Art Investment

Talochkin collection will be exhibited in the Tretyakov gallery

The whole exhibition of the latest trends in the Tretyakov gallery in April, waiting for a total reboot. Half of the 200 exhibits of the new exhibition will be works from the collection of Leonid Talochkin

the State Tretyakov gallery in mid-April will present a new version of the exhibition of the latest trends. In the updated exposition will feature more than 200 works, half of which belonged to the collection of Leonid Talochkin (bequeathed to the gallery in 2014) and now can be seen in the walls of the Tretyakov gallery after a long process of restoration. The meaning of the "reset" 2016 is in the connection and mapping work, which at different times came to the Tretyakov gallery.

Collection of contemporary art at the Tretyakov gallery was formed over the past twenty years. In 1990-е years its basis the works acquired by the Ministry of culture, as well as donated by artists and heirs.

In early 2000-х years the Tretyakov gallery has passed the collection of the Department of contemporary art of Tsaritsino Museum, collected by Andrey Erofeev.

In 2014, Tatiana Vendelshteyn transferred into the gallery collection of Leonid Talochkin.

currently the collection of modern art in the Tretyakov gallery has over 5 000 works — paintings, objects, assemblages, installations, video-работ. This is the only collection in Moscow, which allows to study and to show the history of modern art from post-war abstract painting to contemporary practices 2000-х.

the Works are grouped by areas, and by thematic sections: "Abstract", "kinetic Art and optical art, Mysticism and surrealist", "the New realism", "Pop-арт", "Minimalism and postzhivopisnaya abstraction", "the Social-арт", "Conceptualism — in my head", "Poetry and writing", "Performance", "Machine understanding", "neo-expressionism, Conceptualism — new generation", "Archaeology of the postmodern", "Actionism 1990-х and unfinished future".

  • Коллекцию Талочкина выставят в Третьяковке
  • Коллекцию Талочкина выставят в Третьяковке

Thanks to the collection of Leonid Talochkin Tretyakov gallery acquired the ability to articulate and adequately show areas such as new realism, pop-арт, minimalism and neo-expressionism.

the Curators and keepers of the Department of contemporary art together with the designer of the exhibition Alexey Podkidyshev abandoned the usual methods of demonstration works and is the format of the exhibition offered viewers the format of the "Cabinet of curiosities", where you can not only to consider the works on the walls and in glass cases, but also sit at tables to study and touch interactive copies of the work intended, for example, for turning or pivoting in the hands.


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