Art Investment


IZMAILOVICH, Vladislav Matveevich

25 июня 1872 (St-Петербург) — 10 января 1959 (Leningrad)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied at the Central school of technical drawing of Baron А. Л. Штиглица (1889-1895) Н. А. Кошелева, Г. М. Манизера. In 1895 за figure and model of the coach in the style of Louis XVI received the title of draughtsman and the right to pensioner's trip abroad.

In 1896-1898 — retired from the College in Rome, Paris, Berlin; in 1897 занимался at the Academy of fine arts in Rome Ф. Прадилло.

Lived in St. Petersburg — Leningrad. He painted portraits, genre works, landscapes; worked a lot in watercolour and pastel. In 1890-е — 1910-е executed portraits — П. И. Чайковского (1893), А. В. Суворова (1901), wife М. Н. Измайлович (1902), "portrait of a woman (Mrs. Adamson)" (1907), actor В. Н. Давыдова (1911), В. А. Сухомлинова (1915); genre-портретные song: "Orphan" (1906), "Friends" (1912), "Animal (Female portrait)" (1915), "Lacquer look" (1917); scenery: "Venetian lagoon" (1897), "In Oranienbaum Park" (1904) and others.

Participated in the painting of the interior of the Museum TSUTR (1893-1895) and private homes (between 1897 and 1903) in St. Petersburg; engaged in the restoration of paintings in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (1901-1902), the engineers castle in St. Petersburg (1901, 1906, 1910).

After the October revolution fulfilled one of the first portraits of V. И. Ленина from life (1918, pastel); over the years have done a lot of repetitions and variants of this portrait. Created portraits: К. Либкнехта (1918), А. В. Луначарского (1920), Д. И. Менделеева (1937), С. М. Кирова (1939), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR А. А. Байкова (1940); graphic (pastels): К. Маркса (1933), М. В. Ломоносова (1936), А. С. Пушкина (1937), heroes of the Soviet Union С. Е. Пономарчука (1941), Н. Я. Тотмина (1941), Л. А. Говорова (1944); А. А. Жданова (1948), President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR С. И. Вавилова (1951), Brigadier Н. А. Богачева (1952) and others.

Performed a thematic paintings, works on historical-революционные military-исторические theme: "the Tartars Burned Moscow in the fifteenth century" (1935), "Lenin in Smolny in 1918 году", "Arrival В. И. Ленина and meet with the sailors at the Finland station in Petrograd 3 апреля 1917 года" (1936), "К. Е. Ворошилов (born In Bure Red Army)" (1939), "А. И. Микоян the fishermen-колхозников in Teriberka. Barents sea" (1939), "the Meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of blood transfusion" (1942), "the Taking of blood donors in an air-RAID shelter" (1942), "a salute in honor of lifting the blockade of Leningrad" (1944), "1945-й year" (1952), "В. И. Ленин in Smolny over the map of the Civil war in 1918 году" (1952), "unloading the ship with the slaves at the Feast" (1955), "Л. Н. Толстой in Yasnaya Polyana" (1955). The author of landscapes of the Crimea, Ukraine, the Caucasus, the White sea and the Barents sea.

Completed the painting in a Debating club of the CPSU (b) in Leningrad (1924-1926), the concert hall and in the dining room resort Teberda (1931-1935).

From 1893 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited at the exhibitions of the "Society of Russian watercolors" (1900-1908, 1913-1918), "St-Петербургское (Petrograd) society of artists" (1913, 1914, 1917), "the Association of artists" (1916), "the Society of artists. А. И. Куинджи" (1928) in St. Petersburg (Leningrad). A participant of the Autumn exhibitions of paintings (1907, 1909, 1911), exhibitions of prints and drawings (1908, 1912), 1-й State free exhibition of works of art (1919), exhibitions of Petrograd artists of all directions (1923), 1-й exhibition of Leningrad artists (1935), painting and sculpture of the Leningrad city Committee of artists (1941), works by Leningrad artists (1952, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1958) in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), "the Arctic in Soviet art" in Murmansk (1940). His personal exhibitions were held in Leningrad (1944, 1948).

he Taught at St. Petersburg — Leningrad: Commercial College (1898-1925), pedagogical Institute (1918-1925), found a photographic cinema Institute (1919-1930), the Mountain Institute (1923-1930), Academy of Forestry and technologies (1930-1936), secondary schools (1930-40-е); among students — А. И. Райкин.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Central military-историческом Museum of artillery, engineer and signal corps in Saint-Петербурге and others.

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