Exhibition "The Color. 90 masterpieces from the museums of the Moscow region" opens tomorrow at the Museum "New Jerusalem"
Large exposure in the Istra Museum will present works from 11 suburban museums and galleries — Aivazovsky's paintings, Burliuk, Natalia Goncharova, Gorbatov, Korovin, Polenov, Shishkin and others.
Major project dedicated to the 90-летию Moscow region, will bring together iconic works from 11 suburban museums and galleries created by the most famous Russian artists of XVIII–XX centuries. To see these works in one space will be for the first time. The exhibition will present works by Ivan Aivazovsky, David Burliuk, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Vereshchagin, Natalia Goncharova, Konstantin Gorbatov, Alexei and Konstantin Korovin, Filipp Malyavin, Mikhail Nesterov, Vasily Polenov, Alexei Savrasov, Vasily Surikov, Robert Falk, Ivan Shishkin, Alexandra Exter, and many others.
among the project participants, Federal, regional and municipal museums of the Moscow region "New Jerusalem", serpukhovskiy istoriko-художественный Museum-усадьба "Arkhangelskoye" Museum-заповедник "Abramtsevo" Museum-заповедник "Kolomna Kremlin", Khimki gallery S. N. Gorshina, Museum-заповедник "Manor "Muranovo"" named after F. I. Tyutchev, Sergiev-Посадский state historical-художественный Museum-заповедник, Church-археологический the Museum of the Moscow Theological Academy, Mytishchi history-художественный Museum-заповедник "Dmitrov Kremlin".
Exhibit "Color. 90 masterpieces from the museums of the Moscow region" will develop on the area of 1200 meters. In 8 halls will feature 90 paintings.
the Basis for the construction of the exhibition will be work by artists of color. Since the seventeenth century the question of the origin of color has occupied the minds of scientists who sought to regulate color, define each of them. The basis was the idea of the color wheel, which is used by artists. There are primary colors: red, blue, yellow — them in any way it is impossible to obtain, but with them, by mixing, get new colors and shades. A guide in the exhibition space, representing masterpieces from the collections of Moscow museums will be the color wheel.
Jeanne Aleinikova, Director of the Serpukhov historical and-художественного Museum, curator of the exhibition: "the Color wheel was the starting point in the concept of our exhibition. We want to show our visitors not only individual works but whole picturesque history with a variety of shades and meanings. Take, for example, red: this small terracotta dot the landscape Aivazovsky — figurine-lure the viewer's eye into the depth of the canvas, where views of Yalta, or the dominant resonant folk emphasis in portrait of a laughing red-девицы Malyavina, details of the same color, but a very noble tone, in the formal portraits of the XVIII century and, finally, a dramatic cry of red in works by artists of the avant-garde. We turn our attention to the fact that perhaps they haven't noticed before".
Among the works presented at the exhibition, for the first time will be shown several works included in the collection of the Museum of New Jerusalem after the transfer in August 2019 the collection of confiscated, Janna bullock, ex-wife of the ex-министра of Finance of Moscow region Alexey Kuznetsov. Among them are: "portrait of a girl" by Vladimir Makovsky, "Pine on the Gulf coast" by Ivan Shishkin and "Portrait of old man" by Vasily Surikov.
the exhibition will be createdindividual multimedia-зона: here you can create paintings by using interactive light projections, able to react to human movement, or to get acquainted with the masterpieces in a special tach-столе.
the Exhibition will be accompanied by an inclusive program. For the blind and visually impaired visitors will prepare tactile reliefs on motives of the key exhibits and special labels, with the application of Braille. And for hard of hearing persons will be arranged tailored tours with a sign language interpreter.
Source: njerusalem.ru
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