Art Investment

Moscow abstract artists on display at the Central House of Artists

Central House of Artists and gallery "New Era" presents an exhibition of abstract painting Ruben Apresian, Igor Terekhov, Helena Bezborodova etc.

CHA, April 30 - May 11, 2014
Ul. Krimsky Val , 10, Hall 13

Central House of Artists and gallery "New Era" presents an exhibition of abstract painting contemporary Moscow artists . Next to artists whose paintings are in the best museums in Russia, his work at the court of the artistic community and present young authors . A variety of manners and preferences in the transmission of artistic pursuit and visions will allow the viewer to follow the current trends of development of abstract art in Russia .

Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »
Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »

Muscovites Ruben Apresian - son of the sculptor and musician , naturally synthesizes music and fine texture of scenic resources , bringing a special artistic sound in his paintings . And this identity appreciated by not only the artistic community , but museum staff : Ruben Apresian paintings are in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin State Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of the East in Moscow , the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg .

IGOR < br /> Igor Terekhov
Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »
Igor Terekhov
Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »
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Igor Terekhov has long sees himself only in abstraction. He exhibited his works at exhibitions of " the Way. Abstraction on the threshold of the new century "," Counter - avant-garde , "" pure abstraction "," Abstraction in Russia , the twentieth century ... ". The last of these exhibitions was held in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, whose collection includes paintings by Igor Terekhov .

ELENA Bezborodova
Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »
ELENA < br /> ELENA Bezborodova
Source : Press Release gallery " New Era »

Elena Bezborodova sculptor exquisitely classical forms . At first glance , perhaps not so combined company , but it is necessary to see these sculptures in the medium of abstract works in order to feel more clearly the dignity not only sculptures, but also paintings. Harmonious mutual complementarity and enrichment . Helena Bezborodova work long out of enclosed spaces showrooms, homes and offices and majestically adorn parks , plazas and memorials .

Together with Ruben Apresjan , Igor Terekhov and Elena Bezborodova in exhibition shows Dmitry Gunmen Hovakim Sehposyan , Bodyanskiy , Elena Vecherina Armen Adilkhanyan , Alexey Potapov, Anastasia Starovojtova Galina Nazariti , Sergei Kupriyanov , Inna Ivanova , Andrey Vishnevsky , Mikhail Kuprikov Zarina Kabulova and other authors .

Source : press Release gallery " New Era »

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