Art Investment

Artist of the week: Kasyan Goleizovsky

Few people know that the world-famous choreographer, one of the most brilliant artists of the Bolshoi theatre Kasyan Yaroslavich Goleizovsky was a talented theater artist and has left a significant graphic heritage

Kasian Goleizovsky. 1920

choreographer, dancer and theater artist Kassian Yaroslavich Goleizovsky born February 22 (March 7) 1892 in Moscow into a family of artists of the Bolshoi Theatre.

From 1900 he studied at the Moscow Theatre School (teachers in classical dance - NP Domashev later Tikhomirov and M. Mordkin). In the season 1906/1907 transferred to the St. Petersburg Theater School, where he graduated in 1909 (teachers MK Obukhov, S. K. Andrianov). In 1907 he took lessons at eleven A. Duncan. She also supplied the Goleizovsky "Dancing with the sword" to the music of one of the Chopin preludes.

final performance on "Seasons" to music. Tchaikovsky, prepared by Fokin, a partner Goleizovsky Fokine student EM Luke.

After graduating from college was enlisted in the Mariinsky Theater troupe, but soon iskhlopotal currently translated in Moscow Bolshoi Theatre. He served in the Grand Theatre from 1909 to 1918. Participated in the experimental productions Gorsky. Played roles in productions of "Sleeping Beauty" (choreographer Marius Petipa), "goldfish", "Pharaoh's Daughter" (pas de deux with E. Gelzer), "Raymond," "Swan Lake," "The Enchanted Lake" , "Salammbo," "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "La Fille Mal Gardee", etc.

Goleizovsky On memoirs, in his youth, he studied at the school of painting artist M. B. LeBlanc , practicing in the studio G. B. Yakulov in the sculpture studio Popov's of applied arts, where he studied English, French, Polish and Persian languages, attended drama and directing course at the Moscow Philharmonic, he learned to play the violin and piano with Professor D. C. Crane, participated in student debates on issues of public interest, he wrote poems, which read in concert Vladimir Maksimov, and poetic ballet libretto (while for other choreographers) - for example, "Aziade", "Tale of the Arabian Nights," "Choreography Poem "in one act with a prologue, and" Flowers of Granada "for MM Mordkin. Poems published in magazines Goleizovsky "Dawn", "artistic world", "Theatre". Compiled poetry collection "Svetogrozdya».

the Bolshoi theater is often Goleizovsky had to dance exactly the same variations in exactly the same ballets. By 1909 is the first independent choreographer Goleizovsky opus - "Dance to the letter." In 1910 he directed "Dancing crazy" in their own performance. During the First World War, spoke at benefit concerts and parties.

choreographic career began in 1915 in the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (Intimate Theatre (Petrograd Theater BS Nevolina, while working in Moscow), Mamonovsky theater miniatures, theater-cabaret "Die Fledermaus"), reinterpreting a tradition of academic ballet and progressive quest of Isadora Duncan, Fokine, Gorsky. In 1916 he choreographed "goat-footed" I. Szasz and "Selecting the Bride" M. Kuzmin. By 1917 Goleizovsky was already very popular as a choreographer pop genre.

first steps in the field of pedagogy by Studio M. Mordkin in 1916. In the same year established his own studio, which in 1916-1925 many times changed the name, the most famous of them - "Moscow Chamber Ballet." Studio was attached to various organizations - that to TeMusek (theater and music section of the Moscow Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies), by the Children's Theatre, is the circus, but the core remains work to create a dance theater. It was a professional ballet studio, which included many of the dancers of the Bolshoi Theatre, constituted the core of the team: Abramova, LM Bank, S. Bohm, ED Vigilio, W. Golubin, V. Efimov, E. Ilyushchenko, VV Kudryavtsev, ED Lena, V. Likhachev, M. Martynova, L. Mackiewicz, AM Messerer, TA Miroslavskaya, BV Pletnev, NB Podgoretskaya, N. Tarasov, VI Tsaplin. In the studio, K. Goleizovsky implemented most of its innovations: they were delivered "Sonata death and movement" to the music of Scriabin (1918), ballet for children "Sand oldies" music on the team (mostly pieces from the "Children's Album" R. Schuman, 1918) and "Max and Moritz" to music studies Schytte L. (1919), "Harlequinade" to music by Chaminade, (1919), "Salome" with music by Richard Strauss (1922), "Faun" to music Claude Debussy (1922), "fleeting" to music by Prokofiev (1922), "Eccentric Dance" music on the team, (1923), "Essays pure classics" to the music of Chopin (1924), Spanish Dance (1918 - 1924), choreographic sketches, concert performances. Choreographic work program Goleizovsky was raised in 1919 for the Bolshoi Ballet Nikolai Tcherepnin's "Masque of the Red Death" (ballet never saw the light rail).

Looking own handwriting dabbled in different style directions: to revive a culture of ancient sculpture, creating impressionistic sketches of music by Claude Debussy, Scriabin, I. Albeniz, E. Granados, Nikolai Medtner, turned to methods eccentrics and slapstick comedy dell'arte. Attaching ballet to Scriabin and thus opening new ground for ballet music Goleizovsky sought and new means of expression, largely unfamiliar to those who have been brought up on the principles of academic ballet. Choreographer greatly enlarged vocabulary of dance vocabulary of the original motion, the support elements of acrobatics, developed new compositional techniques and principles for the use of stage space. Staged at different venues, he collaborated with VE Meyerhold and AY Tairov.

Kasian Goleizovsky
Harlequin. Costume design for a concert suite rooms "Mask" to the music of BB Bera. 1918
Paper, pencil, watercolor, gouache, ink, pen. 48 x 35,5
Kasian Goleizovsky
Bandit. Costume design for the ballet-pantomime "Harlequinade" to music by Chaminade. 1919
paper with water marks, gouache, pencil, watercolor, ink, varnish. 41.6 x 32,6

in 1925 set in the Experimental Theatre ( branch of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow) ballet SN Vasilenko "Joseph the Beautiful", which encompasses all the best that has been prepared by the preceding stage of its activity. All the terms of the ballet - the choreography, music, visual solution (artist B. Erdman), performance art - reached here harmony. Along with "Joseph the Beautiful" was the ballet "Teolinda" to the music of Franz Schubert, also delivered Goleizovsky.

In 1925, after the termination of the Moscow Chamber Ballet, being without its own troupe continued Goleizovsky collaboration with the masters of the Bolshoi Theatre: put them to the ballet "Lola" SN Vasilenko (1926, not implemented), "Carmen" at the music B. Baer (1926, not implemented), "Evening performances Kasian Goleizovsky" (1927) "Tornado" to the music of B. Baer (1927). He worked with new ballet companies in Moscow, including a ballet "tricksy" to the music of Franz Schubert for the studio "drambaleta" (1928), etc. He created choreographic miniatures and concerts to ballet dancers and singers. In 1928-1929 he worked in the Moscow and Leningrad Music Hall.

was choreographer in the film "Aelita" (1924) and "Puppets" (1934) JA Protazanov " The Circus "(1936) and" Spring "(1947) G. Alexandrov.

was a gifted artist in his early years he often created costumes and sets for their productions. In 1918 he exhibited his work at the exhibition of the Society VII "free creativity" in Moscow, which was attended by well-known artists and sculptors A. Shevchenko , C. Erzya , I. Alekseev , B. Bogolyubov , D. Burliuk , B. Evreinov , B. Khvostenko , A. B. Grishchenko , etc. He was one of the organizers (along with IV Alekseev) exhibition "Ballet and Dance", held in May 1921 in Moscow. On this exhibition features 35 sketches Goleizovsky ballet costumes, and posters. The exhibition was attended Alexander A. Benoit , A. Golovin , IV Alexeev, C. Yutkevich , P. Mac , B. Chekhonin , N. B. Sinezubov , etc. The major part of the exhibits were lithographs, engravings and photographs, in addition, the exhibition shows the old lithographs and engravings from private collections, mainly IV Alekseev Bakhrushin and K . J. Goleizovsky. In 1926, participated in the second exhibition "Art of Movement" in Moscow, organized Choreological GAKhN Laboratory, and the Russian Association of ritmistov Photographic Society, exhibited "Studies Movement" (cat. № 361-370), terracotta figurines of dancers (cat. № 372-380 ) and photographs of productions.

Kasian Goleizovsky
Scapino. Costume design for the ballet-pantomime "Harlequinade" to music by Chaminade. 1919
paper with water marks, gouache, pencil, watercolor, ink. 41.7 x 33
KASYaN Kasian Goleizovsky
Caricature actor V. Likhachev (?). 1924
cardboard, pencil, collage. 35 x 34,3

the years, collaborated with artists G. A. Pozhidaeva , BR Erdman, A. Musatov , Anatoly A. G. Petritsky , SI Yutkevich and others used the first time in a ballet set design, which give the opportunity to show choreographer human figures vividly, in various, often unexpected angles, using unusual combinations of bodies. Often the scenery as such was not, stage design was seen as part of the dance songs.

In the 1930s, paid tribute to the traditions of the great performances of classical ballet ("Sleeping Beauty" by Tchaikovsky, 1935 Kharkov), the principles of ballet-drama ("Fountain of Bakhchisarai" Asafiev by Alexander Pushkin, 1939, Minsk). During these years, turned to the study and rethink dance folklore, especially Russian and Eastern peoples ("Dancing nationalities", 1932, "The picture of dancing peoples of the USSR," 1935).

Collaborated with ballet schools, including concert performances staged for LHU (1934, 1936) and ballets for moss - "Santa's Christmas Tree" to music by K. Potapova (1942, Vasilsursk), "Son Dremovich" to music by NK Chemberdzhi (1943). Was director of large-scale athletic parades (1938, 1939, 1940), live in different rooms of song and dance. In 1940 became the chief choreographer of Song and Dance Ensemble of the NKVD.

took part in the organization of the national art of decades of Soviet republics in Moscow (Uzbekistan and Belarus, 1937, Tajik, 1940 Lithuania, 1941). Created the first national ballet on a contemporary theme, built on Tajik dance ethnography - "Doo Ghoul" ("Two Roses") to music by S. Lena (Tajik theater, Dushanbe, 1941). Simultaneously the stage processing of folklore that is different from the previous years searching stylized, turning to the originals folk dance culture. This is reflected, in particular, in the productions of the ballet "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" separate dances and scenes in "Don Quixote" (ed. M. Gabovich, Bolshoi Theatre, 1942), choreographed film "Polovtsian Dances" from the opera Pastur . Borodin's "Prince Igor" (Bolshoi Theatre, 1934).

Kasian Goleizovsky
Plastic pose. Ida Penza in the image of the Queen Tayah (?) In ballet SN Vasilenko "Joseph the Beautiful." 1924
Graphite pencil. 24.7 x 15,5
Kasian Goleizovsky dancing couple. 1920 Kasian Goleizovsky
dancing couple. 1920
cardboard, pencil, watercolor, paint, fabric, collage. 35.2 x 29,8

In later years Goleizovsky stayed true associativity choreographic language, its metaphorical lexical discoveries of previous years ("Evening of Choreographic Miniatures", moss, 1959, 1960-1962 concerts by young artists of the Bolshoi Theater, "Skryabiniana" Grand Theatre, 1962 "fleeting" to music. C. Prokofiev group "Young Ballet", 1968).

Goleizovsky The last ballet at the Bolshoi Theater - "Layla and Majnun" Balasanyan SA (1964) - Classic organically connect with free plastic and artisan.

Honored Artist of the Byelorussian SSR (1940), Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR (1954).

Choreographic Miniatures Goleizovsky filmed in television concerts ("choreographic symphony" 1971; "fleeting", 1985), the film-ballet "Skryabiniana" (1971). Creativity Goleizovsky devoted documentary "Reflections on the ballet" (1965), the movie "choreographic images Kasian Goleizovsky" (1990).

author of "Images of Russian folk dance" (Moscow, 1964) .

died in Moscow on May 4, 1970.

See theater schedule KY Goleizovsky to 27 December 2012 will be on display «Artists Theatre Kasian Goleizovsky. 1918-1932 » in the gallery" Elysium ».

Source : Materials Gallery« Elysium »

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