Art Investment

Genesis. Photos Of Sebastio Salgado

February 18, in the Estate muravyovs-Апостолов opens the exhibition, the exhibition which was 245 photos, selected from thousands of photos taken during eight years of traveling to 32 different locations


February 18, in the Estate muravyovs-Апостолов opens the exhibition of famous photographers Sebastio Salgado "Genesis", organized within the framework of the main program of the Eleventh international month of photography in Moscow "Photobiennale-2016".

the Show features 245 stunning photographs, selected from thousands of photos taken during eight years of traveling in 32 different places. Exhibition — is a photographic expedition around the Earth, a journey through the places on the planet where its inhabitants have so far managed to avoid the devastating effects of modern civilization. It is a proof that on our planet there are still large regions where nature reigns majestic. Genesis shares with the audience the beauty and drew their attention to the fact that the planet is still intact that is already in danger of extinction and what can still be saved.

the Project Genesis was initiated in 2004 and completed in 2011-м. Over the years of working on it, Salgado has visited the Kalahari desert, the jungles of Indonesia, the Galapagos Islands, Madagascar, Alaska, Antarctica and other places, where the beauty of untouched, pristine nature strikes with epic splendor and inspires you to save it for future generations. Most of the photos were made in Russia — on the Kamchatka Peninsula and Wrangel island.

In contrast to the socially colored photo projects that have made Salgado's famous ("the Other America", 1986; "Workers", 1993; "Earth", 1997; "Migration and portraits", 2000; "Africa", 2007), "GENESIS" estetizirovat the Majesty of planet Earth, 46 % of which is still preserved untouched image.

"We live in a critical time of our planet, and the photo — is one way to share this historic moment, — says Salgado. — is In our power to see our planet in a new, fresh look. For me "the Genesis" — is a kind of tribute that we dedicate our natural home".

Sebastio Salgado (1944) — photographer, photojournalist, together with Lelia Salgado Vanik with-основатель Agency, Amazonas Images, in Paris, a member of the prestigious Magnum Photo Agency from 1979 to 1994. Salgado has won numerous awards for his contributions in the photo, twice received the title of "photographer of the year" from the International Center of Photography ICP (International Center of Photography, New York).

In 1998, Sebastio Salgado's personal initiative he founded "the Earth Institute" (Instituto Terra), intended to restore and preserve the unique plants of tropical forests of Brazil.

Since 2001, has held the title of goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF, honorary member of the American Academy of arts and Sciences, and was awarded the medal of the centennial of the Royal photographic society.

the Work of Sebastio Salgado became the material for the documentary film "Salt of the earth", filmed in 2014 by the famous Director WIM Wenders in collaboration with Salgado's son, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado. The painting was awarded a special prize at the Cannes film Festival.

the organizers of the exhibition: the Estate muravyovs-Апостолов in collaboration with MAMM and v confession agency.

Curator and designer of exhibition: Lelia Vanik Salgado.

Official website: .

Source: press-релиз exhibitions

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