Art Investment


EKHORST Vasily Efimovich

1831 — 22 июля (3 августа) 1901 (St-Петербург)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied at the Imperial Academy of arts (1850-е — 1860), in the class of battle painting in Б. П. Виллевальде. In 1857, for the painting "the Smugglers" was awarded a small silver medal. In 1860 the paintings "Stable" and "Landscape" received a large silver medal and the title of class artist of 3-й degree "of folk art scenes". In 1868 he presented to the Imperial Academy of arts a series of paintings to compete for the title of academician, but was refused.

Lived in St. Petersburg. Worked as a genre painter, landscape painter, animal painter; the representative of the late academic. In 1890-х worked a lot in Finland. Exhibited in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1854-1885, with interruptions), Society of exhibitions of works of art (1877, 1879, 1880) in St. Petersburg, international art exhibition in Philadelphia (1876).

In 1876 attended Sunday classes of the Imperial Academy of arts "to acquire knowledge in the teaching of drawing". By-видимому, he was engaged in teaching.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum.

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