Art Investment

95 years of Aron Bukh celebrate a personal exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod

Aron Bukh (1923-2006) — outstanding expressionist in Russian postwar art. Bright, original artist, and highly valued by the public, collectors and museums

Aaron will be an artist —, it was clear from early childhood: at the age of three the boy did not part with paint. Before the war, Wham, she studied painting in the House of artistic education in Moscow. After returning from evacuation in 1944, he began to visit the art Studio of the all, where he studied under Konstantin Yuon. And then he entered the Moscow art school of memory of 1905 to Basil Baksheeva.

With 36 years he was a member of the Union of artists of the USSR, but remained virtually independent artist-одиночкой. He did not make career in the system of official art and was not included in the conditional group of non-conformists.

it is believed that a sharp turn in the works of Bukh occurred in the mid-1980-х years. 60-летний the artist renounces the old ideas and begins to literally "sculpt" the texture of oil paints on his canvases — fingers, palette knife, brushes. His paintings turn into balls of energy, expression in its purest form.

Today these works are particularly prized by collectors and museums. In particular, in 2018, the case of paintings Buch his best period during the ceremony officially enrolled in the Tretyakov gallery. Works Buch regularly offered on the Russian auctions and are among the leaders in liquidity.

the exhibition in honour of the 95-летия from the date of birth of the artist of the Nizhny Novgorod state exhibition complex shows 70 works of Aaron boukh from private collections. The curators of the project were Irina Marsheva, Ilya Smolin, Sergey Alexandrov and Elena Yakovleva. The exhibition will last until 20 may 2018.

Source: press-релиз of the exhibition

What else to read on the subject:
AI: Bukh Aron, Froimovich (1923-2006);
AI: Spanish Foundation gifted the Tretyakov gallery paintings by Aron Bukh.

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