"My home is wherever the vault of heaven..." Exhibition for the 200th anniversary of M. Y. Lermontov in the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin
Presented autographs and pictures, personal belongings, intravital portraits and other valuable artifacts
In the State A. S. Pushkin Museum opened the exhibition "My home is everywhere where is the vault of heaven...", devoted to the 200-летию since the birth of M. Y. Lermontov (the poet was born in Moscow in the night from 2 to 3 (15-го new style) October 1814).
the exhibition presents the autographs and pictures of Mikhail Lermontov; personal belongings — road box, the red Morocco Slippers, silver spoon; intravital portraits of the poet, his ancestors and close circle of contemporaries; rare documentary sources, including Dating from 1617 year the first mention of fleeing to Russia "Bielsko German, a native of Scotland Yuri Lernanta"; handwritten albums with pictures and autographs Lermontov —; its famous Cadet diary (1832-1834),which includes 245 drawings of the poet, and notebook exiled to the Caucasus Decembrist A. I. Odoevsky, with which the poet became friends in the last year of life; numerous, including copyright, a list of famous and fateful poetic response "On the death of a poet"; two secret military-судебных the report on the investigation of the duels of Lieutenant Lermontov — with de Barant in 1840, and fatal, with N. Siarhei Martynau. More than 1500 exhibits from 30 participants to more than 1000 square meters of exhibition Posada@
Central part of the exhibition tells about the life and career of Mikhail Lermontov. Detailed exposition chronologically follows the most important and crucial stages in the life and works of the poet — from birth to the fatal duel, from the first publications to books that have received literary immortality. Each of the episodes of the poet's life illustrated in art and documentary materials: portraits of participants of events, business and private correspondence, species painting and graphics of the time, handwritten materials, objects and costumes of the era, memorial vasami@ M. Yu Attack Leib-гвардии hussars near Warsaw on August 26, 1831. 1837
From the collection of early Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin house)
Source: press@GMF ndashрелизUnknown artist. Portrait of Yu. Lermontov First quarter of the XIX century
From the collection of early Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin house)
Source: press@GMF ndashрелиз
Modern multimedia equipment installed in all the exhibition halls, will consider in detail the Museum relikvie@
Many of presented at the exhibition of historical documents were previously available only to a narrow circle of specialists. For the first time to the public on display in the original military-судебные reports on the investigation of the famous duel of Lermontov — the first, with de Barant in 1840, and fatal, with Martynov, July 15, 1841 goda@
Large section of the jubilee exhibition dedicated to Lermontov's places and routes of the poet. The researchers of the poet's life has calculated that during his short life he spent on the road the whole year! Moscow, Tarkhany, suburban Serednikovo, Petersburg, Taman, Tiflis, Pyatigorsk... Section tells the story, the exhibits and treasures of the memorial Museum of M. Y. Lermontov in these cities. Cherished poet and meaningful in his biography of place visitors will see in the drawings of the poem, the painting works of artists of the XIX and XX centuries, a unique archival and contemporary photographs, provided to the Museum funds and private Sobraniye@
of Particular interest is the exposure allocated to the creative heritage of M. Y. Lermontov. Over a half-century works of Lermontov and his characters have found hundreds of ingenious interpretations and incarnations. The creativity and personality of the poet addressed many of the great artists, composers, Directors and actors. Hundreds of new masterpieces in different genres of high art were born on the basis of his works. Sketches of theatrical scenery and costumes, costumes, in which she shone famous actors, working time of filming, scenario plans, premiere movie times, presented at the exhibition, will talk about famous productions and film adaptations of "the Demon", "Masquerade", "Hero of our time". Visitors will have the opportunity to see and hear rare audio- and videos from shows, movies and concerts with participation of famous actors and muzykantov@
the Exhibition brought together documentary, subject and artistic material from more than three dozen museums and archival collections, becoming, in terms of exhibits, the largest in the history of Lermontov anniversaries (such large-scale projects, it was assumed in 1914 and 1941, but had to be curtailed from-за the beginning of world war I and the great Patriotic war).
the Organizers of the anniversary of Lermontov's exhibition: the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin (he placed her voluminous exposition), the Institute of Russian literature (Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences, State archive of literature and art, Lermontov Museum-заповедник "Tarkhany" State literary Musa@
among the project participants — Russian Museum, the Tretyakov gallery, the Historical Museum, the Pushkin Museum to them. A. S. Pushkin all-Russian Museum of A. S. Pushkin, the Russian State and the national library, the State archive of ancient acts, the Military-исторический archive, Theatre Museum. Bakhrushin, the cinema Museum, the state film Fund, the Museum of the Moscow art theatre, the Bolshoi and Maly theatres Rossii@
Source: press-релиз GMF
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