Art Investment

Contemporary art in 3D-VR: Khudyakov, Gintovt, Zaikin, Batishev, Sploshnov

Alpert Gallery and Sploshnoff Collection for the first time to practice holding an exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists in the format of virtual reality — 3D VR-360°

the intention of the curator (Alexander Sploshnov-старшего) the project aims to demonstrate not only the audience, but also the professional community of the latest technologies in contemporary art. In addition to virtual reality, the exhibition shows experimental video-арт, 3D-картины stereolith-панелях digital pictures of high resolution (digital-арт). One of the most impressive formats — art for 3D-визоров (stereo-шлемов virtual reality review 360°).

the project involves:

  • Konstantin Khudyakov — one of the pioneers of digital art in Russia. In this project, is their most interesting experiments in "pure" form and three-dimensional space within two-dimensional digital pictures of high resolution. The exhibition will feature works from the cycles "'DEISIS'", "angel Eyes" and a digital stereo-лайт panel;
  • Alexey Gintovt — is one of the brightest representatives of the "new seriousness" and the Imperial vanguard, laureate of the "Kandinsky Prize" for 2008 in the category "project of the year". The exhibition presents his animated film "the Soviet Union of the third Millennium";
  • Anton Batirev — media-художник, winner of the prize. K. S. Petrov-Водкина the Russian Academy of arts ("Against the flow", 2014). This project shows digital artworks in stereo-лайт panels;
  • Mikhail Zaikin — architect, artist, practicing in the work of the academic as an essential Foundation for a variety of digital experiments. Winner of the prize. K. S. Petrov-Водкина the Russian Academy of arts ("Against the tide", 2012). The exhibition presents an animated film Digital Utopia;
  • Alexander Sploshnov-младший — artist, producer, stereograf, supervisor VFX and VR. In this project A. Sploshnov-младший acts not only as an artist but also as an expert on virtual reality, created the journey into VR-формате for the main project participants;
  • Alexander Sploshnov-старший — artist, producer, composer and producer. Organizer and participant of many artistic-выставочных projects. Nominated for the "FAITH" for "Devotion to Art". Project "Disco 80-х 3D" held with the participation of A. A. Sploshnov in 2010, listed in the Guinness book of records as the most ambitious 3D-проект in the world. This project presents work from the series "family heirlooms", created in the genre of hyperrealism;

the exhibition in the branch Alpert Gallery in Kotelniki movies, in which the authors themselves tell about the latest technologies in art and the history of art. Entrance fee: adult ticket — 500 RUB., kids — 300 RUB.


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