Art Investment


GOLIKOV Ivan Ivanovich

on 25 December 1886 (January 6, 1887, Moscow) — on 31 March 1937 (village of Palekh of the Ivanovo region)

Painter-миниатюрист, schedule

From a family of painters. Studied at icon-painting workshop Н. М. Сафонова (1897-1900) in the village of Palekh, Vladimir Guberniya; as a volunteer at the Central school of technical drawing of Baron А. Л. Штиглица in St. Petersburg (1901).

Worked in icon painting workshop of St. Petersburg and Moscow (the beginning of 1900-х), icon workshop Н. М. Сафонова in Palekh (1911-1914). In 1907-1911 he was in military service; participant of the First world war (1914-1917).

In 1917-1921 lived in Shuya, Vladimir province; painted posters for universal Education. Served as the scenery for theaters Shuya, Kineshma, Ivanovo-Вознесенска, Kostroma: the performances of the "Forest" Thunderstorm", "snow maiden" plays А. Н. Островского; "Boris Godunov" based on the tragedy А. С. Пушкина "the Doctor in spite of himself" by Moliere's Comedy.

In 1921 in icon workshop А. А. Глазунова in Moscow created the first lacquer miniature on papier-маше. One of the organizers of the Palekh Artel of ancient painting (1924).

Performed painting on papier-маше (boxes, caskets, boxes, Desk sets, plates) on the literary and folkloric themes, themes of Soviet life and the revolutionary history: "Plowman" (1922), "three" (1923), "Razin Speech to the rabble" (1924), "Soldier-отпускник in the village" (1924), "Agricultural work" (1924), "the Dance" (1924), "Song" (1925), "The battle of the red and white" (1927), "10 лет October" (1927), "the battle of Kulikovo" (1930), "Red partisans" (1935 series); based on the works of А. С. Пушкина — "the Devils" (1928), "Boris Godunov" (1932), "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1933). The author of more than 1000 миниатюр: numerous variants of compositions on the theme of "Battle", "Hunting", "Three". Performed repetition and variants of their miniatures on wood, canvas, porcelain and metal.

In 1932-1933 did the artwork for the publication "the Word about Igor's regiment" (M., Ed-во Academia, 1934), which created a handwritten font imitating the ancient Cyrillic alphabet. Executed the mural "the Dance" (1929, glue-based paint).

Since 1923 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited: artists of the group "United arts" (OBIS, 1925), works of art by 10-летнему the anniversary of the October revolution (1927), "the Art of Palekh" (1932), "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1933), "Russian lacquer art" (1933), Soviet illustrations to fiction 5 лет. 1931-1936 (1936) in Moscow; works of the Palekh Artel of ancient painting in Leningrad (1930); Regional art exhibition "Ivanovo industry in visual art" in Ivanovo (1935). Participant of several international exhibitions: XIV International art exhibition in Venice (1924), International exhibition art-декоративных arts in Paris (1925, Grand Prix-при in the composition of the Palekh Artel of ancient painting), world exhibitions in Paris (1937). A member of the Union of artists of the USSR (from 1934). Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1933).

he Taught at the Palekh ancient art vocational school (1928 to 1933).

Posthumous exhibition of works took place in Palekh (1938), Moscow (1988).

Work is represented in many Museum collections: the State Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum of decorative-прикладного and folk art, the State literary Museum, the State Russian Museum, the Russian Museum А. С. Пушкина State Museum of Palekh art, Ivanovo regional art Museum and others. In 1968 в Palekh open House-музей И. И. Голикова.


1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2012, vol. 3, kN. 2. P. 66-72.

2. Palekh school. 1923-1950. Lacquer miniature painters. Catalogue of the exhibition. The Museum of lacquer art, münster; Museum. Breana, Berlin. Munster — Munich, 2011. S. 270-271.

3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. P. 73.


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