Graphics of Nikolay Kuzmin in the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka
The Exhibition "Mastery Of N. V. Kuzmina-графика" to 125-летию since the birth of the artist will present more than 80 paintings of different years — graphics, portraits, illustrations to Pushkin's works, bookplates, etc.
In the State A. S. Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka the exhibition "the Mastery of N. V. Kuzmina-графика" to 125-летию since the birth of the artist. The exhibition is also included in the programme of events for the Day of memory of A. S. Pushkin. 10 February will be exactly 179 years since the tragic death of the great Russian poet.
the exhibition contains over 80 paintings of different years Nikolai Vasilyevich Kuzmin — graphics, portraits, illustrations to Pushkin's works, bookplates, and books illustrated by the artist, and personal items from the private collection of heirs of the artist and the collection of the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin.
we Can say that the love of Pushkin determined the fate of N. V. Kuz'mina, becoming a lifelong source of artistic inspiration. During his life he several times referred to the work of the poet, choosing to illustrate such disparate works as "Eugene Onegin" (1933), "Count Nulin" (1957), poem "To Chaadayev" (1959), "the Epigrams of Pushkin" (1979), finding for each one your artistic dominance. Now these works make up a large part of the Museum collection, which contains nearly 200 illustrations to Pushkin's creations.
some of the items from the Museum store presented to the public for the first time: the early works created in 1930-х,; little-known illustrations to the works of Russian and foreign writers; the autograph letters of eminent artists, writers, critics.
Kuzminki Moscow — Arbat square, which at that time were trams, boulevards and squares, beloved by Muscovites in the parks Sokolniki and Lefortovo — is also open to the public for the first time. View the artist draws and the architectural image of the city, and people walking with red flags, and Moscow's views. He has a lot of popular paintings, these drawings have preserved for us the appearance of their home town 1930-х.
still lives painted in a wet watercolor technique, help to understand the impact that has had on the artist's impressionist work, in what ways was he in the art. It is interesting to note that the bouquets this time created by Kuzmin and Tatiana Mavrina, are very close in style.
Especially precious for the Museum theme — portraits of Pushkin. In 1930-е years Kuzmin has executed several portraits of Pushkin's pen and ink, occasionally using watercolor. The portraits are built on black and white contrasts. The exhibition includes portraits of the poet on the shore Soroti (one of which was donated by the artist L. S. Kishkina known scientist-слависту), as well as portraits of the poet on the banks of the Neva, in the cloak and top hat, and in his office (both figures — from a private collection, because little known).
the Centre of the exhibition were, of course, numerous illustrations to the novel "Eugene Onegin" on which the artist worked from 1928 to 1932. Kuzmin was extremely attentive to Pushkin's text. "You have to work hard, — wrote it, — and shed a lot of sweat to figure seemed to be made without the slightest effort. Only the artist knows how much work this requires "easy" manner, and can imagine how much paper and how many of these sketches were rejected and thrown away".
the exhibition is accompanied By a booklet with selected works by Nikolay Kuzmin presented in the exposition and the funds of the GMF.
Source: press-релиз GMF
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