Art Investment

The exhibition Robert Indiana will be held in the Russian Museum

Solo exhibition of American artist, a prominent representative of the pop-арт Robert Indiana's "To Russia with LOVE" opens in the marble Palace on April 7

7 April at the State Russian Museum (marble Palace) will open the exhibition "Robert Indiana. To Russia with LOVE".

Robert Indiana (real name Robert Clark) — famous American artist, an outstanding representative of the direction pop-арт. This direction is rightly recognized as a key phenomenon in art history USA 1960-х. The exhibition in the Russian Museum will be presented 20 graphic works from the collection of galleries Gmurzynska made by Indiana in different years, and two sculptures: "ART" and "LOVE".

the exhibition marks the 50-летию create "LOVE" @the mdas of the most famous works by Robert Indiana. In 1964 it was used in a Christmas card the Museum of modern art (MoMA) in new-Йорке. In 1966, the artist has fulfilled the imprint "LOVE" print poster new-йоркской gallery Stable.

the Word "LOVE" four squares, Indiana glorified for the whole world, was printed in the Times Roman font, while the exclamation "O" — in italics, giving the four letters of the expressiveness and power of monosyllabic verse. For many years Indiana "multiplied" "LOVE" in different techniques. He put it on the multi-layered wall panels and crosses and even on a postage stamp USA (1973). Moreover, the artist translated the word-образ into several languages, including Hebrew, Spanish, and Chinese.

Robert Indiana worked on the verge of separating traditional types and techniques of fine art (painting, drawing, engraving, typographic poster) and concept art-объекта associated with transforming into a real work of art objects. Keen interest in geometric abstraction and expressive power of pure color, open avant-garde of the early twentieth century, has allowed Indiana to develop a recognizable style and "LOVE" is one of manifests, not only of the pop-арт, but also the era of the birth of a radically new aesthetics that changed the course of art development in the USA and many other countries.

the Polysemy of works by Robert Indiana, containing political messages, references to famous literary works and personal memories, allows us to consider his work as a distinctive phenomenon in the American system of pop-арта. The artist's paintings, connecting visual and verbal, where the word appears as an image, overcome frame easel paintings or graphic sheet. Objects like "LOVE" and "ART", they created a capacious and laconic shaped formulas, is able to reach the area of the everyday life of millions of people.


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