Big Semiradsky exhibition in the Russian Museum
The exhibition "Henri semiradzki and the colony of Russian artists in Rome" in the Benois wing presents 125 works Semiradsky and his contemporaries
In October 2018 marks 175 years since the birth of Henry Ippolitovich Semiradsky (1843-1902) —, a graduate of St. Petersburg Academy of arts and one of the most prominent representatives of the late European academia (57-е place in the Top-100 Russian artists). Creative path of the master was closely associated with Rome, whose appearance, history and unique artistic atmosphere has been attractive to the masters from different countries. The exhibition first presented in the exhibition of approximately 125 works Semiradsky and his contemporaries — Russian painters and sculptors of academic areas, who worked in the Eternal city in the second half of the XIX — the beginning of the XX century: Mark Antokolsky, Stepan Bakalovich, Vladimir Beklemishev, Mikhail Botkin, Fyodor Bronnikov, Nicholas laveretskogo, Alexander rizzoni, Alexander and Paul Svedomsky, Vasily Smirnov, Pavel Chistyakov and others. The audience will see vivid examples of landscape, household, portrait and historical genres that have become classics of Russian art.
In the most extensive section of the exhibition devoted to the work of Henry Semiradsky, will include not only the famous paintings of the artist from collections of the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov gallery, but also less known works of the provincial and private collections.
the Opening of the exhibition was the work of Wilhelm Kotarbinsky "Orgy", which is almost 100 years have lain in the vaults of the Russian Museum, plastered with rough wrapping paper and on the knurled shaft. Due to the unique restoration work that lasted more than six months, the magnificent paintings were saved from destruction and today we can see it in all its glory at the exhibition. "Orgy" was a revelation not only for the audiences but for the Museum community, because even in the General catalog of the Russian Museum this work was presented in black-белой photos from the early 1900-х years.
In the new film of the Russian Museum "Wilhelm Kotarbinsky. Art... to dream" scientists and restorers of the Russian Museum tell about the stages of the restoration work, "Orgy", and also about how it was created, the exhibition of Russian artists of the mid XIX — beginning of the XX century, whose life and work were closely connected with Italy.
Together with the film crew, the viewer finds himself in the restoration workshops of the Russian Museum and became part of the great preparatory work at the Museum, which, as a rule, there is always "behind the scenes" of the Museum exhibition.
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