Art Investment

Alexey Gintovt at Petrovka, 25. Work for 10 years

The exhibition is called "X" — Latin for "ten", as it includes projects of the artist done during the past decade, even a little more

Alexey Gintovt today, perhaps the greatest artist in modern Russian art, developing the idea of Timur Novikov "the future — in the past." For almost 30 years Alexey Gintovt argues that avant-garde today is not fussy what-то new, but rather an appeal to tradition, to the long-known values. He explains sometimes it is deliberately hard, without anesthesia — in the language of the "new Empire", the traditionalism, the Imperial vanguard.

Painful manipulation the art is able to endure not all. It is therefore not surprising that the number of admirers of the Gintovt unlikely to exceed the number of its critics. However, you need to remember that any violent art debate —, it is rather a good sign.

At the exhibition "X" will show works of the most high profile projects Gintovt on the role of the Russian state in the future world: "Russian forest" (2006), "Rodina-дочь" (2007), "Victory Parade 2937" (2010), "55°45' 20.83" N, 37° 37' 03.48" E" (2012). The only project of the exhibition that almost nobody saw — is "Depth", as well as conceptual graphics for video project "Calendar of Prester John", which guintovt continues to work the last 2 years. In the video — European legend of the XII century on the fictional ruler of a powerful Christian state in Central Asia the Presbyter John.

the Exhibition opens in a week, on the third floor of the MMOMA at Petrovka 25. Curator — Hope Mindlin.


What else to read on the topic on AI:
"Star" Alexey Gintovt AI Auction.

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