Art Investment

A Luggage storage. Works from the collection of Ivan Isaev

In the gallery "Kultproekt" opened the first exhibition of the VIII festival of contemporary art collections

Gallery "Kultproekt", July 11-31 2014
Moscow, 2nd Obydensky pereulok, 12A

the gallery "Kultproekt" opened the first exhibition of the VIII festival of contemporary art collections — "Camera store. Works from the collection of Ivan Isaev".

Young collector and curator Ivan Isaev considers the practice of collecting as creating and cultivating your own unique storage chamber, in which are accumulated not only "works of art", but also all sorts of related situation, history of acquisitions, meeting people and conversation, the views of artists corresponding to the entire process of emotional, aesthetic and intellectual opyt@

Another aspect, reflected in the exhibition title, — the idea of the mobility of modern art, its partial transition into the digital space. The compact size of exhibits or even their virtuality allow the collector to create their own "Luggage storage" ideas and images in tight spaces. All the works can be considered separately, and combining different semantic ansambli@

works, executed in traditional techniques, graphics, painting, photography, sculpture, object, as well as photos and video, is available on the web platform s[edition].

Artists: Martin brink, WIM Wenders, Aslan Gaisumov, Kate Garkusha, Anya Zholud, Ryoji Ikeda, Constantin Xenakis, Andrey Kuzkin, Reiki Kurokawa, Eduard Kurochkin, Rostislav Lebedev, Jonathan Meeze, Mikhail Molochnikov, Nikolay Nasedkin, Tim noble and sue Webster, the cat Pascal, Vitaly Pushnitsky, Igor Roganic, Sonya Rumyantseva, Dmitry Samodin, Nicholas Saprykin, Natalia Sitnikova, Haim Sokol, Ksenia Sorokina, Nikita Spiridonov, Victor Umnov, Dima Filippov, Damien Hirst, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Jenny Holzer, Mustafa Hulusi, Igor Shelkovsky, Light Shu@


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