Art Investment

Russian week in London. June 2018. Opinions and forecasts

Specialized Russian auction in the UK will start next Monday. Collectors, gallery owners and owners of private museums in London arrived in good time. Why wait? AI shares his opinion

Review of long, so I will dispense with introductions. The more that had to be repeated. Again, to say that the Russian bid is not progressive (and why), the level of supply is reduced, prices are also not rising. They fell in $ -фунтах on average 3-4 times in 2014, and remain. But people gradually come to understand the new realities. Confirmation of this — queue of people wanting to sell Aivazovsky. Only two major auction houses in 2 days need to sell 10 large paintings and small kartinok of our seascape. Of the three auctions this review, traditionally the strongest catalog "Sotheby's". But, speaking about "dropping" and "worse-лучше," we must realize that each of these three auction houses a few heads are superior to any auction on the local market in Russia. We will remind, the annual sales of all auctions in the fine art — $8 700 000. Just. In London for three days will do more.

a few words about predictions. What does the "View AI"? No, it's not a gamble and not bet in a casino. These figures reflect certain rational expectations — how much should cost such a picture, taking into account existing market prices (this can be a database of auction results), associated factors and known information. But if someone-то wishes (for the love of art, passion or other reasons) instead of 20 000 to pay 200 000, then the analytical approach is not working.

5 Jun 2018. Sotheby's. Russian Pictures

Sotheby's will 209 lots, of which 7 works of Aivazovsky, 6 — Stozharova and 18 — Chelishchev.

Comment: Striking beauty of the painting was executed in Paris in 1922, shortly after emigrating Shuhaeva. He called it "Russian landscape" (as it eventually happened), but the picture of Finland (at the time). In Finnish the estate of his friend in 1920, the two artists spent 10 months waiting for the visa and documents from his friend Alexander Yakovlev, who had already left for Paris. This work has sold at Sotheby's in 1999 under the name of the Drawing Water ("the Gain of water in the well"). Then she went to the buyer for $6 666. After 19 years it's worth 60 times more. What can I say? The current price is about 3 times lower than operation with the Finnish roofs Shuhaeva cost in 2007-2009. But even with this sell will be more difficult today than it was then. Forecast AI — lower estimate ($337 900), but rather "not sold".

Comment: the Most expensive frontline in this "Sotbis". 10 years ago this would have cost over a million, 3-4 times higher than the current estimate. And today the real price for this size — about $350 000. Was waiting for better times and "wait." But the thing is beautiful and calm in the story. What's important. By the way, the abundance of Aivazovsky at auction must not mislead. Large and withoutthe tragic narrative of them not so much.

Comment: do Not be surprised if the most prestigious auction the famous auction house will remember the work not the famous author. Peter Smukrovich studied with Anisfeld, Shukhaev and Yakovlev, was close to the "World of art" (but not included), made sketches for the St. Petersburg churches, and in 1918 designed the city for the first anniversary of the revolution. His diploma painting "the toilet" was presented at the exhibition of the graduates of the Imperial Academy of arts in 1913 and earned the attention of critics, and its author — the title of "artist" (by the way, is honorary academic title, according to Kondakov, gave the right to the rank of X class ranking, and assigned it to all the graduates, whose works have received high praise from the arts Council of VAS and of the Council of OH). In the auction catalogue this work is not without reason called the "Russian Olympia". From Manet — black maid, and Smukrovich — yard girl. Well, ladies here and there fully armed. How much for the picture — to argue it is useless, nothing to compare with. It was not Smukrovich illustrative precedents. The size of the huge — under a meter seventy in height. Sotheby's estimates at least $ 270 000. I'd be surprised if more. Yes, and it's-то risky. Intuition suggests that the most likely option is "not sold".

Comment: 9 years ago this painting was bought on "Sotbis" for $252 000. Now the lower estimate of $270 000. As they say, back to his own. At least at face value. Probably, and it will work. Forecast — $300 000. 1922 — is not the best time Nesterova, the period of depression and turmoil. However, almost all his life consisted of a succession of severe trials. The painting was bought by a Russian exhibition in new-Йорке in 1924, a rich emigrant from Russia, and hung in her cottage on long island (I even kept her old photo in the interior).

Comment: this "Russian week" is set to the surprise of many fine works of the artist of "Jack of diamonds" Petr Konchalovsky. But the "Yellow cottage" — is one of the best ever auctions. Sell it is not the first time. 10 years ago it was bought for "Sotbis" for $438 000.Now we can hope soon for $350 000-370 000, slightly above the estimate. However it can be.

Comment: recall that in 2014 a similar plot, but bigger picture Stozharov "Departure of the first ship" was sold for a whopping $687 000. However, since that-то tells me people are capable of such acts, povyvelis. Bol'shaya Pyssa is also a powerful thing, but heavier than "Departure". Auctions work Stozharova such a class appears for only the second time. So my doubts about its success are based only on intuition. Starting $210 000 for it can be given, but would not be surprised if "not sold".

Comment: the Late (1960-е), eclectic, but quite cute and recognizable Goncharova. Especially in the upper part. It is known that ten years ago the bouquet I bought for $322 000. And now put up for sale to the assessment of $135 000. Most likely, so around and leave.

Comment: of the six Krasnopevtsev, exhibited at the "Russian week", this looks the most impressive. Good story, 1971. Sorry, in the description there is no reference to its mention in the catalogue of paintings Krasnopevtsev, published by Alexander Ushakov. And all because it isn't even there. It is for marketing not good. Because the artist is very faked. And the three volumes of Ushakov is full enough that it is considered practically a directory-резоне. The potential buyer should be the first thing to check with him. And at the same time too see do Krasnopevtseva such creases on the scrolls. Well, okay. If everything is in order, in Russia the work in this class (but only oral proof of Ushakov and written opinion of Valery Silaeva) can be sold for two-трех weeks for about $40 000-45 000. In London the estimate is $20 000. Profitable. Forecast — $45 000.

Comment: Good writer, good job. Everything in it: the size is just a recognizable story, not boring. With the price of harder. I do say that in Russia you can buy at public auction is not worse and cheaper. Not much. But cheaper than even $10,000. I would say that for Commerce and resale of sense to buy there, and for fun — Yes, of course.

Comment: it could be interesting. Kabakov, in contrast to our classics on the wall and recognize British. And nod approvingly. Well, and ours too, of course. Especially in St. Petersburg, is now undergoing a major retrospective of Kabakov, which is then transported to Moscow. A delicate moment that Slava Kabakov is a little ahead of its market. The market for it has not kept pace. Its graphicsat auction they sell like hotcakes. For a variety of reasons. But then the plot is correct. And the price is good. Sotbisovskie $5000 even for the domestic market normally. Forecast AI — favorable, but rather $6 000.

Comment: the Current price range of valuable period of this rare author — $70 000-100 000. To more accurately navigate, you need to look alive, not from the screen. If faded — cheaper. But the name is intriguing. Really really first Hierature? Your abstract icons-иературы Schwartzman really started to do around this time. And if this really is the first, then the price can reach up to $150 000. Without this, more like $80 000.

Comment: From the artist's long had his circle of admirers and buyers from Russia. "Sotbis" buy it almost always, so estimate confident they call. Yes, there are incidents when the disputants can drive the price to $170 000, as it was last year. But this is an exception. Usually in the neighborhood of $60 000. My opinion is that it is too expensive. Why suddenly Veisberg Krasnopevtsev more expensive? But buyers own opinion. Forecast AI: $55 000-60 000.

4 Jun 2018. Christie's. Russian Art

this time in the catalog Christie's only 9 out of 125 lots have a top estimate of more than $100,000. The criterion is weak: in a real fight can give more or less. But what-то it all-таки says.

Comment: Kgs has always been very expensive, sometimes inexplicable expensive artist. In 2017 tiny, about the size of 18 × 23, watercolor was sold for $362 000. Such things are impossible to predict or justify. In the last two years, the interest in his work was further spurred by the publication of explicit scandalous diaries, decoded by the art critic Pavel Golubev. This time Christie's puts up a collection of 12 works of Somov, 4 of which are — portraits of his partner, Boris Snezhkovskogo. Civil drawings have a watercolor of the interior of the bedroom of the artist and a couple of tiny watercolors. Except the size, it is necessary to pay attention to safety. I liked black-белая graphics "the woman and the devil." Guess that leaves around $12 000.

Comment: moderately large (polyptych, 180 horizontally), bright (stelletsky is critical), very good plot — just a dream for fansartist. And the price — 50 000? For comparison, a four-foot "Fox Hunting" last year at Bonhams sold for $333 000. Of course, for stelletsky such a high price is not typical, but the evaluation of Sotheby's appear to be understated. Opinion AI: $140 000. Safely? Well, let's see.

Comment: Beauty in full growth, the vertical line in the picture is 174 cm And theme, and the dress and resemblance to the famous ballerina @all mdas in plus. Decoration bidding. If not for the price. It's all-таки paper, well, what half a million dollars? For pity's sake! In 1995 it was bought for $15,000 — also a lot of money in those days, but... seriously wonder if it will be sold within the estimate.

Comment: since we are talking about the famous dancers, here is the portrait of Tamara Karsavina hands Savely Sorin. "Christie" gives a conservative estimate of $27 000-40 000, although the portraits of Sorin (especially famous people) can cost $65 000-70 000. I would probably agree with the top estimate: $40,000 or below. View.

Comment: a Spectacular thing. One hundred percent recognizable Nemukhin, perfect size, a good picture. In fact, doubts about the price. Why forty? Now thirty-то to sell — rare success ("Sotbis" in the past year). The real price of about $20,000. In our market even lower. However rely on luck also has not been canceled.

Comment: In another place you see this — would not believe. But I envy. In 1967, the Mature animals in the Prime of life, an unusual time-consuming the entire surface. Signed on the obverse is either missing or hidden so that it is not seen. Although it is rather a plus. Documents and examinations — no. Only the message that the work has previously been stored in the estate of the spouses Odum. Who bought the painting from Zverev, when worked in Moscow in 1967-1969. The rating on the oil meter installed at level in 3 times below the market price on Zverev in Moscow. With expertise Silaeva we have would be worth $20 000-25 000. And Silaev, tell you a secret, believes that work is good.

Comment: the Author is very counterfeited, with his abstractions always need to be alert. Provenance — is good, but it is better to be than-то else. This is a General rule and not a rebuke. The composition is interesting, estimate of the normal. But in Moscow, this would cost $7000. On occasion, of course. Not excluding that I think will eventually buy at the lower boundary estimate. Or none at all.

Comment: the Usual thing of this size and later can cost from $70 000. But then the organizers make it clear that this thing will ask three times as expensive. Why? More from-за history. This Tselkov, according to Christie's, was in the collection of Arthur Miller — writer, third husband of Marilyn Monroe. Part of the money raised from the sale of, the owner intends to transfer to the Fund Arthur Miller, which has been supporting the theatres in schools. The well-known work, participated in major exhibitions since the late 1970-х published in several books about non-art. It is always good. But 200 000 — is also on-го-го for 2018. Don't know what real authority this auction, but for $150,000 it would be correct to have to give. 200 thousand — doubt. Yeah, I remember when-то Zelkova obey placket and $440 000. But it was blessed in 2007.

6 Jun 2018. Bonhams. The Russian Sale

Today "Bones" in Russian sales — auction-скромняга. For him (and the others listed) it's a routine. When-то he first began to exhibit a chic sixties at good prices. But this subject, he gradually, too, was intercepted by competitors. This "Russian week" from "Bonanza" in General have something to show. For example, Sergei Volkov famous for its theme "— salary — work." There are, however, Serebryakova, a pair of small Levitan, the little humpback, etc. But I liked two lots: Feshin and a set of figures Unknown.

Comment: Nice picture. The theme is Russian, heartfelt, and completely recognizable handwriting, and the size convenient. Certainly better than a large portrait of whom is unclear. And the price the organizers are not too clever by half. I think it will be within the estimate of $150,000.

Review What is your lot? Yes, the mere fact that you buy ready-made exhibition: selected original 22 pastel one meter height each. Put them in a frame with Passepartout — and exhibition ready. Even the name is. It's all drawings to "Hell" from "the divine Comedy" by Dante. The forecast for this lot — significant excess of the estimate, three times the minimum. Opinion AI: no not $5000 and $30 000.

this is everything. Successful you purchase. And in a week we'll synchronize watches: it came to pass, and where by.

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