Art Investment


BORISOV, Ivan Filippovich

16 апреля 1888 (village Grachevka of the Samara province) — 5 сентября 1958 (Kuibyshev)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied at the Kazan art school (1905-1909) Г. А. Медведева, Н. И. Фешина then — at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts in St. Petersburg — Petrograd (1909-1917) В. В. Матэ, Ф. А. Рубо. In 1917 for his film "the Attack" received the title of artist.

he Lived in Petrograd from 1924 — in Samara. In 1910 worked in the field of magazine graphics; drew for "the Petrograd newspaper" (1915-1916), magazine "the Top" (1915). Created illustrations for books: "Leszek" К. Г. Холмского (1930), "Little stories" Л. Н. Толстого (1951).

Wrote the thematic scenes from the history of the revolution and the Civil war; portraits. Author paintings: "Kolchak" (1930), "1905 год in Samara" (1932), "the Return from the front" (1947), "the Proclamation of Soviet power in Samara 27 октября 1917 года", "А. М. Горький in Samara", "В. В. Куйбышев in the Samara prison" (1957). He created portraits of В. В. Куйбышева (1939, 1949).

In the mid 1920-х participated in the organization of the Samara branch of AHRR — akhr. Member of the Kuibyshev oblast Union of artists of the USSR (from 1937).

From 1915 — participant of exhibitions (reporting that the Imperial Academy of arts, Petrograd). Exhibited: the Community of artists (1917), Spring exhibition in the halls of the Academy of arts (1918) in Petrograd; 1-й Samara the exhibition of the society of proletarian artists (1925), the Samara branch AHRR — akhr (1926, 1927, 1928, 1930), 6-й regional exhibition of fine arts (1930), Regional art exhibitions (1944 — "Kuibyshev region during the great Patriotic war", 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1957) in Samara (Kuibyshev); Republican exhibitions of artists of the RSFSR (1949, 1950), all-Union art exhibition (1950) in Moscow and others. His personal exhibitions were held in Kuibyshev (1952, 1959).

he Taught them in an organized art school in Buzuluk (early 1920-х), Samara art College (1924-1930).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — Samara regional art Museum.

1. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 36-37.

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