Art Investment

Arakelyan Sedrak Arakelovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Arakelian


ARAKELYAN (Arakelian) * arabelovic

17 (29) December, 1884 (the village Jauk, Armenia) — 6 марта 1942 (Yerevan)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied at Tiflis school of painting and sculpture of the Caucasian society for encouragement of fine arts (1904-1908) Е. М. Татевосяна, Б. А. Фогеля; MUZHVZ (1908-1917) А. Е. Архипова, А. М. Васнецова, К. А. Коровина, С. В. Иванова; graduated with the title artist 1-й degree.

Lived in Erivan — Yerevan (1920). Wrote thematic paintings, landscapes, portraits. Author paintings: "Dried wheat" (1920), "Old market in Yerevan" (1921), "the Monastery in Sevan" (1925), "Near the spring" (1928), "Soldier in the village" (1929), "Down with the veil!", "Picking cotton on a collective farm fields" (both — 1930), "Circassia women" (1931), "Culture — in the mountains!" (1936), "farmers Lunch" (1938), "Lenin in a tent" (1939), "Zangezur. Old Goris" (1940), "the Sinking of a Nazi transport" (1941-1942) and others. Completed a series of works dedicated to the collectivization in the village (early 1930-х). In the early 1920-х together with А. К. Коджояном and К. С. Алабяном served the political and propaganda posters for "Emkarate".

From 1909 участник exhibitions (exhibition of paintings of pupils of the Moscow school of painting). Exhibited associations: the Moscow Association of artists (1913, 1915), TPHV (1914-1923, with interruptions), the Union of artists-армян (1917-1921, with interruptions), the "Hayartun" (1921-1930), "4 искусства" (1926, 1928, 1929). A member and Exhibitor associations: the Society of artists of the Moscow school (1917-1918), the Society of fine art of Armenia (since 1923, member of-учредитель), Association of artists of revolutionary Armenia (1930-1932), the Union of artists of Armenian SSR (1932). Exhibited: "Artists — fellow soldiers" (1914), the jubilee exhibition of art of the peoples of the USSR (1927), exhibition of works of artists of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Armenia (1932), "the Construction and art of the national republics" (1932-1933), the all-Union exhibition "industry of socialism" (1939), exhibition of the best works of Soviet artists (1941) in Moscow; exhibition to 10-летию Soviet Armenia (1930), the exhibition dedicated to the 15th-летию the red Army (1933), exhibition, on the 100-летию from the date of death А. С. Пушкина (1937) in Yerevan and other. Participant of a number of foreign exhibitions of the Union of artists-армян in Constantinople (1921), XIV international exhibition of art in Venice (1924), Art-кустарной exhibition of the USSR in the USA (1929), Soviet art in Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm (all — 1930), Konigsberg (1932). He held his personal exhibition in Yerevan (1942).

he Taught at Yerevan art College (1921-1935, before 1924 — Director). Honored artist of Armenian SSR (1935).

a Memorial exhibition of the works took place in Yerevan (1943, 1957, 1962), 1974, 1980, 1984), Moscow (1943, 1948, 1957).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, national art gallery of Armenia in Yerevan and other.

1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2009, vol. 6, kN. 1. P. 59-60.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, т. 1. S. 184.

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