Art Investment

"Mstera — pearl of Russia" at the Museum of arts and crafts

Exhibition 85-летию Mstera factory of lacquer miniatures

all-Russian Museum of decorative-прикладного and folk art opened the exhibition "Mstera — pearl of Russia", devoted to the 85-летию Mstera factory of lacquer miniature. Presents more than 200 works from the collections of the Russian Museum of decorative-прикладного and folk art, assortment of office PC "the Center of traditional Mstera miniature and personal collections; exhibits reflect the main stages of the development of Mstera arts and crafts.

the Village of Mstera in the Vladimir land in the past was a unique iconographic center, but truly a world fame he had acquired in the XX century, when at the turn of 1920-30-х years there arose the art of lacquer miniature painting on papier-маше. Relying on its own iconographic tradition, miniature Mstera has developed a unique artistic style, which plays a big role in carefully prescribed landscape background with subtle color transitions.

the Date of birth of Mstera lacquer fishery is considered to be June, 1931, when former icon-painters United in the artel "Proletarian art" (1960 — factory). Significant role in the development of the art of Mstera was played by the national splint, which before the revolution was printed in the local printing of this book. The founder of ornamental areas in Mstiorskya miniature became E. V. Yurin ("Ornament with a bird"), based on the best samples of old Russian art.

the exhibition presents works by the most prominent representatives of the fishery: Nikolai Prokopevich Klykova ("Near the city of Slavyansk"), Alexander Bragin ("Alexander Nevsky collects men..."), Alexander Fedorovich Kotahena ("the Taking of Izmail"), Vasily N. Ovchinnikov, Ivan Serebryakov, Evgeny V. Yurina and several other artists whose art received recognition at the world exhibition in Paris in 1937, where artists were awarded the Grand-при and gold medals.

the second generation of miniaturists — Ekaterina Zonin ("Haymaking is over"), Antonida Mikhailovna Ovchinnikov ("Escort the accordion to the Institute"), Nina Lubomudrov, Vasily Ivanovich Korsakov and other masters — has created a vivid work, imbued with the inimitable enthusiasm of the postwar era and at the same time preserving the best features of Mstera art.

1960-е years — particular period in the development of Mstera art, which began in the Wake of the "thaw" and imbued with the spirit of genuine innovation. At this time, was created by an extremely talented works: "the Correspondence of Ivan IV with Prince Kurbsky" and "the Word about Igor's regiment" Lev Alexandrovich Fomichev, "Peter the Great on the site of St. Petersburg" and "1905" Nikolai Ivanovich Sisakova, "Andrei "Bogolyubsky" and "Princely hunting" Yuri Mikhailovich Vavanova, "to Whom in Russia to live well" Lydia Alexandrovna Demidova.

In 1970-е years Mstera lacquer craft joined a galaxy of gifted artists: Vladislav Fedorovich Nekosu ("Vladimir escorted Alexander Nevsky in the Horde"), Mr Kopelevich Moshkovich ("Duke Stepanovich"), Vladimir Molodkin ("Ilya Muromets and Kalin-царь"). During these years, artistic images of works of Mstera lacquer miniatures become more defined, they have a clear connection with all the artistic experiences of the ancient Russian crafts.

the Aesthetics of popular life — importantly, it became a distinctive feature of Russian lacquer items. The history of the country, the literary works of Russian and foreign writers, poetry, Russian fairy tales as the concentrated wisdom of the people, the complex world of human aspirations — all this is reflected in the Russian lacquer painting.


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