Art Investment

An exhibition-sale "Porcelain and glass. Masterpieces of XVIII — XX centuries"

June 5 in the East-European Antique House (CHA) held a solemn opening of the exhibition "Porcelain and glass. Masterpieces of XVIII — XX centuries"

TONIGHT, June 5-30 2014
Moscow, Lomonosovsky PR-т, 29, K. 1

5 June 2014 East-Европейском Antique House (CHA) opened the exhibition-продажа "Porcelain and glass. Masterpieces of EIGHTEENTH - — XX VV@", conducted in partnership with Russian-Немецким House in Moscow and the International Union of German culture with the information support of the "Moscow German Newspaper".

the exhibition includes several thematic sections: "Meissen porcelain of the EIGHTEENTH — XX centuries", "the Western European glass", "Russian porcelain". A special section is devoted to the items from the collection of the family of Alexander Vertinsky, pop idol first half of the twentieth weka@

the exhibition is Based on unique items Dating from the eighteenth century, made at the famous Meissen manufactory, which was the first in Europe began to produce a true hard porcelain for 200 years and is the standard of quality and style. The collection includes the rarest items of the twenties of the eighteenth century — so-called "beautiful period", when the manufacture of Johann Gregor Herold. For example, tea-кофейный set with scenes from Chinese life, the painting which is made on the subjects of Oriental prints. Typical of "early Meissen" are presented at the exhibition teacups with saucers, painted with gold silhouettes and landscape paintings. "Plastic period" in the activities of the Meissen porcelain manufactory, belonging to the mid-eighteenth century, closely connected with the name of Johann Joachim Kaendler. He was able to use in manufacturing excellent plastic properties of porcelain. A popular series of this period — "Monkey orchestra" — funny figures of monkeys-музыкантов who are dressed in the fashion of the time, playing various musical instruments and singing under the direction of conductor. The exhibition shows a set of "Monkey orchestra" of 17 figures, released in the 1950s, — remarkable example of modern Meissen products created by old obrascon@

widely presented At the exhibition objects, created by famous French artists, fine examples of Russian farfara@

Special section is devoted to the items from the collection of the family of Alexander Vertinsky, pop idol first half of the twentieth weka@

just before the official part of the event the participants gave a lecture collector with 15-летним experience, expert in the field of decorative-прикладного art, the expert of the National Institute of Independent Expertise (NYNEX), lecturer at the School of the antique business Levon Martinkovic Datalen, who spoke about the history of European porcelain, the technology of its manufacture and painting, he revealed some secrets for creating objects, characteristic for each of the three previous period stoleti@

the Exhibition was opened by Natalia Hrechkova, the authorized representative of the International Union of German culture, Deputy General Director of CJSC "Mavi". In her speech, she noted the critical role of the exhibition in promoting historical-культурного heritage, uniting the peoples of Russia and Germany but also in Europe celom@

the Founder of the East-Европейского Antique Home Sergei Kimovich unin noted that the main objective of the exhibition — to acquaint the Russian public with the phenomenon of 300-летней popularity and growing interest in products from glass, porcelain, created by famous masters. This fact, in his opinion, due to the fact that "in every work of a true master is present a piece of thin, beautiful soul of its author, and therefore, from these things comes the incredible energy and warmth."

the exhibition was appreciated by not only her guests, but also the Russian Museum experts in the field of glass and porcelain. Specialist in the field of historical Russian and foreign glass, associate Professor in the Department of General art history, RSUH Elena Dolgikh in his speech focused on the highest level and breadth presents a collection of articles from glass, spoke about the unique objects presented in the exhibition from the collection of family Vertinsky@

Art historian, head of the Department of Russian and foreign ceramics of the State Museum of ceramics and "Kuskovo XVIII century" Tatiana mozzhukhina appreciated the objects of the era is most rare, "an early Meissen", forming the basis of the billed kollektsii@

Exhibition-продажа "Porcelain and glass. Masterpieces of XVIII — XX centuries" will run until 30 June 2014. Admission to the exhibition-продажу Svobodny@

the Organizers hope that the collection of glass and China Eastern-Европейского Antique Homes will continue to grow, which will allow to conduct such exhibitions on a regular osnove@

Источник: press-релиз East-Европейского Antique House

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