Art Investment

Albrecht Leonid Pavlovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Leonid-Iogann, Johann


ALBRECHT, Leonid (Leonid-Иоганн)

10 (22) may 1872 (estate of Konakovic St-Петербургской province) — 4 марта 1942 (Leningrad);

Painter, graphic artist-реставратор

From a family of immigrants from Germany, father — Paul Albrecht — tenant of the manor of Konakovic. From 1894 — subjects of Russia.

he Studied at the Art school of Princess М. К. Тенишевой (1896-1898) И. Е. Репина, the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1899-1908) in the Studio И. Е. Репина. In 1908, for the painting "Vision" was awarded the title of artist. In 1900-х — active member of the revolutionary movement: students ' strikes and demonstrations.

Lived in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad). He painted portraits, landscapes. Participated in painting the Cathedral in Bulgaria (1908). From 1914 — assistant restorer, 1925-1942 — senior artist-реставратор Hermitage.

From 1903 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of the higher art school at the Imperial Academy of arts in St. Petersburg). A member and Exhibitor of St.-Петербургского society of artists (1911), the society of independent (1914, 1916), society of artists to them. А. И. Куинджи (1926-1931), society of artists to them. И. Е. Репина (1927), LOSCH (from 1935 (?)). Participated in exhibitions: the Autumn exhibition of paintings (1907), drawings and prints in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1908), Spring exhibition in the halls of IAH (1918), 1-й state free exhibition of works of art (1919), "Pavlovsk in the image of artists" (1921), 1-й exhibition of Leningrad artists (1935) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad).

he Taught at the Realschule in St. Petersburg (1907-1918). The author of the memories of И. Е. Репине (published in proc. "Repin: Artistic heritage". М.-Л., 1949, vol. 2. P. 236).

Died in the besieged Leningrad.

1. Exhibition of Soviet art. Guide. M., 1965, vol. 1. S. 20, 46, 78, 183, 207, 219, 218.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 119.

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