Art Investment

Exhibition of the group "Chronicle" in St. Petersburg

Group exhibition "Chronicle" Collector's Art Gallery DiDi continues the project on the informal culture of Leningrad in the late 1970s — early 1980s. the exhibition — Elena Figurina, Boris Kozelkov, Timur Novikov and others.

group Exhibition "Chronicle" Collector's Art Gallery DiDi continues the project, dedicated to the informal culture of Leningrad in the late 70-х — the early 80-х years of the last century. Like the group of "alipio", "Chronicle" brought together like-minded people who do not recognize the authorities of the Soviet regime over the individual and, as a consequence, over iskusstva@

the memories of most participants, "Chronicle" appeared in 1977 through the initiative of Boris Koshelkov. Like his "teacher" to Clover (Valery Clover), Koshelkov gathered around him followers that after his departure to Italy in 1978, continued the group's operations. During 1978-1981 "chroniclers" were actively involved in residential, street, visiting exhibitions, as well as persevered official shows. According to E. figurines, "Chronicle" has ceased to exist in 1981, when the formation of larger partnerships (TEII) was swallowed by a separate group, including "alipio" and "racing". According to B. Koshelkov, internal cohesion "Chronicle" lost in 1978 and continued to exist only formaline@

the band's music is interesting in that it keeps and develops the principles of "gazanevskaya" non-conformism, which upholds the idea of freedom in art and individual artistic search. Unlike "Alypy," where participants received professional art education, "Chronicle" United self-taught, was conscious of an inner need to paint. Lack of education has played an important role in the creative development, since it was initially released from the canons of figurative language and developed aesthetic schemes. Made B. Koshelkov postulate "soul to write anything and in any way" seemed to be most adequate expression of the principle of non-conformism in art and allowed to experiment with finding ways of expression. Sincere utterance through a direct splash to the canvas that the artist has experienced and what he suffered, were more concerned with the art of "Chronicle" with the tradition of expressionism, which became important to taper the subsequent creation of the "chroniclers". Years later, being in Holland, B. Koshelkov enthusiastically bought books about close neo-экспрессионизму European movement "Cobra". Converted compared with the early period of expressionism manifested in the future work of E. figurines, in art Novikov @ & mdash; on stage, "New artists".

of Course, the "Chronicle" — is primarily early work of such important personalities in the Leningrad non-conformism as B. Koshelkov, T. Novikov, Elena Figurina. Of the eleven participants, only they made painting his profession, leading practice jizni@

For several reasons information about other artists associations is extremely scarce. It is known that in the Nina Alexeeva, Michael Goroshko, Alexander Vasiliev, Nelly Poletaeva, Kira Stepanova, Irina Tikhomirova, Rita Utekhina, Leonid Fedorov. Many of them stopped painting classes for personal reasons, mainly immediately after the group disbanded. Paintings began to diverge in the late 70-х years: were given, sold, thrown away. One of the most talented "chroniclers", according to other participants, Michael Goroshko destroyed all of his work in 1990, when I made the decision to permanently leave the painting. As a result, today it is impossible to fully reconstruct the artistic material of which more than thirty years ago formed the group "Chronicle". Each participant is represented by those compositions which have been found, — sometimes only a little graphic work or an old slide of the painting, as in the case of Nelly Poletaeva@

you Need to save at least these scraps of history, otherwise we risk forever losing interesting and original phenomenon, influenced the formation of artistic culture Leningrada@

Source: press-релиз Collector's Art Gallery DiDi

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