Art Investment

"Biennale 2014". Current exhibitions

In "Manezh" exhibition opened Vladimir Lagrange, Philip Jones Griffiths, Rene Burri, Andre Kertesz and Alexander Lapin

The Tenth International Photography Month in Moscow "Biennale 2014" Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" exhibition opened a number of outstanding domestic and foreign photographers . Biennale program can be found here .

Andre Kertesz . Double life

"Manezh ", April 2 - May 9, 2014

Andre Kertesz - a key figure in the history of photography , his talent was recognized by many contemporary photographers, including Henri Cartier- Bresson . Experimenting with different currents - surrealism , constructivism , humanism , often referring to them earlier than most followers of these movements, Andre Kertesz always remained true to his guiding principle : " I ​​do what I feel ».

at the heart of the exhibition " Double life", consisting of 189 modern prints made in the technique of silver - gelatin print - negatives from the collection of Andre Kertesz . The exposition is arranged so as to cover the most vivid and detailed and reflect all periods of art : Hungarian (1912-1925) ; French (1925-1936) ; New York (1936-1962) ; international recognition period (1962-1985).

More about the exhibition André Kertész read here .

Rene Burri . Retrospective

"Manezh ", April 2 - May 9, 2014

The Tenth international Photography Month Mumm is a retrospective of one of the greatest photographers of the agency " Magnum" - Rene Burri .

Rene Burri
Che Guevara smoking a cigar . From the series " Interview with the Minister of Industry for the magazine Look». Havana , 1963
gelatin silver print
Source :
 Rene Burri Rohtas Fort , West Pakistan . 1963
Rene Burri
Rohtas Fort , West Pakistan .
1963 gelatin silver print
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Many pictures Rene Burri are now classics of the world pictures, a sort of icon of the XX century - this portrait of a young Che Guevara smoking a cigar in his mouth, and a group of people on the roof of a skyscraper , and portraits of Le Corbusier and Pablo Picasso. He traveled around the world , highlighting the most important events in the history of the second half of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century .

More about the exhibition René Burri read here .

Philip Jones Griffiths . Memories

"Manezh ", April 2 - May 9, 2014

Exhibition classics of the world photo essay , the president of the legendary photo agency "Magnum" in the period from 1980 to 1985 , Philip Jones Griffiths . The most famous he received during the military operation photojournalist . "Since nobody Goya portrayed the war as Philip Jones Griffiths ," - wrote about him , Henri Cartier-Bresson . A Journal Times called his book «Vietnam Inc» « best work in the genre of photo essay about war ever published ." In 2007, Philip Jones Griffiths was awarded the prestigious prize for achievements in the field of photojournalism at the Fifth Annual Lucie Awards ceremony in New York .

Opponents of nuclear program demonstrate its possible consequences , waterfront. London , 1962
Courtesy of the Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation and Trolley Books
© Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation
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soldier behind the shield . Northern Ireland , 1973
Courtesy of the Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation and Trolley Books
© Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation
Source : ​​

The exhibition " Memories " presented a number of previously unknown images taken in the UK in the 1950s and 70s . Photos are dedicated socio-political life and tell including the landmark events of British history the second half of the twentieth century. Griffiths shot equally accurately and expressively as members of the group "The Beatles" in Liverpool , and miners in Wales, as marches " CND " in London , and funeral procession in Northern Ireland .

read more about the exhibition Philip Jones Griffiths read here .

Vladimir Lagrange . Thaw

"Manezh ", April 2 - May 9, 2014

Exhibition "Thaw" outstanding Soviet and Russian photojournalist , classic domestic photography Vladimir Lagrange . His works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Italy , Great Britain, Switzerland, Australia .

Vladimir Lagrange
solfeggio . 1969 Mumm Collection

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Vladimir Lagrange
Goalkeeper . 1961 Mumm Collection

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Lagrange - participant of international exhibitions and competitions : the International Exhibition in Budapest (1963), " Seasons Russian photographers " in Milan (2003), organized by the Museum" Moscow House of Photography " , and many others ; the recipient of numerous professional awards and medals , including the highest award of the professional guild of photographers and the Union of Journalists "Golden Eye" . Over the years, Vladimir Lagrange cooperated with domestic and foreign publications " Literary newspaper ", " Komsomolskaya Pravda " , magazines "The Soviet Union », «Paris Match», «Freie Welt»; as well as news agencies TASS, APN , «Sipa Press». In 1987, among the 100 photographers from around the world participated in the creation of the book " One Day in the Life of the Soviet Union ", published in the United States .

More about the exhibition Vladimir Lagrange read here .

Alexander Lapin . Stealing Time

"Manezh ", April 2 - May 9, 2014

works of Alexander Lapina are in the collections of the State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin in Moscow, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston , The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, DC , in private collections and galleries. He has participated in exhibitions around the world including Russia , Germany, Sweden , Denmark, Finland , France, UK , USA, etc. For five years , from 1992 to 1997 was a member of the Commission of the State Prize in the field of fine arts at the President Russian Federation .

Alexander Lapin
globe . 1986 Private collection

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Alexander Lapin
Kazansky railway station . 1982
Mumm Collection /Foundation and E. Yu Rybczynski Gladkova
Source : ​​

But the most important thing was that Alexander I. Lapin was a born teacher. More than thirty years he engaged in teaching photography, actually replacing the missing in Russia photoschool first by correspondence at the People's University of Arts ( ZNUI ) , then organized them in the studio art photography at the House of Culture of Moscow State University , then at the Faculty of Journalism and finally , in the famous School of Lapin . At various times, students were Alexander Lapin Igor Mukhin, Gennady Bodrov , Alexander Sorin , Pavel Smertin , Dmitry Kostjukov and many others .

More about the exhibition Alexander Lapin read here .

Source : press release Mumm

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