Art Investment

"War and peace Vadim Sidur"

In the Museum of Sidur in Moscow opens a large retrospective exhibition of Vadim Sidur (1924-1986). In the exhibition more than 40 works

Tomorrow, July 19, at the Museum of Vadim Sidur (novogireevskaya street, 37/2), which is part of the Association "Manege", will take place opening of exhibition of "War and peace Vadim Sidur". After Moscow this exhibition will carry on a world tour. For 2016-2017 years more than forty works spanning all creative periods of the prominent sculptor, will show in Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Singapore.

Vadim Sidur (1924-1986), at the age of 17 years got to the front, throughout his life created images of startling power, calling for peace. His work, original and versatile, is an epoch in the history of Russian art.

Vadim Sidur left a huge artistic heritage, which includes more than 500 sculptures, 2000 graphic works, collection of poems, a book of avant-garde prose, the movie. Its monuments are set in Russia, Germany, USA. Works included in the exhibition, to the eternal questions of universal values, understandable to all, regardless of age and nationality. In these works, the horror of war and violent death and the search for harmony in a crumbling world, the impending global environmental disaster, the worship of the creative power of human genius and greatness of human feelings. The works of the Siddur make-иному to look at the world, provide an opportunity for a deeper analysis of what is happening around, to look into the future and maybe change it for the better.

the Name of Vadim Sidur cannot be separated from its era, which he called "the era of balance of terror". The identity of the sculptor is on a par with such masters of avant-garde, as Alberto Giacometti, Henry Moore, Constantin Brancusi. In his later years, the artist said: "I Feel one of the last of a dying classics of our outgoing Millennium.

At the exhibition "War and Peace Vadim Sidur" will be displayed sculpture, drawings, ceramics, and linocuts. Among the exhibits are such famous works as "Wounded" (1963), "Prisoner" (1963), "Connection. Tenderness" (1963), "Formula of sorrow" (1972), as well as works, while unfamiliar to a wide audience.


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