the family servant, scientist-любителя, archaeologist and Explorer of the Altai. He graduated from the Barnaul grammar school (1907) and medical school (1914). He studied at the Kazan art school (1907-1911) П. П. Бенькова in the Studio И. И. Машкова in Moscow (1912-1913), at the correspondence Department of the Moscow polygraphic Institute (1931). During the First world war he was drafted into the army, served in Uzbekistan in Katta-Кургане (1915) and Samarkand (1916-1917).
he Lived in Barnaul (1918-1924), Novonikolaevsk (1924-1926), and Tashkent (from 1926). Worked on the poster and easel graphics. In 1920-1921 участвовал a poster competition on the theme "Famine in the Volga region". 1926 рисовал newspaper "Kyzyl Uzbekistan", "Pravda Vostoka", the magazine "Guliston".
Performed a thematic and genre compositions, landscapes. The author of linocuts: "Warrior" (1920), Girl (1920-е); drawings (pastel, watercolor, charcoal, ink, pencil): "Persian" (1926), "Tashkent night" (1927), "Old town" (1931), "Uzbek-работница" (1933), "the Village Tecpan. Zeravshan range, In the Gissar mountains", "River Yagnob" (all — 1935), "Parkent" (1935, option — 1936), Chirchikstroy" (1936), "the Road to the Village" (1937), "Gardens of Tashkent" (1937), "Spring, village the Trinity" (1930-е). Participated in "trekking" artists of Uzbekistan (1935-1937), in which he drew a series of drawings and photographs.
In 1930-е missions Moscow to study the technical processes of printing and experience the printing enterprises of Uzbekistan. Participated in the design of pavilions on Central Asia exhibition (1937-1938).
From 1914 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of paintings and graphics in Tomsk). Member of the Altai art society (1918); member-учредитель associations: "New Siberia" (1926, Secretary) and "Masters of new East" (1927-1930). Participated in exhibitions: paintings by Uzbek artists in Moscow (1934, 1937) and the Leningrad (1937), 4-й reporting Republican art exhibition (1936), of paintings by artists of Uzbekistan on the twentieth anniversary of the great October Socialist revolution (1937) in Tashkent
One of the founders of the Altai provincial art-технических workshops in Barnaul.
have Compiled a collection of works by masters of Russian avant-garde (А. Г. Явленский, Д. Д. Бурлюк, В. В. Маяковский).
In the late 1930-х (about 1938) was arrested on political charges; died in custody.
the Work presented at the State Museum of arts of Uzbekistan, State art Museum of Altai Krai in Barnaul.
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