Art Investment

"ART Perm — 2016"

From 5 to 14 February in Perm passes 18-я international exhibition-продажа art "art Perm — 2016". Approximately 600 authors from different parts of the world. More than 300 exhibitors. Fresh, varied, affordable, interesting and beautiful

5 February in Perm opened on 18-я international exhibition-продажа of art "ART Perm — 2016". In three exhibition hall "Perm Fair" employs more than 300 exhibition booths, whose owners offered to the public some 600 authors from different parts of Russia and the world.

  • «АРТ Пермь — 2016»
  • «АРТ Пермь — 2016»

"ART Perm — 2016" maintains a balance between different art forms, themes, techniques, generations. For example, a platform for contemporary art in the format installation-перформанса of the PERMM Museum of contemporary art coexists with classical paintings of the project "Invitation to travel" Perm state art gallery.

Art-салон traditionally housed in three pavilions of "Perm Fair". Pavilion 1 introduces the audience mainly with the work Perm the authors and the activity of the Perm art-институций. In particular, it demonstrates two of the project of the Perm Art-резиденции, combined "futuristic bridge" from the ceiling, symbolizing the connection of two generations of authors. Then launched a large-scale photo exhibition of the members of the Perm branch of the Union of photo artists of Russia "All shades of black" @the best black and mdas-белые snapshots of different periods and different authors. Here is the stand of the Perm sculptor Rustam Ismagilov — author of the surrealist compositions of metal sheets.

Continues the exposition of the pavilion № 1 of the acclaimed "house Concert", Central exhibition hall, as well as infernal project "One world" Tatiana Necheukhin, Maxim Nurulin and To: the authors show a series of "Stereotypes" is a collection of reflections on life after death. About Perm animal style tells the exhibition project organization KAMWA.

In the pavilion № 3, guests is located Perm. St-Петербург, for example, brought a unique collection of works by contemporary artists of Ghana. Next an exhibition of paintings by Giuliano Bezzi (Italy). And even further in the draft SU & GAR presents unusual works of Buryat sculptors made use of ethnic motifs.

the list of participants of the exhibition "ART Perm — 2016" is available here.

photos from the exhibition can be viewed . (Note the brilliant book graphics: these illustrations are rare!)


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