Art Investment

Jackie Tsai at MMSI

Exhibition of British pop-арт-художника of Chinese origin Jackie Tsai "Send me to the moon" takes place in the branch of the Moscow Museum of modern art on Gogol Boulevard on March 11

Moscow Museum of modern art presents the first in Russia solo exhibition by London based artist of Chinese origin Jackie Tsai "Send me to the moon". Known to the public as designer floral skull images created for the fashion house Alexander McQueen, in the field of art Jackie Tsai develops the theme of the dialogue of Eastern and Western cultures, combining elements of pop-арта with the ancient Chinese crafts.

the Exhibition presents the works of the author in recent years, performed in a wide range of techniques: from painting and screen printing to carving on the nail. The appeal of traditional crafts allows the artist to work with textures and complex structural features. For example, a series of situational encounters superheroes comics with characters from Chinese mythology, made in the technique of carving lacquer. For the manufacture of a single work can take from three to five months and sometimes several years, as the craft involves engraving images on wood panels, which is then applied to several dozen layers of lacquer. Costly, time-consuming technique of carving the lacquer went into decline after the proclamation of the Communist regime in China and now popular among young artists. "In China there are only about 20 masters have mastered this craft", — says. The Cai reminds the younger generation about the roots of the centuries-old culture.

the Art of Cai, in the words of the artist, aims to become a bridge between the two cultures. Combining the aesthetics of pop-арта with traditional Chinese motifs, Cai creates a platform for dialogue and however, changes the rules Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist. So, he writes comic book production DC and Marvel — Superman Man-паука, Captain America, Woman-кошку and other — in classical Chinese landscapes, to reflect both the merger of the two cultures and their clash. Cai allegorically plays with the economic rise of China on the background of the waning of Western dominance.

the exhibition shows the variations of the theme of the skull. The choice of floral ornament as a formative element due to the desire of Cai to neutralize their own fear and prejudice against death. Skull decorated with flowers, birds and butterflies symbolize the triumph of life over death, and appear again and again in prints and sculptures.

Project "take me to the moon" takes place in partnership with the GUM in the framework of the festival "Chinese New C! GUM.» Specially for the festival, which will be held in Gum from 8 to 28 February, Jacky Tsai has designed the sets for the interior of Gum, reflecting cultural peculiarities of China and Russia.


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