Art Investment


LUCHISHKIN Sergei Alekseevich

30 мая (12 июня) 1902 (Moscow) — 27 ноября 1989 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer, film Director

From a merchant family. Was in 2nd-м Moscow technical school (1913-1919), he attended evening courses and recitation direction (1917-1923, 1919 — State Institute of the word); graduated with the qualification of the Director. Initial art education has received in the private Studio В. Н. Мешкова (1914). He studied at the State free art workshops — VKhUTEMAS (1919-1924) first, А. Е. Архипова then — Л. С. Поповой, Н. А. Удальцовой, А. А. Экстер, А. Д. Древина.

he Lived in Moscow. In 1923-1929 supervised Studio "Projection theater"; participated in the Studio productions of "the Tragedy of AOS" (1923), "Conspiracy of fools" on the play А. Б. Мариенгофа (1924).

According to the memoirs of the artist, in 1924 вместе with С. Б. Никритиным created a wreath-конструкцию, which is laid on the coffin В. И. Ленина in the hall of columns.

In 1927-1930 — the main artist in the cultural Department DEFRA; as a Director and coordinator responsible for the organization of theatrical rallies and festive decoration of the cities of the Moscow region. Director-постановщик gala evening at the Bolshoi theater, dedicated to the 1905 revolution года (1930). In 1930-1932 — artistic Director and Director of the Theatre of small forms of Moscow Proletkult, after its reorganization in 1932 he left the directing activity and fully concentrated on painting.

In the early years, joining the group of "projectionists", created a conceptual work — tables and graphs, the so-called "projection of ideas" designed to replace traditional artwork. Since the mid 1920-х turned to easel painting and graphics; wrote thematic paintings, landscapes, portraits. Author of painting works: "the Coordinates of the painting's surface" (1924), "I love life" (1924-1926), "Ball flew" (1926), "the book Festival (Tverskoy Boulevard)" (1927), "Craning her neck, guards the kolkhoz night" (1930), "the Constitution Day. Spartakiad peoples of the USSR" (1932), "Boy with butterfly" (1933), "a jump from a springboard" (1962), "ski trip" (1964); series of drawings "Skiers" (1926) and others.

In 1925-1927 he worked as an artist in the newspaper "pioneer truth". In the summer of 1928 and 1929 on a business trip "Vsekohudozhnik" went to work at a cement plant in Novorossiysk, in the summer of 1930 — in the collective farm "Chervona Kuban" in the North Caucasus,;, the result became the albums of watercolors and sketches. In 1930 he was the organizer of the exhibition of works on sporting themes in the Institute of physical culture, devoted to held in Moscow Olympics.

In the early 1930-х — Board member of the Federation of associations of Soviet artists; supervised club work, the initiator and organizer of literary evenings, debates, discussions, which involved artists from different societies — akhr, RAPH, "October", OST and others.

the Artist-постановщик film "Circus" Г. В. Александрова (1936). Together with Ю. И. Пименовым completed the project design of the pavilion "the North Caucasus and Crimea" on VSHV (1938) until 1941 — led the design of this pavilion.

during the great Patriotic war (1941-1944) was evacuated in Barnaul. After returning to Moscow actively worked in the field of monumental painting. In 1945-1949 under the leadership И. Э. Грабаря engaged in the restoration of paintings in a number of Moscow buildings. Developed the design of the Soviet and foreign exhibitions on VDNH USSR (1960-е). Continued to work as an easel painter; in 1960-80-е created a large number of works on the theme of sport.

From 1924 — participant of exhibitions (1-я exhibition of associations of active revolutionary art in Moscow). The member of associations "Method" ("Projectionist", 1922-1925), OST (1925-1931), "Izobrigada" (1931-1932, Executive Secretary).

Participated in exhibitions: 1-й state traveling exhibition of paintings (1925, Moscow, Saratov, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia); works of art to 10-летнему the anniversary of the October revolution (1928), "the Life of children of the Soviet Union", 1-й traveling exhibition of painting and graphics (both — 1929), works of revolutionary and Soviet themes, "Socialist construction in Soviet art" (both — 1930), reporting the work of artists, sent to the regions of the industrial building and collective farms (1931, 1932), the anti-imperialist exhibition dedicated to international Red day (1931) "the high Mountain regions of the USSR" (1936) in Moscow; 4-й exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists in Feodosia (1928); 3-й traveling exhibition organized by the arts sector of the RSFSR people's Commissariat in the cities of the RSFSR and republics of the USSR (1931); "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" in Leningrad and Moscow (1932-1933) and others.

participated in many foreign exhibitions of Soviet art in Japan (1926-1927, mobile), Amsterdam (1929), USA (1929, 1933, mobile), Vienna, London, Berlin, Stockholm (all — 1930), Zurich, Johannesburg (both — 1931), königsberg (1932), Copenhagen (1934) Sofia (1936); German artists in Berlin (1928).

a Member of mosskh (from 1932, member of the Board). His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow (1934, 1966, 1974, 1979). Honored artist of the RSFSR. The author of the memoirs: "I love life. Pages of memories" (Moscow, 1988).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum and others.

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