Painter, graphic artist, theater and cinema
In 1913-1923 учился in the Stroganov-промышленном College — VKhUTEMAS in Moscow (first in the jewelry Department; in 1913-1918 in decorative workshop Ф. Ф. Федоровского; in 1917-1923 in the workshops Г. Б. Якулова, А. В. Лентулова, В. Е. Татлина, Д. П. Штеренберга). As the thesis has completed the layout design for the staging of "the Count of Monte-Кристо" in the theater "Romanesc" (1922).
the First skills a set designer has been in the Studio with the National theater В. Д. Поленова (1913-1916) where he was met by Polenov, А. М. Васнецовым, К. А. Коровиным. In 1916 he was adopted by an extra in the troupe of the Zimin private Opera, where he helped decorators, painters, acted in plays and ballets.
In 1920-х began independent work in film and theater as an artist-оформителя, shooting, the assistant Director. In 1922-1923 worked in the Studio of Goskino (he designed the films "Today", 1923;, "the Story of disappointment", 1924; "Boris Savinkov", 1924), took part in the creation of the first Soviet animated films. He designed the performances: "the windy City" (1929, Theatre. MGSPS), "Mutiny" (1927, the Theatre. MGSPS), "Rails humming" (1928, the Theatre. MGSPS).
In 1923 году participated in the exhibition theatre-декорационного art of Moscow with the scenery for "the Count of Monte-Кристо". In 1924, together with П. В. Вильямсом, К. А. Вяловым, В. И. Люшиным and Ю. А. Меркуловым organized a group "Concretewith", which in the same year participated in 1-й discussion exhibition associations active revolutionary art. Member of the Society of easel artists (1925 — 1931). 2-й exhibition of OST (1926) has exhibited the projects of theatrical installations for theater productions. MGSPS "Storm" В. Билль-Белоцерковского (1925), "1881 год" Н. Шаповаленко (1924), "the Mob" Н. Шаповаленко (1926). After the split OST in 1931 году became part of Izobrigada (1931-1932).
In the period of membership in the OST participated in the exhibition "Theatre-декорационное art of Moscow 1918-1923 гг." (1923, Moscow), 1-й discussion exhibition associations active revolutionary art (1924, Moscow), exhibitions "Moscow theatres October decade, 1917-1927" (1928, Moscow), "Outcomes of theatre season 1928-1929 Moscow" (1929, Moscow).
Studied the design of books: "Moscow drama theatre. DEFRA. A tour" (M., 1930).
In 1924-1940 he was the chief artist of the Theatre. MGSPS (1930 — theatre. DEFRA, 1938 — Theatre. City Council), 1936-1949 worked in Musical theatre. К. С. Станиславского and В. И. Немировича-Данченко (1941-1949 — the main artist). In 1951-1970 — the main artist of the Maly theater. Collaborated with the Bolshoi theatre and the Moscow art Theatre.
did a lot of work in staged sections of the all-Russian theatrical society.
the winner of the State prize of the USSR (1949, 1951, 1952), Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1947), people's artist of the RSFSR (1958) and the USSR (1965).
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