graphic artist, painter, scenographer
From the family of a blacksmith. Was in 2nd-м city College. The emancipation of the serfs in Moscow (1910-1914), where he received his primary art education under the guidance of С. Н. Плевако then — in Art school at the printing house "И. Д. Сытин and To" — State school of printing EVERY people's Commissariat, with 1-й Exemplary printing house (1915-1921) С. В. Герасимова, Л. Ф. Жегина, И. Н. Павлова, М. А. Доброва, Н. М. Чернышева, М. С. Родионова.
he Lived in Moscow. Created landscapes, portraits, composition of household contents in the techniques of charcoal, pastel, graphite pencil. From 1927 he studied the technique of etching in the Studio И. И. Нивинского; from 1934 he worked in the Studio. И. И. Нивинского when mosskh. Worked on the linocut, in particular engraved on the drawings Р. А. Грабе the illustrations for the libretto of the Opera Э. Г. Багрицкого "Duma about Opanas" (1935).
from 1939 To 1940 at the invitation of the section of theatrical artists and MSH В. Ф. Рындина took part in business trip to Tajikistan, where he was engaged in the preparation of the decade of Tajik literature and art. Together with В. Ф. Рындиным he designed for Opera and ballet in Dushanbe Opera, "Smith Kova" С. А. Баласаняна (1941), ballet "Du Gul" (Two roses) А. С. Ленского (1941), which were shown at the decade of Tajik art in Moscow.
Since the early 1930-х was engaged in book graphics; in 1941-1951 — chief artist of the publishing house "Soviet writer". During the great Patriotic war remained in Moscow, designed promotional literature, flyers; has completed the design of the book "Leningrad notebook" О. Ф. Берггольц (1942), a collection of wartime stories "Favorite companions" В. М. Кожевникова (1943). Engaged in the development of handwritten fonts. In 1950-е worked on the design of books on contracts. Illustrated books: "My friends" В. С. Курочкина (1937), "the Tree" И. Г. Эренбурга (1946), "the Quiet don" М. А. Шолохова (1947), "Jackals" А. М. Якобсона (1952), "Karaganda" Г. Мустафина (1957), "Mid-century" В. А. Луговского (1958) and others.
From 1924 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor Association "Makovets" (1922-1926), "Way of painting" (1926-1930); participated in the XVII exhibition of the group "L on Armenia" ("Spider", 1925) in Paris. Member MSCH — the Moscow Union of artists (from 1938). Participated in exhibitions: Moscow graphics artists in Arkhangelsk (1939), "an Exhibition of etchings dedicated to the 5-летию existence of the etching workshop. И. И. Нивинского" (1939), book illustrations by Moscow artists (1940), "Exhibition of etching. 1934-1944" (1944), "the Soviet art of printing in 1944-1946 годах" (1946), exhibitions of artists books (1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1957) in Moscow. Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1941).
he Taught at the State school of printing EVERY people's Commissariat, with 1-й Exemplary printing house (1921-1923), art schools of Moscow (until 1937).
he was Awarded the medal "Partisan Patriotic war" 2-й degree.
Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Museum of arts in Copenhagen and other.
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