Art Investment


BUCHKURI Alexander Burmistrov

18 (30) 1870 (Sloboda Buturlinovka Voronezh province) — 5 августа 1942 (Voronezh, Russia)

Painter, graphic artist

From the family of a merchant, a native of Turkey. He studied at the Drawing school at Voronezh Cup lovers drawing (1893-1897) М. И. Пономарева, Л. Г. Соловьева; Art school М. К. Тенишевой in St. Petersburg (1898-1899) И. Е. Репина; Higher art Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts (1899-1904) as a volunteer in the workshop И. Е. Репина. In 1904 за thesis painting "Death of Dmitry the Pretender" received the title of artist.

Lived in Voronezh (1907), the summer months worked in the village Podgorensky Voronezh province, travelled to Russia. Was married to the painter В. И. Епифановой. He painted landscapes, portraits, works of genre content. Author of painting works, "the Spinners" (1903-1905), "the Funeral" (1905, prize. А. И. Куинджи), "Christmas Bazaar" (1906), "the Laundress" (1908), "Bridal train" (1912), "Girl with flowers" (1912-1914), "Family portrait" (1913), "riding the tide", "the Tea party" (1933), "At the circus" (1936), "self-Portrait" (1941); series of portraits of peasant women (1902-1916; "peasant women", "Woman", "Girl in the red sweater", "Stool", "Toharia", "Peasant woman in holiday attire"). Works published in magazines "Niva", "Sun of Russia"; was published in the form of open letters to the publisher "Richard", Luban society for the care of the poor. In 1930-е executed a number of paintings on themes of Soviet life: "Breakfast in the Hayfield" (1933), "the pioneers of the demonstrations, Parade of youth"; has created a panel on the theme "Leisure and health of workers" for the House of making health education available in Voronezh.

1901 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor associations: Voronezh circle drawing (1907-1914), Fellowship of artists (1912, 1914-1916), society of travelling art exhibitions (1916), Society of artists to them. А. И. Куинджи (1918). One of the organizers of the Voronezh branch of Ahram and OMAKHR (1920-е). From 1932 — a member of the Union of artists of the USSR, one of the founders of the Department of Central-Черноземной area. Participated in exhibitions: in Spring in the halls of the Imperial Academy of arts (1905-1918, with breaks) in Saint-Петербурге (Petrograd); 1-й regional art exhibition Central-Черноземной the field "Artists of the Central Chernozem region for XVI years" (1933), Regional art exhibitions Voronezh oblast (1934, 1936, 1937), the exhibition devoted to 20-летию the liberation of Voronezh from White gangs (1939), landscape (1941) in Voronezh; 1-й the exhibition of works by artists from five regions of the RSFSR (1936), "Artists of the older generation of the RSFSR" (1940) in Moscow. Had a solo exhibition in Voronezh (1936, dedicated to the 25th-летию creative activity).

he Taught at the Drawing school at the Voronezh Cup lovers drawing — Voronezh state free art workshops — Voronezh College FROM — Voronezh art-промышленном College (1907-1929). Among the students — В. В. Белопольский, Г. А. Гончаров, Д. Г. Черских, Н. И. Бессарабова, В. А. Кораблинов, М. И. Лихачев.

Died during the Nazi occupation of Voronezh.

Posthumous solo exhibitions of the artist took place in Voronezh (1971, 1990/1991, 2003, to mark the 60th-летию from the date of death).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, the Voronezh regional art Museum. И. Н. Крамского, State art Museum of Altai territory, Barnaul, Rostov regional Museum of fine arts, Odessa art Museum. In Voronezh the artist's name named street.

1. State Russian Museum. Painting. The first half of the twentieth century. Directory. And — В. СПб., 1997, vol. 8. S. 95.
2. Ryabchikova О. А. А. А. Бучкури: 140-летию from the date of birth // University square. Almanac, 2010, No. 3. S. 69-76.

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