Art Investment


GANG Alexei Mikhailovich

1887 — on 8 September 1942 (the Tomsk region)

graphic artist, painter, art theorist

Special artistic education is not received. Worked in the Theatrical Department of Narkompros (Moscow) as head of the section of mass performances and spectacles (1918-1920); at the end of 1920 from-за his far-left ideological position was removed from this post А. В. Луначарским.

was married to Director-кинодокументалисте Э. И. Шуб; friends with А. М. Родченко and В. Ф. Степановой, А. Г. Тышлером, Л. В. Кулешовым, Л. М. Лисицким brothers В. А. and Г. А. Стенбергами, С. Б. Телингатером. Participated in the activities of Inhaca; is one of the founders of the First working group of constructivists (1921). Made key presentations at the meetings of the group in the process of its execution: "On the programme and work plan of the group of constructivists", "On the organizational plan of the group of constructivists", "On the work plan of the Department of press and propaganda". Published the book "Constructivism" (Tver, 1922), where he formulated the ideological basis of constructivism. The author of the Declaration "the Fight for “Массовое action”" (1922). In 1922-1923 — editor of the magazine "Cinema-фот".

was Engaged in designing architectural and typographical layouts, performed posters, bookplates. He designed the posters: "the First exhibition of modern architecture" (1927), "Exhibition of works of Vladimir Mayakovsky" (1931). Created a series of paintings.

member of the Association of modern architects (OSA, 1926-1930) and artistic Director of the print organ of the OSA magazine "Modern architecture" (SA); member of the group "October" (1928) .

From 1924 — participant of exhibitions (1-я discussion exhibition of active revolutionary art in Moscow). Exhibited: 1-й the exhibition of film posters (1925), 1-й the exhibition graphics (1926; the Association of artists-графиков at the Printing House), "the Moscow ex-libris 1926 года" (1927) in Moscow; the International exhibition "the Art book" in Leipzig and Nuremberg (1927).

In the middle — the second half of 1930-х worked in Khabarovsk and Tomsk. 25 октября 1941 was arrested on charges of counterrevolutionary activity, 8 сентября 1942 — shot. In 1989 реабилитирован posthumously.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — Karakalpak state Museum. И. В. Савицкого in Nukus.


1. Kotovich Т. В. Энциклопедия Russian avant-garde. Minsk, 2003. S. 87.

2. The artists of the Russian theater. 1880-1930. Collection of Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Ростовских. Directory-резоне. Auth. CL. and comp. J. Э. Боулт. M., 1994. Pp. 114-115.


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