Art Investment


SOKOLOV Mikhail G.

September 24, 1875 (Moscow) - 1953 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

from middle-class families. Studied at MUZHVZ (1891-1897). In 1895/96 for the beautiful sketch and in 1896/97 for drawing small awarded silver medals. In 1897 was promoted neklassnogo (free), painter. He continued his studies at the Higher Art School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at IAH (1897-1902) in Repin's studio. In 1902 he was awarded the title of the artist's painting "At home».

lived in Moscow in 1930-40-x - in the village of artists Sands, near Moscow. He worked as a landscape painter, portraitist, genre painter. He was engaged in copying, served illustrations and portrait orders. In the 1900's - 1910-x enjoyed the patronage I. Ostroukhov and Family Botkins. He gave private lessons in painting.

From 1895 - participant of exhibitions (student's, MUZHVZ). The exhibit at the exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Lovers of Fine Arts (1902-1903, 1905), Spring exhibition in the halls of IAH (1902, 1903, 1913), TPHV (1903, 1913-1915), the Society of Russian watercolors (1918), Group Life -- creativity "(1924), the commemorative exhibition" Artists of the RSFSR XV years (1932-1934) in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad), graphics and book art in the USSR "in Amsterdam (1929), the World Exhibition in Paris (1937 ) and others. Member and exhibitor AHRR (1924), the Society of Artists. Ilya Repin (1927-1929).

Sokolova works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery.

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