Art Investment


CHAIKOV Iosif Moiseevich

3 декабря 1888 (Kiev) — 4 марта 1979 (Moscow)

Sculptor, graphic

Worked in Kiev as an apprentice in the engraving Studio (1908). He studied at the National school of decorative arts (1910-1912) and the School of fine arts (1912-1913) in Paris. The advice Н. Л. Аронсона.

up To 1908 he lived in Pinsk; in 1908-1910 and 1918-1922 — in Kiev; in 1922-1923 — in Berlin; 1923 — in Moscow. He worked in easel and monumental-декоративной sculpture, sculpture of small forms. Creating portraits, genre scenes. Belonged to the group of Jewish artists "Makhmadim" (1912), participated in the Crop-лиги in Kiev (1910-е).

According to the plan of monumental propaganda completed in Kiev monuments К. Марксу and К. Либкнехту, song, "Vseobuch" (not preserved). In late 1910-х — 1920-х passed through passion cubism; form figures-конструкции of the rods and bent metal ("the Builder", 1921; "Electrification", 1925; "Smith", 1927).

From 1934 he worked at the Konakovo faience plant. М. И. Калинина. Participated in the creation of the alley of drummers Gorky Park in Moscow (1931), the design of the pavilions of the USSR at the World exhibition in Paris (1937) and new-Йорке (1939). In 1959 he was awarded the title of honored art worker of the RSFSR.

a Member and Exhibitor of the society of Russian sculptors (1926-1931, 1927 — Board member), Association "4 искусства" (1925-1929), "a Team of sculptors" ("Team of eight"). Participated in exhibitions of the Moscow Association of artists (1918), 1-й discussion the exhibition of active revolutionary art (1924), contemporary Russian sculptors (1925), all-Union polygraphic exhibition, anniversary exhibition of art of the peoples of the USSR (both — 1927), works of artists, sent to the regions of the industrial building and collective farms (1932) in Moscow and others. The Exhibitor of the salon d'automne (1913), international exhibition art-декоративных arts (1925) in Paris, the "November" in Berlin (1922-1923), XVI and XVII of the international exhibitions of art in Venice (1928, 1930), exhibitions of Soviet art in Berlin (1922), USA (1929, traveling), Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm (all — 1930), Zurich (1931). His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow (1947, 1948, 1960, 1979).

he Taught at the Art school in Kiev (1922), the VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine in Moscow (1922-1932), Professor.

the author of the books "Sculpture" (Kiev, 1921), "Modeling and molding of the sculpture" (Moscow, 1953), articles on fine art.

Chaikov Works are in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum and others.

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