Art Investment


ULIN, Alexander

1877 — ?

Sculptor, graphic

he Studied at the higher art school at the Imperial Academy of arts (1910-1916), at the Department of sculpture at В. А. Беклемишева.

Participated in exhibitions: the Community of artists (1917, 1925), Spring exhibition in the halls of the Academy of arts (1918), 1-й the exhibition of sculpture (1922), the group "World of art" (1924), society of artists to them. А. И. Куинджи (1926), jubilee exhibition of fine arts (1927), society of artists-индивидуалистов (1928, all — Leningrad).

he Lived in Petrograd — Leningrad.

the Author of a number of sculptural monuments, in particular has fulfilled the emblem of Soviet Russia to the attic of the building of the Leningrad city office of the State Bank of the USSR (1925).

In the second half of 1920-х (?) he emigrated, he lived in Paris.

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