graphic designer, architect
From a noble family. He studied at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1905 to 1913, with a break) — in the workshops И. Е. Репина and В. В. Матэ. In 1913 за etching "Victor et vita" ("Winner") received the title of artist-гравера and the right of a pensioner's travel abroad. In 1913-1914 — pensioner of the iakh; visited Italy, France, England. In parallel with his studies at the Imperial Academy of arts he graduated from the course at the Archaeological Institute in Petrograd (1914).
Lived in St. Petersburg — Petrograd (until 1924) and Moscow. In 1913 he completed painting the ceiling of the station in Tsarskoye Selo. Participated in art competition "the Great Russian revolution" (1919).
In 1924-1928 — chief artist of the Bolshoi theatre; designed the Opera "the King amuses himself (Rigoletto)" J. Verdi (1925), "Salome" Р. Штрауса (1925), "Khovanshchina" М. П. Мусоргского (1928); ballet "Esmeralda" Ц. Пуни and Р. Дриго (1926), "Red poppy" Р. М. Глиэра (1927; also — author of the libretto). He designed theatre and Opera productions in theaters in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev. Together with А. З. Гринбергом and Т. Я. Бардтом developed the project of the theatre of Opera and ballet in Novosibirsk (1928-1931).
he Worked as an artist-постановщиком in a film "Noisy day" Г. Г. Натансона, А. В. Эфроса (1960), the drama "Mountain nest" В. А. Андреева (1979).
he Exhibited his works at exhibitions of the society of artists. А. И. Куинджи (1917, 1930), 1-й state free exhibition of works of art (1919), "Community of artists" (1921, 1922), painting and sculpture in the garden of the people's house (1922), Petrograd artists of all directions (1923) in Petrograd (Leningrad), 47-й the exhibition TPHV (1922), exhibitions of "Moscow theatres October decades" (1928), "Artists of the Soviet theatre for XVII years" (1935), "Moscow Theatres for XX years" (1937), sketches and scenery for the performances, devoted to China (1955), painting, sculpture, graphics to 1-му all-Union Congress of Soviet artists (1957) in Moscow, international book exhibition in Florence (1922). Member (since 1927) and the Exhibitor (1927, 1928) and the society of artists-реалистов.
From 1914 he was engaged in pedagogical activities at the Higher women's Polytechnic courses (1910-е), Moscow architectural Institute (1939-1946), led theatre-декорационную Studio at the Moscow art Institute. В. И. Сурикова (1948-1960), Professor (1940). Head of the workshop of etching at the Academy of architecture of the USSR.
In 1955 удостоен the title of honored art worker of the RSFSR.
Collected a significant collection of furniture and objects of applied art.
Work is represented in major Museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.
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