everything changed overnight. One day the father took the child to the circus Ciniselli, and there, amid a strong impression, the boy was an emotional breakthrough. So all these horsewoman, the horses, tsirkachka — is the experiences of childhood. A theme to which the artist returned to the end of his days. So like the collectors. And the one that almost killed the author in 1937-м.
In the late 1950-х when Fonvizin was hard for 70, he seemed to have regained unprecedented artistic power. It was during this period were executed the portraits of outstanding figures of the Soviet culture. In particular, the portrait of Maya Plisetskaya (early 1960-х), singer Galina Vishnevskaya in the role of Natasha Rostova (1960-1962), actress Tatyana Samoilova (1963) and others. This outstanding watercolor masterpieces. With just found a character, made confident (watercolor not oil, will not correct mistakes), and just striking beauty. Today, they could cost tens of thousands of dollars. But only theoretically, because in the auction market of works of this class have not yet been.
FONVIZIN, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) Circus. 1950
Paper, watercolor, ink. 32,5 x 27,5
AI Auction. 16.01.2015
selling Price: 210 000 RUB ($3 234)
artinvestment.ruFONVIZINArthur V. (1882-1973) Rider. Con. 1940-х
Paper; watercolor. 34×25.5 in
AI Auction. 29.11.2013
selling Price: 170 000 rubles ($5 134)
But other good things happen. Now on the domestic market, the real market range for beautiful still lifes and watercolors of circus series is 250 000-600 000. Much depends on the quality, size of the plot. For example, small landscapes are much cheaper than the big female portraits or horsewoman. Studies and sketches offer an even cheaper, but their liquidity is quite low, not to sell, not advise. Well, most commercial liquid things, again, are circus scenes, portraits of women and flowers. Phenomenal work capacity Fonvizin (especially in the last 15-20 years) creates the illusion that the market should be the sea of his watercolors. But in fact it is not. In the open market they appear very dosed (and always was). Good thing we'll have to wait to buy on occasion. Especially at the normal price. It is very important not to lose vigilance. On the market, including auctions,-прежнему is full of counterfeits Fonvizin. Rogues, as in the case with Zverev and Yakovlev, it seems that the fake graphics they will be easy. So, as usual, no fuss, to select the feature story and the quality and be sure to double-check the authenticity.
bye For now. It remains only not to forget about ourselves. One of the right circus watercolors 1952 confirmation of the expert Valery Silaeva until Friday will be sold at our auction. This is a collectors note.
What else to read on the topic on AI:
Fonvizin, Artur Vladimirovich (1882-1973) / biography
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