Art Investment


DERUJINSKY Gleb Vladimirovich

1 (13) August 1888 (estate of Otradnoye Smolensk province) — 9 марта 1975 (new-Йорк)

the Sculptor

From a noble family; the son of a Professor of the Moscow and St-Петербургского universities, Senator Vladimir Fedorovich Deruzhinskaya, a distant relative on my father's side of the composer Н. А. Римского-Корсакова. He graduated from a private school Я. Г. Гуревича in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of artists in St. Petersburg (1904) И. И. Андреолетти; enjoy the support of the Director of the Drawing school of artists encouragement Н. К. Рериха. In 1911 for the song "Ivan the terrible and Malyuta Skuratov" was awarded a silver medal. In parallel studied at the law faculty of the St-Петербургского University (1906-1912). In 1911 and 1912 he visited Paris, where he studied at the Academy Р. Жюльена, School Ф. Коларосси, workshops Р. Верле and Ж.-А. Энжалбера; met О. Роденом.

In 1913 he returned to St. Petersburg. He was married (1920) on the poetess and hostess of a literary salon П. О. Богдановой-Бельской. He continued his studies at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1913-1918) Г. Р. Залемана, В. А. Беклемишева; graduated with a title of artist. In April 1917 from the students of sculpture Department of VAS elected to the provisional Committee of the Union of artists.

Performed a small "Desk" sculpture in the impressionistic style of plaster, marble, terracotta, bronze: "At the ball", "Kiss", portraits of the Prince Б. Б. Голицына and artists В. В. Беляшина and Н. Э. Радлова, composer С. С. Прокофьева.

From 1915 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of the Imperial Academy of arts). Exhibited at the Association of traveling art exhibitions (1916, 1917), Community of artists (1917).

In 1918, at the invitation of schoolmate from gymnasium Prince Ф. Ф. Юсупова went to his Crimean estate of Koreiz. With the advent of the Bolsheviks escaped to Novorossiysk, and from there, nnewsize a sailor on the ship "Vladimir" in new-Йорк.

was Engaged in easel, monumental, garden sculpture. The favorite material was wood; used rare varieties — dark English walnut, red hard wood Coco-болл. He also worked in marble, granite, bronze, aluminum. In 1919 he created a bust of Theodore Roosevelt, which was installed in the memorial President's house in new-Йорке and brought the artist fame. Performed sculptural portraits А. И. Зилоти, С. В. Рахманинова, А. Т. Гречанинова, Х. Капабланки, Н. И. Фешина, М. В. Добужинского, Н. К. Рериха, Р. Тагора, Ф. Рузвельта, j. Kennedy, Л. Гиш, Г. Хаммонда.

Author of several works on religious themes: "Pieta", "the Annunciation", "Calvary", the "Madonna with baby Jesus", "the way of the cross", "Missionary-проповедник the Desmet, the converting to Christianity of the Sioux Indians". Performed decorative reliefs of many temples in the USA. Created 24 рельефа on "way of the cross" for the House of philosophy and theology in Cincinnati; figures of saints Ignatius of Loyola, Cupertino, Bonaventura for the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Washington.

the author of the monument "to Heroic portrait of Theodore Roosevelt" for the Panama canal and the monument to the American soldier in Chicago. By order industrialist-миллионера А. М. Хантингтона created the sculptural group "Samson in combat with a lion", "Diana on the hunt", "Ecstasy" destined for Brookgreen gardens (Brookgreen Gardens) in Charleston (South Carolina@the beginning of the 1930 semicolon-х).

were Exhibited National Academy of design in new-Йорке (1920-е), Autumn salon in Paris (1923), Russian art in new-Йорке (1923, Brooklyn Museum) and Brussels (1928), the International exhibition in Philadelphia (1928, the gold medal for the sculpture "eve"), World exhibitions in Paris (1937, gold medal) and new-Йорке (1939) and others. His personal exhibitions were held in new-йоркских the Milch galleries (1921), Macbeth (1928), Knoedler (1928), Grand Central (1929), Wildenstein&Co. (1933), Guild (1942).

Winner of prizes of the National Academy of design (1938), American professional art League (1957, 1958), the National arts club in new-Йорке (1961, 1964). Member of the National Academy of arts, National sculpture society, the League of architects.

he Taught at Sarah Lawrence (1930-е), his Studio (in conjunction with С. Симховичем; 1930-е).

a Retrospective exhibition of the artist was held in the Grand Central gallery in new-Йорке (1969).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — Metropolitan Museum of art, Museum of modern art in new-Йорке, Smithsonian Museum of American art in Washington, and others.

1. American artists of the Russian Empire. Painting, sculpture from museums and galleries in the U.S. and private collections / Almanac. Vol. 208. St. Petersburg, 2008. S. 272.
2. Lacking О. Л., Makhrov К. В., Severyukhin Д. Я. Artists of the Russian Diaspora. 1917-1939. Encyclopedic dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1999. P. 257-258.

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