Art Investment

Sergey Shekhovtsov: "/crash"

Today, Stella Art Foundation exhibition, one of the leading contemporary artists of Moscow Sergey Shekhovtsov

Stella Art, December 4, 2014 - February 15, 2015
Moscow, Skatyatinsky trans., 7

Today, Stella Art Foundation exhibition, one of the leading contemporary Moscow artists Sergey Shekhovtsov "/fly". This exhibition of sculptural objects of military and everyday topics. Despite the possible Association with the Ukrainian events, direct relation to them it has not, and was conceived back in the spring. But the exhibition Shekhovtsova, of course, "about the war. About the war, which is dotted throughout our lives, which is dissolved in the air everyday. First up is baby games fights in the yard, then computer shooters, radio, TV, cinema, Internet. And we absolutely don't need to be mobilized to be on the battlefield. Right at home on the couch, we can't wait to military adventure. Her spirit impregnated modern pop culture, reality and virtuality. As usual things are so nice to us only because they had learned to hide from us its second face, a generic military look.

All this is already in the title. "Departure" is most relevant to the main, the most major object of the exhibition is, of course, with a predominance of cheerful call, the call is screwed into the sky. But also "Bleed" - passive-passive, a sign of complete and unconditional porazenia@

Sergey Shekhovtsov - wizard to find all sorts of ambiguity, of which our life is made. And doing it from the very beginning of his artistic career, when "there was a sense of peace as soft, amorphous, deceptive matter." No coincidence then its copyrighted material has become foam - snejanna-domestic, non-fiction substance, while endowed with the ability to endless imitation: "you can create a whole world, to use and this way and that. And its philosophy he has. But the moment came when it was no matter, I began to hide the material - it may be plaster or plastic, any dummy can do it." And he was absolutely right, if not the primary material, and the reality that, according to his version, not more than packing something else, which may not Vose@

Source: press-release Stella Art

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